100字范文 > 内燃机曲轴 internal combustion engine crankshaft英语短句 例句大全

内燃机曲轴 internal combustion engine crankshaft英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-08 11:20:57


内燃机曲轴 internal combustion engine crankshaft英语短句 例句大全

内燃机曲轴,internal combustion engine crankshaft

1)internal combustion engine crankshaft内燃机曲轴

1.Due to wide application and complicated structure and various function of theinternal combustion engine crankshaft, many problems appear such as forms of vibration diversity and a variety of forms of coupled vibration, which can easily lead to noise and a wide range of vibration problems, and even result in damage to the shaft and the instability of system.内燃机曲轴由于应用范围广泛,结构复杂,功能繁多,所以振动形式多样,并且具有多种耦合振动形式,很容易引发多种振动问题,产生系统轴系的损坏、工作不稳定以及工作噪声等问题。


1.Dynamic Method to Calculate for Shaft Center Trajectory of Bearing of Internal Combustion Engine求解内燃机曲轴—轴承轴心轨迹的动力学方法

2.The Nonlinear Analysis of Coupled Bending and Torsion Vibration of Internal Combustion Engine Crankshaft内燃机曲轴弯扭耦合非线性振动分析

3.Analysis on the Multi-body Dynamics of a Multi-cylinder Engine Crankshaft多缸内燃机曲轴系统多体动力学分析

4.Structural Modal Analysis for the Crankshaft/flywheel component of a 4-cylinder IC Engine四缸内燃机曲轴-飞轮组结构模态分析

5.Wearing of crankshaft journals and crankpin is one of the most key indexes for evaluating the working life of internal combustion engine.内燃机曲轴轴颈的磨损量是衡量内燃机寿命的一个重要指标。

6.Coupling Researches on Tribological and Dynamical Behaviors of the Crankshaft-Bearing System of Internal Combustion Engines;内燃机曲轴-轴承系统摩擦学动力学耦合研究

7.The Single Order Quasi Rigid Body Model of Torsional Vibration Diagnosis for ICE Crankshaft内燃机曲轴角振动诊断的单谐次准刚体模型

8.Refined Method of Modeling ICE Crankshaft-Flywheel for 3-D Vibration Analysis内燃机曲轴的三维振动特性模拟——飞轮细分

9.A "Tent-Dam" Model to Predict Fatigue Reliability of Crankshaft of ICE用“帐篷—堤坝”模型预测内燃机曲轴的疲劳可靠性

10.Development of Portable ICE Fault Diagnosis System Using Crankshaft Angular Vibration Signals便携式内燃机曲轴角振动故障诊断系统研制

11.Practical method for vibration analysis on internal combustion engine crankshaft system内燃机曲轴模型系统振动分析的实用方法

12.Structure Analysis and Material Technology Study of ICE Crankshaft Seal内燃机曲轴密封的结构分析和材料工艺研究

13.Coupling Researches on Dynamics Tribology Stiffness and Strength in the Crankshaft-Bearing System of Internal Combustion Engine;内燃机曲轴—轴承系统动力学摩擦学刚度和强度耦合研究

14.The study of torsional vibration and bending and axial vibration of crankshaft system are summarized in this paper.简单综述了内燃机曲轴扭振、弯振和纵振的研究内容及相关方法。

15.crankcase ,for internal combustion aircraft engines曲轴箱,航空内燃机用

16.Optimization Design of Bearing for Internal Combustion Engine Considering Crankshaft Strength;计及曲轴强度的内燃机轴承优化设计

17.crankcase for compression-ignition internal combustion engines (excl. aircraft)曲轴箱,用于压烯式内燃机(不包括航空用内燃机)

18.The Technical Research of the Forging Crankshaft in the Enging Locomotive;内燃机车柴油机锻钢曲轴的工艺研究


the crankshaft assembly of the internal combustion engine内燃机曲轴轴系

3)locomotive crankshaft内燃机车曲轴

4)engine crankcase oil capacity内燃机曲轴箱机油容量

5)I.C.E. bearing内燃机轴瓦

6)internal combustion engine bearings内燃机轴承

1.Friction and lubrication simulation analysis ofinternal combustion engine bearings are studied.对内燃机轴承摩擦与润滑特性仿真分析方法进行了深入研究 ,提出了从数学建模、分析计算直至仿真结果实现的一整套软件实施方案 。


动力机械:内燃机轴系扭转振动内燃机轴系由钢材或球墨铸铁制成﹐既有弹性﹐又有惯性﹐并有自身的固有频率。在简谐性扭矩的激励下﹐它会产生强迫扭转振动﹐当激励扭矩的频率趋近于轴系的固有频率时﹐扭振振幅急剧增大﹐即出现共振现象。强烈的共振会破坏内燃机的正常工作和各缸的均衡﹐导致齿轮撞击﹑噪声增大﹑功率下降﹑零件损坏﹐甚至断轴。轴系的固有频率 轴系的固有频率取决于轴系的弹性特性和惯性特性。弹性特性以柔度(单位扭矩引起的变形)或刚度(单位弧度变形所需的扭矩)表示。惯性特性以转动惯量表示。柔度和惯量越小﹐固有频率越高。轴系往往不限于一个固有频率。激励扭矩 激励扭矩来源于气缸内的气体压力和往复惯性力﹐是以内燃机工作周期为基本周期的扭矩﹐可以分解为若干简谐扭矩。往复惯性力在高频时甚小﹐可以略而不计。对于轴系扭振起激振作用的﹐主要是气缸内气体压力所形成的扭矩(见内燃机动力学)。在船舶内燃机轴系上还存在螺旋桨不均匀受力所形成的激励扭矩。轴系将出现共振时的内燃机转速称为临界转速。当无阻尼轴系处于共振时﹐其振幅会无限增大。但是﹐实际上总是存在阻尼的﹐当阻尼所耗的功与激励扭矩给轴系的功相等时﹐振幅就不再增大。当轴系的共振振幅或扭振的附加应力大于许用值时就必须采取振幅消减措施。这些措施大致有﹕避免在临界转速及其附近连续运转﹔通过改变轴系的弹性特性或惯性特性来改变其固有频率﹔通过改变内燃机的点火次序以减小轴系的激励功﹔在轴系中加装扭振消减装置﹐以加大其阻尼功。常用的扭振消减装置有干阻式减振器和液阻式减振器﹑内阻式减振器和摆式减振器。
