100字范文 > 安徽省科技资源 Scientific and Technological Resources in Anhui Province英语短句 例句大全

安徽省科技资源 Scientific and Technological Resources in Anhui Province英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-19 17:55:06


安徽省科技资源 Scientific and Technological Resources in Anhui Province英语短句 例句大全

安徽省科技资源,Scientific and Technological Resources in Anhui Province

1)Scientific and Technological Resources in Anhui Province安徽省科技资源

2)Resources in Anhui Province安徽省能源

3)Anhui science and technology安徽科技

1.Aimed to provide necessary theories and techniques for the design of the development ofAnhui science and technology development program, the thesis employs the SWOT Analysis method and Cobble-Douglas Model to study the situation in quality and quantity with economic theories.本文立足于为安徽科技发展规划的编制提供必要的理论准备和技术支撑,根据经济学中的相关原理,运用SWOT分析法和柯布—道格拉斯生产函数模型计量法,通过对比分析和统计分析,理论与实践相结合,对安徽科技发展的现状与形势等问题进行了研究,并在此基础上,进一步地提出了“十一五”期间安徽科技发展的指导思想、基本原则、基本思路和总体目标,以及相应的促进安徽科技快速发展的战略性决策。


1.The Situational Analysis and Strategic Research on the Development of Science and Technology in Anhui Province;安徽科技发展的现状分析与战略对策研究

2.Evaluation on S & T Resource Allocation Efficiency in Anhui and Ideas for Constructing Sci-tech Innovation System;安徽科技资源配置效率评价及创新思路

3.Constructing Subject Ecosystem and Establishing Subject Pattern of Local University--Taking Anhui Science and Technology University as an Example构建学科生态系统,奠定地方高校的学科格局——以安徽科技学院为例

4.On an Evaluation on the Performance of Scientific Research in Universities--Taking Anhui Science and Techology University as An Example;普通高校教师科研绩效评价的研究与实践——以安徽科技学院为例

5.A Statistical Analysis of Vertical Research Projects in Local Colleges and Universities--Taking Anhui Science and Technology University as an Example地方高校纵向科研项目统计与分析——以安徽科技学院为例

6.Research and Practice of Application-oriented Engineering Professional Training Model--Taking Anhui Science and Technology University as an Example工程技术专业应用型人才培养研究与实践——以安徽科技学院为例

7.Anhui China-Australia Technology & Further Education College安徽中澳科技继续教育学院

8.SWOT Analysis of Scientific and Technological Innovation for Anhui Automobile Industry;安徽省汽车产业科技创新SWOT分析

9.Study on the Impact and Productivity of Scientific and Technical Papers at Anhui Medical University;安徽医科大学科技论文产出力与影响力研究

10.Probing into Anhui province private science and technology enterprise technology innovation road;安徽省民营科技企业技术创新途径初探

11.Research on GEM Listing Cultivation System of Anhui Non-governmental Technical Enterprises;安徽省民营科技企业创业板上市培育体系研究

12.Analysis on Domestic and External Development Trend of Science and Technology and Its Enlightenment upon Anhui Province;国内外科技发展趋势及其对安徽的启示

13.Constructing a Route Map of Innovation Platform of Agricultural Science and Technology of Anhui Eastbound Development构建安徽东向发展农业科技创新平台的路线图

14.Investigation and Analysis on Psychological Health Status of Scientific and Technical Workers in Anhui Province安徽省科技工作者心理健康状况调查分析

15.The Comparing of Science and Technology Resource Allocation between Anhui Province and Yangtze River Delta安徽省与长三角科技资源配置情况的比较

16.An Empirical Study of Science and Technology Investment and Economic Growth of Anhui Province安徽省科技投入与经济增长的实证研究

17.On the Present Situation of the Scientific and Technical Payoffs Transformation in Universities in Auhui and Countermeasure安徽高校科技成果转化现状分析及对策

18.Research on Development Strategies of Software Product in ANHUI USTC IFLYTEK Co., Ltd.;安徽中科大讯飞信息科技有限公司软件产品发展战略研究


Resources in Anhui Province安徽省能源

3)Anhui science and technology安徽科技

1.Aimed to provide necessary theories and techniques for the design of the development ofAnhui science and technology development program, the thesis employs the SWOT Analysis method and Cobble-Douglas Model to study the situation in quality and quantity with economic theories.本文立足于为安徽科技发展规划的编制提供必要的理论准备和技术支撑,根据经济学中的相关原理,运用SWOT分析法和柯布—道格拉斯生产函数模型计量法,通过对比分析和统计分析,理论与实践相结合,对安徽科技发展的现状与形势等问题进行了研究,并在此基础上,进一步地提出了“十一五”期间安徽科技发展的指导思想、基本原则、基本思路和总体目标,以及相应的促进安徽科技快速发展的战略性决策。

4)sci-tech literature in Anhui Province安徽科技文献

5)Anhui Province安徽省

1.Construction of Risk Assessment Index System for Alien Species inAnhui Province;安徽省外来物种风险评估指标体系的构建

2.Ecological Environment Quality Research ofAnhui Province Based on Principal Component Analysis Method;基于主成分分析法的安徽省生态环境质量研究

3.The cause and features of mountain torrent disaster inAnhui Province;安徽省山洪灾害成因分析


1.Anhui Mineral Resources Current State and Primary Exploration for Sustainable Development;安徽省矿产资源现状与可持续发展初探

2.Growths of the advance in technology withAnhui as an example;安徽省科技进步对农业经济增长影响的实证分析

3.SWOT analysis and strategy choices on household appliance industry inAnhui;安徽省家电业的SWOT分析及策略选择


