100字范文 > 壳液耦合系统 Fluid-shell coupled system英语短句 例句大全

壳液耦合系统 Fluid-shell coupled system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-05 02:02:54


壳液耦合系统 Fluid-shell coupled system英语短句 例句大全

壳液耦合系统,Fluid-shell coupled system

1)Fluid-shell coupled system壳液耦合系统

1.The 3-D shapes of gravity waves in rectangular elastic fluid-shell coupled system are presented to realize the untouched measurement of the fluid large deformation.为了测量矩形弹性壳液耦合系统中的重力波的三维外形,实现大变形液体的非接触测量,使用激振器时矩形弹性壳液耦合系统在水平方向进行激振,得到大幅低频重力波。

2.The theory and experiment about gravity waves in a rectangular elastic fluid-shell coupled system are presented in this paper.根据非线性动力学理论,建立了矩形壳液耦合系统的非线性振动方程组,通过数值求解,发现当激振频率为壳体固有频率与重力波频率之和,且激振力足够大时,会产生大幅低频重力波。


1.Study on Gravity Waves Phenomena in Rectangular Fluid-shell Coupled System;矩形壳液耦合系统中重力波现象研究

2.Analysis of Low-frequency and Large-amplitude Waves in Rectangular Liquid-elastic Shell Coupled System;矩形壳液耦合系统低频大幅波的分析

3.The Analysis and Measurement of the Gravity Waves in Fluid-shell Coupled System曲面壳液耦合系统重力波分析及测量

4.Mechanism of Low-frequency Large-amplitude Gravity Waves in Coupled Liquid and Cylindrical Elastic Shell System;弹性壳液耦合系统低频大幅重力波的研究

5.Study on Revolving Gravity Waves in Liquid-Elastic Shells Coupled System;壳液耦合系统中旋转重力波现象的研究

6.A coupler drive system for pumping unit is developed by using the theory of hydraulic drive of coupler.运用耦合器液力传动原理,研制成功抽油机耦合器传动系统。

7.The Flow Behavior Study of the Liquid-Solid Coupled Micropump System for Boichips;生物芯片微流体泵液固耦合系统流动特性研究

8.Vibration Characteristics of Unsteady-fluid-filled Pipe System and Vibration Restrain;非恒定流充液管系统耦合振动特性及振动抑制

9.Dynamic characteristic analysis of elastic fluid-filled tank considering liquid sloshing弹性结构与晃动液体耦合系统的动力特性分析

10.The fluid-solid coupling dynamic characteristic study of piping system for submarines潜艇管路系统固液耦合动力特性研究(英文)

11.Dynamic model of energy coupling effect about the boom system of truck crane汽车起重机变幅系统机液耦合动力学建模

12.Characteristics of Power Flow and Sound Radiation in Cylindrical Shell-Fluid System Considering Hydrostatic Pressure静压条件下圆柱壳—流场耦合系统振动功率流和声辐射特性研究

13.SD-pair Shell Model Study of U(5)←→O(6) for Two-fluid SystemSD对壳模型下质子中子耦合系统U(5)←→O(6)相变研究

14.Dynamical Response of Horizontal Liquid-Solid Coupling System and the Motion of Node Radius of Liquid in the Container液固横向耦合系统的动响应及圆柱贮箱中液体节径运动规律研究

15.Coupled Mechanics and Hydraulics Based Simulation for Hydraulic Travel System of Dual Drum Vibratory Compactor基于机液耦合的双钢轮振动压路机行走液压系统仿真

16.Study on Radiated Acoustic Field of Oil Pan by Liquid-Solid Coupled用液固耦合方法研究柴油机油底壳辐射声场

17.Liquid-solid Coupled Simulation by FEM/BEM of the Radiant Acoustic Noise of Oil Pan;油底壳辐射噪声的FEM/BEM液固耦合仿真研究

18.Recovery of Sodium Hydroxide from Chitin Processing Alkaline Wastewater by Couple-Membrane Techonology甲壳素生产废碱液双膜耦合碱回收技术研究


liquid-elastic shell coupled system壳液耦合系统

1.Analysis of Low-frequency and Large-amplitude Waves in Rectangular Liquid-elastic Shell Coupled System;矩形壳液耦合系统低频大幅波的分析

2.The modes of theliquid-elastic shell coupled system are analysed with FEM method;the results which draw from the analysis with FEM method are well constituent to the result of the experimentation.本文针对圆柱形盛液容器受高频激振产生低频大幅重力波的现象,用有限元法对圆柱形弹性壳体及壳液耦合系统进行了模态分析,得到了壳液耦合系统的主要振型;用有限元法分析所得的模态结果与实验现象及实验模态分析结果有较好的吻合,进一步验证了实验结论的可靠性。

3)fluid-shell coupled壳液耦合

1.The work is a new trial to measure free surface wave influid-shell coupled system, and the experimental results are of significant references for further theoretical study.这是对壳液耦合系统中自由表面波进行实验测试的新尝试,为今后的理论研究提供了可靠的实验数据。

4)rigid-body-fluid interaction problems刚-液耦合系统

1.The generalized variational principles forrigid-body-fluid interaction problems are presented,and the rigid-body are thought to be linked by elastic elements each other.对于由弹性元件连接而成的多刚体系与液体的耦合振动问题,建立了刚-液耦合系统的广义变分原理。

5)rigid-liquid-elastic coupling system刚-液-弹耦合系统

1.The multiple scale method is proposed to analyze the primary resonance of therigid-liquid-elastic coupling system.该文考虑了带弹性帆板与液体燃料的航天器做俯仰运动时刚-液-弹之间的相互耦合作用,采用已推导的刚-液-弹耦合系统非线性动力学方程组,应用多尺度法解析分析耦合系统的液体一阶主共振,利用奇异性理论对分岔方程进行分析,得到多种分岔模式,随后根据该文研究的耦合系统物理系数范围,确定只存在滞后点分岔,表现为幅频曲线软、硬特性的转换现象。

6)liquid solid coupling system液固耦合系统


