100字范文 > 剩余价值的生产 production of surplus value英语短句 例句大全

剩余价值的生产 production of surplus value英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-10 23:39:18


剩余价值的生产 production of surplus value英语短句 例句大全

剩余价值的生产,production of surplus value

1)production of surplus value剩余价值的生产

1.In the process of capitalist development,with the deepening of the labor of the formal and factual subordination to capital,production of surplus value has changed,on the other hand,the changes in theproduction of surplus value has also determined the evolution of labor relations.在资本主义发展进程中,随着劳动对资本的形式上的从属和实际上的从属的深化,剩余价值的生产也在不断变化,而剩余价值生产的变化又决定着劳资关系的演进。


1.Surplus Value Production and Labor-capital Ethics--A Research on the Economic Ethical Thought in Marx s Work " On Capital;剩余价值的生产与劳资伦理——《资本论》经济伦理思想研究

2.A Study on DistributionAccording to Factors of Production, Surplus Value & Exploitation;按生产要素分配、剩余价值的分配与剥削

3.The residual value of a business or property beyond any mortgage thereon and liability therein.财产价值一笔生意或某项财产除去抵押品和负债后的剩余价值

4.Key expressions] labor; production capacity; market share.[关键词]剩余价值;生产力;市场占有率。

5.The Producer Surplus and Rewards Evaluation Model of Human Resource Valu e-Study on Accounting Measure of Human Resource Value and Its Application;人力资源价值计量的生产者剩余及报酬价值模式

6.An Exploration of the Logical Relationship Between Karl Marx sSurplus Value Production and Economic Growth Mode;试探马克思剩余价值生产与经济增长方式的逻辑关系

7.Research on Valuation of Real Estate Companies Based on RIM;基于剩余收益模型的房地产企业价值评估研究

8.Book Value, Residual Income and Market Valuation: An Empirical Research on Value-Relevance of Accounting Information;净资产、剩余收益与市场定价:会计信息的价值相关性

9.System Method and Comparative Surplus Value Theory--A Discussion on the System Method Used in the Fourth Piece of Das Kapital Book One系统方法与相对剩余价值生产理论——《资本论》第一卷第四篇中系统方法的探讨

10.Contemporary Inspiration of Marx′s Relative Surplus Value Theory;马克思相对剩余价值理论的当代启示

11.Zhuo Jiong s Theory of Surplus-Value and Dual Character of Market Economy;卓炯的剩余价值观与市场经济二重性

12.Reform and Opening-An Enormous Innovation to the Theory of Surplus Value;改革开放对剩余价值理论的巨大创新

13.Brief Expounding the Academic Value and Developing Basis of the Theory of Surplus Value;论剩余价值理论的学术价值及其发展依据

14.SCORE [special claim on residual equity]对剩余财产净值的特别要求权[

15.Human Capital Property Right and Claim for Firm s Residence;人力资本产权价值与企业剩余索取权归属研究

16.the failure of crops to produce a marketable surplus.庄稼不能生产可卖的剩余产品。

17.The Dynamic Game between Sports Consumers and Producers for Surplus and Its Influences on the Comprehensive Performances of Sports Industries;消费者剩余与生产者剩余的博弈及其对体育产业综合效益的影响

18.Interest accrued from the money left in my saving account.我储蓄户头里剩余的存款产生利息。


Surplus value production剩余价值生产

3)the process of surplus production剩余价值生产过程

4)the vitality of the doctrine of surplus val剩余价值学说的生命力

5)Assignment of surplus value剩余价值的让渡

6)Surplus Value剩余价值

1.On deepening and developing Marx s surplus value theory;如何深化和发展马克思剩余价值理论

2.On the theory of surplus value distribution in the contemporary society;当代社会剩余价值分配理论探析


