100字范文 > 教育伦理思想 Educational Ethics Thought英语短句 例句大全

教育伦理思想 Educational Ethics Thought英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-03 17:29:05


教育伦理思想 Educational Ethics Thought英语短句 例句大全

教育伦理思想,Educational Ethics Thought

1)Educational Ethics Thought教育伦理思想

1.On Hu Jintao"sEducational Ethics Thought胡锦涛教育伦理思想探析


1.A new perspective of the ethic education in Analects;《论语》教育伦理思想新探——学生伦理分析

2.The Ethic Orientation:the Practical Responding on the Ideological and Political Education;伦理向度:思想政治教育的现实回应

3.Noddings Caring Ethics and Caring Theory;诺丁斯的关怀伦理学与关怀教育思想

4.Value of the Confucianists ethics in modern ideological and political education;儒家伦理思想在现代思想政治教育中的价值

5.Research on Confucian Ethic Idea and Moral Education in Contemporary Higer School;儒家伦理思想与当代高校德育教育研究

6.The Ethical Dilemma in the Moral Management of the Ideological Education Work of Colleges and Universities;道德管理中高校思想教育工作存在的伦理困境

7.《Analects》Medium of Virtuous Teach Thought and High School Student s Education for All-round Development of Relation;《论语》中的伦理思想与中学生素质教育的关系

8.The Ethical Thought of Modern Neo-Confucianism and Modern Moral Education.;现代新儒学伦理道德思想与现代道德教育

9.Harmony,the ethic value orientation of college students ideological and political education;和谐:大学生思想政治教育的伦理价值取向

10.The Mental Education of Undergraduate under View of Ethic Decision-making;伦理决策视角下的大学生思想政治教育

11."Growing" in "Situation" : on Dewey s Ethic and Moral Education;在“境遇”中“生长”——论杜威的伦理与道德教育思想

12.The wisdom of Taoist ethics in Ideological and Political Education in the use of道家伦理智慧在高校思想政治教育中的运用

13.General EducatioGeneral Education and the Ideology of University--A Study on Allan Bloom s Thoughts about University General Education;通识教育与大学理念——艾伦·布鲁姆大学教育思想研究

14.Showing Bioethics Meaning in Education--Interpretation on the Thoughts of "Three-life Education" in the Universities in Yunnan彰显教育中的生命伦理意蕴——云南高校“三生教育”思想阐释

15.Ethical Theory’s Role in Teaching Moral and Legal Basics;伦理理论在“思想道德教育与法律基础”课教学中的作用

16.Engineering Ethical Education for Doctorate Candidates of Science and Technology;在理工科博士生思想政治教学实践中开展工程伦理教育的探索

17.(3)in was literate in the teaching to pass through the Confucianist clanlaw ethics morals ideological education.(3)在识字教学中贯穿了儒家宗法伦理道德思想教育。

18.Power,thought and enlightenment--On establishment of living ethics identity at Song Dynasty in education field;权力、思想与教化——教育视域中的宋代生活伦理同一性的确立


Family education ethical ideas家庭教育伦理思想

1.In this paper, the author intended to study on ZengGuofan’sFamily education ethical ideas and its modern inspiration.I笔者在本文中着眼于对曾国藩家庭教育伦理思想进行研究,认为在构建社会主义和谐社会的背景下来研究曾国藩家庭教育伦理思想,有着重大的现实意义。


1.Chinese Ethics and Ancient Landscape Painting Scheme;中国伦理思想与古代山水画图式

2.A Brief Introduction of Uygur s Ethics;维吾尔族伦理思想概述(续)

3.A Brief Introduction of Uygur’s Ethics(Part One);维吾尔族伦理思想概述(上)

4)ethnic concepts伦理思想

1.The marriage,family,social norms,social morality,religion and political norms,which play a key role to regularize the daily life of Naxi nationality,are easily found in theethnic concepts of its people.纳西族作为一个富于道德情感和道德传统的民族,在其长期的生产活动和社会活动中形成并发展了具有本民族特点的伦理思想和道德观念。

2.The marriage,family,social norms,social morality,religion and political norms,which play a key role to regularize the daily life of Jingpo nationality,are easily found in theethnic concepts of its people.景颇族伦理思想在景颇族人的恋爱、婚姻、家庭、社会规则、社会公德、宗教和政治生活等诸多方面均有广泛的反映,千百年来在景颇族人们的思想观念和行为操作中起着规范与准则的作用。

5)ethical thoughts伦理思想

1.Theethical thoughts in The German Ideology;《德意志意识形态》中的伦理思想

2.Kutadgu Bilig,a classical literary work in the history of the Uyghur nationality,has richethical thoughts and the perspective of harmony runs through the whole book.《福乐智慧》一书蕴含着丰富的伦理思想,和谐观是贯穿全文的一条主线,具体体现在和谐、有序、知识、知足等四个方面。

6)ethical thought伦理思想

1.Theethical thought of Confucius has two different moral principles,and two different ideas of value.孔子的伦理思想中,包含有两种不同的道德原则(即"亲情"原则和"泛爱"原则)和价值理念(即宗族主义和普遍主义)。

2.Mao Zedong sethical thought is in effect an organic integration of Marxist morals and Chinese traditional ethics.毛泽东伦理思想是马克思主义思想道德与中华民族传统伦理的有机结合。

3.Taking folktales of the Hui nationality in Ningxia as an example,the paper makes an analysis and summarizes family ethics,public ethics and ecologicalethical thought contents in the Hui folktales in Ningxia.以宁夏回族民间故事为例,着重对回族民间故事中所蕴含的家庭伦理、公共伦理和生态伦理思想内容进行了梳理、归纳和概括。


