100字范文 > 学思并重 paying equal attention to both learning and thinking英语短句 例句大全

学思并重 paying equal attention to both learning and thinking英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-06-28 05:22:51


学思并重 paying equal attention to both learning and thinking英语短句 例句大全

学思并重,paying equal attention to both learning and thinking

1)paying equal attention to both learning and thinking学思并重

1.Teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, enlightening and inducing, andpaying equal attention to both learning and thinking are the three teaching principles of Confucius.因材施教、启发诱导、学思并重是孔子的三大教学原则。


1.The Exploration of Not-only-learn-but-also-think Theory in Classical Chinese Teaching;古代汉语“学思并重型”教学理论模式初探

2.Multi-reflection and Multi-advancement of Aesthetics--Some Reflections on "Aesthetics in China and Chinese Aesthetics";美学的多重反思和多元并进——由“美学在中国与中国美学”话题引发的思考

3.And, Lao Zi"s philosophy has an important influnce on Rogers" thinking of psychotherapy.并且.老子哲学对罗杰斯的心理治疗思想.有着重要影响。

4."Laying Equal Stress on Intelligence and Sentiment" Theory of Literary Creational Subject--A Study on ideology of Ci in the Mid-North;才情并重的创作主体论——北宋中期词学思想研究之一

5.A ponder of scientifically constructing punishing and guarding system of universities education,system,and supervision equally emphasized;科学构建高校教育、制度、监督并重惩防体系的思考

6.Administration of the key projects of construction--Taking the key extension projects for amalgamation of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University as a case;重点建设项目管理实践的分析与思考——以福建农林大学合并扩建重点项目为例

7.Valuing Both Science and Humanity to Achieve the Win-win Deal of Harmony and Development--Reflections on the Contemporary College Students Deficiency of Humanistic Qualities;科学与人文并重 和谐与发展双赢——对当代大学生人文素质缺失的反思

8.Paying Attention to Both Morality and Law in Whole-person Education;德法并重 育人为本——关于新颁《普通高等学校学生管理规定》的几点思考

9.Rethinking and Reconstruction:Tax Aspects of Corporate Merger and Acquisition(M&A) in China;反思与重构:我国企业并购税制之检视

10.The Equal Emphasis on Morality and Legalism in Guan Zi《管子》的德法并重思想:一个比较的视角

11.On Guan Zi"s Thoughts of Moral and Law论《管子》“德”“法”并重的治世思想

12.Reflections and Reconfiguration of the Effect Foundation of Coexistence of Debt Assumption并存债务承担的效力依据反思与重构

13.General Remarks on Yu Yi s Viewpoints of the Nature of Chinese;从工具性、思想性统一到工具性、人文性并重——于漪语文学科性质观述评

14.It is important to learn to communicate.学会沟通思想很重要。

15.Philosophic Thinking about“Three Represents Theory”;学习“三个代表”重要思想的哲学思考

16.Study on the Discipline Construction of the Incorporate and Recombinant Research Universities;合并重组的研究型大学学科建设研究

bining Teaching with Practice and Learning History with Reading Maps;教学与实践并重 学史与读图共举

18.The Teaching Structure of Laying Equal Stress on Learning and Teaching by Using Modern Instruction Technology;现代教育技术与“学教并重”的教学结构


"Teaching and research should be paralleled""学术"并重

3)equal priority on learning and instruction学教并重

1.The instructional structure of theequal priority on learning and instruction has proved to be an effective approach on improving.信息技术的发展及其在教育领域的广泛应用,推动着教育信息化的进程,使信息素养成为学生的基本素养之一,而学教并重的教学结构是培养学生信息素养的有效途径。

4)The duality of Literary thought文学思想二重性

5)laying equal stress on academic credential and non-academic credential education学历与非学历并重

6)Equal Stress of Learning and Teaching学教并重的教学结构

1.Application of the Theory ofEqual Stress of Learning and Teaching in Pharmacy Teaching;“学教并重的教学结构”理论在药剂学教学中的应用


