100字范文 > 等效线性化 equivalent linearization英语短句 例句大全

等效线性化 equivalent linearization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-02 19:59:37


等效线性化 equivalent linearization英语短句 例句大全

等效线性化,equivalent linearization

1)equivalent linearization等效线性化

1.Study ofequivalent linearization methods for inelastic analysis of structures;结构弹塑性等效线性化方法的研究

2.Marc,DuncanChang model for static nonlinear elastic analysis andequivalent linearization model for nonlinear dynamic analysis of multi-layer soils are added,and two examples are calculated to verify the reliability of the redevelopment.HYPELA,添加了多层土的静力Duncan-Chang本构关系模型和动力等效线性化本构关系模型,并通过两个算例验证了本文二次开发的可靠性。

3.The precision of eight existingequivalent linearization methods to be used to obtain the input energy spectra is evaluated by time history analysis using 40 earthquake records from different sites.选择了被认为精度较高或者有关规范中建议的8种等效线性化方法,以4种场地土条件下40条强震记录为输入,通过时程分析方法对各种等效线性化方法计算弹塑性SDOF系统能量谱的精度进行了分析。


1.Calculating results show that the assumption of equivalent linearization is rational and feasible.结果表明,采用等效线性化的假设是合理可行的。

2.A Note on the Equivalent Linearization Method for OneDegreeofFreedom Nonlinear Oscilaters;关于单自由度非线性谐迫振动等效线性化方法的注记

3.Modified Equivalent Liner Computional Model and Application in Dynamical Analyse of Seabed-Wave-Structure Coupling System;改进的等效线性化计算模型及在结构—波浪—海床耦合系统动力分析中的应用

4.equivalent impedance of nonlinear element非线性元件等效阻抗

5.Study of the discontinuity equivalent circuit model for asymmetric stripline偏心带状线不连续性等效电路的研究

6.Analysis of Discontinuity Equivalent Circuit Model for Asymmetric Stripline非对称带状线不连续性等效电路分析

7.Research of Basic Theory and Nonlinear Phenomena in Plasma Antennas;柱形等离子体天线的基本原理、天线中谐波与非线性效应研究

8.The Characteristic Teaching Experiment Study of the Geography Equivalent Line in the Senior High School高中地理等值线个性化教学实验研究

9.Research on Valid Inequalities and Cutting Planes in Integer (Mixed) Linear Programming;整数线性规划中有效不等式与割平面研究

10.Discuss for Equivalent Transforming of Symmetric Linear Register Circuits;关于对称线性电阻电路等效变换的探讨

11.The Simple Calculation of Liner Source-free T-Ⅱ network Equivalent Transformation;线性无源T—Ⅱ网络等效变换公式的简单推导

12.Identification for effective module of MICE coupling magnetMICE超导耦合磁体线圈等效弹性模量辨识

13.Equivalent Linearly Rotating Plates Constructed by Variable Plates可变波片构造等效线性可转波片的研究

14.Equivalent Linear Identification Method of Two-dimensional Dynamic Wind Load for Gueyed Mast桅杆结构二维动力风荷载的等效线性识别方法

15.Pharmacokinetics and relative bioavailability of modified-release tablets of potassium chloride in healthy volunteers氯化钾缓释片健康人体的生物等效性

16.Transmission Performance Analysis of Radomes Based on Multilayer Thin-Dielectric-Sheets Equivalent Model基于多层薄介质片等效模型的天线罩传输性能高效数值分析

17.Establish linear programming model for benefit optimization of "per ton chlorine";建立线性规划模型 优化“吨氯”效益

18.overall line equivalent整个线路的等效电路


equivalent linearization method等效线性化

1.Theequivalent linearization method is widely used in nonlinear dynamics, especially for qualitative analysis.提出了一种改进的等效线性化方法。

3)equivalent linear method等效线性化

1.Summarization onequivalent linear method of seismic responses for soil layers;土层地震反应等效线性化方法综述

2.It also researchesequivalent linear method of bilinear mode under the acting of simple harmonic load and earthquake load.文章还研究了双线型模型在简谐荷载和地震荷载作用下的等效线性化方法,同时提出了在地震作用下峰值等效的两点等效方法。

3.This paper showed the theory background ofequivalent linear methods considering frequency dependent soil properties and proposed a new method.工程场地非线性地震反应分析中,等效线性化方法的原理相对简单、参数获取方便而得到广泛应用。

4)equivalent linearization method等效线性化法

1.The paper analyses the viscidity damp bilinear hysteresis metal rubber material model withequivalent linearization method, gets the variety rule of damping and stiffness.采用等效线性化法来分析金属橡胶粘性阻尼双线性迟滞模型,得出了新的等效刚度与阻尼的变化规律,并用金属橡胶阻尼板简支结构谐振实验进行了验证,为金属橡胶材料的运用提供了依据。

2.By combiningequivalent linearization method with harmonic balancing technique,the approximate analytic response was obtained.将等效线性化法与谐波平衡法相结合,求出了系统的近似解析响应。

5)equivalent linearization等效线性化法

1.The motion equation of A single-degree-of-freedom and non-smooth system with delayed feedback terms is solved using theequivalent linearization method,and the bifurcation diagram and Poincare maps are used to analyze the dynamic behavior of the system.采用了非线性延迟反馈控制混沌的方法,运用等效线性化法对加入延迟反馈的单自由度非光滑系统微分方程进行解析求解,利用分岔图和Poincaré映射图分析了系统的动力学行为,揭示了延迟反馈对系统的混沌运动具有很好的控制效果。

6)equivalent linearization method等效线性化方法

1.Duffing system was linearized byequivalent linearization method based on energy difference,then,the random response of the linear system was solved by combining the pseudo excitation method and four-order symplectic geometry algorithm.以能量差为基础的等效线性化方法来线性化Duffing系统,然后结合虚拟激励法和四阶辛差分格式来求解线性系统的随机响应问题,从而得到了一套高效高精度求解动力系统随机响应的方法。

2.Several differentequivalent linearization methods including AASTO,JPWRI,and California standards and the experiential formulae suggested by Hwang,Iwan and Jara on the LRB-bridges design were discussed.对LRB桥梁设计领域中流行的几种等效线性化方法进行了研究。


