100字范文 > 知识创新社区 knowledge and innovation community英语短句 例句大全

知识创新社区 knowledge and innovation community英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-07 05:33:20


知识创新社区 knowledge and innovation community英语短句 例句大全

知识创新社区,knowledge and innovation community

1)knowledge and innovation community知识创新社区

1.Social shaping of regional innovation paradigm——case from europe building up "knowledge and innovation community"区域创新范式的社会形塑——以欧洲“知识创新社区”的建立为例


1.Social shaping of regional innovation paradigm--case from europe building up "knowledge and innovation community"区域创新范式的社会形塑——以欧洲“知识创新社区”的建立为例

2.Knowledge Cluster and Regional Innovative Capability:A View from Social Cognit ion;知识集聚与区域创新能力:一个社会认知的视角

3.Innovation 2.0:Democratizing Innovation in Knowledge Society创新2.0:知识社会环境下的创新民主化

4.A Research on the Coupling of Regional Knowledge Innovation with Technological Innovation;区域知识创新与技术创新耦合的研究

5.Research on the Patent Protection of Knowledge Innovation in the Transformation of Social Knowledgefication社会知识化转型中知识创新专利保护研究

6.The Knowledge and Information Service for Constructing a Creative Type Society;应对建设创新型社会的知识信息服务

7.Social functions of academic journals in the system of knowledge innovation;知识创新体系中学术期刊的社会功能

8.Impact of Knowledge Spillovers of FDI and International Trade on Regional Innovation;FDI、国际贸易知识溢出与区域创新

9.Facing the Knowledge Economy and Constructing the Regional Innovation System;面向知识经济 建设区域创新体系

10.Research on the Appraisal of Knowledge Absorptive Capacity in Regional Innovation System区域创新系统中知识吸收能力的评价

11.Knowledge Creation,Agglomeration and Regional Economic Growth知识创新、产业集聚与区域经济增长

12.Survey on Knowledge and Behaviors of Early Detection of Cancer among Residents in Pudong New Areas浦东新区社区居民肿瘤知识与行为知晓率调查

13.Deng Xiaoping’s Innovative Recognition in the Intellectuals’ Social Value;邓小平在认识知识分子社会价值上的创新

14.Deng Xiaoping Talks about Social Position of Intellectuals;邓小平认识知识分子社会地位的方法创新

15.Study on the Regional Innovation of National High-tech Zone Based on the Knowledge Flowing of Enterprises;基于企业知识流动的国家高新区区域创新研究

16.The transfer of research results shall result in value for the community and contribute to the transformation of Hong Kong and the region to a knowledge-intensive and innovation-led society.研究成果的转移,将有利于社会,并协助香港及亚太地区转化为知识型和由创新科技主导的社会。

17.The Research on Organization Innovation based on enterprises Knowledge theory;组织创新:基于知识与知识创新的研究

18.The Research on Knowledge Innovation and Regional Economic Disparities in China;中国区域知识创新能力与区域发展差异研究


regional knowledge innovation区域知识创新

1.A Research on the Coupling of Regional Knowledge Innovation with Technological Innovation;区域知识创新与技术创新耦合的研究

2.Under circumstance of informatization of manufacturing industries,regional knowledge innovation is enforced obviously.强化区域知识创新是新经济形势下提高区域竞争能力的关键。

3)knowledge innovation知识创新

1.Economic decision-making for supplier pricing inknowledge innovation;协同知识创新中供应商的定价策略

2.Research onknowledge innovation and transformation mechanism of shipping enterprises based on entropy theory;基于熵理论的船舶企业知识创新与转移机理研究

3.Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Knowledge Innovation;先进制造技术与知识创新

4)innovation of knowledge知识创新

1.And it analyses the relation of theinnovation of knowledge,teaching of knowledge and education of creativity.根据多年来的教学、科研实践以及对中、外高校工程管理专业教学、科研情况的考察,论述了以工程实践为背景的科学研究对本科教学及师资培养的意义,分析了知识创新、知识传授与创造性教育的关系,通过在知识创新与教学实践中的体验,提出了具有创造力的人才必须在教学与科研结合的条件下才能培养出来的观点。

2.We try to put forward the concept ofinnovation of knowledge, which is based on OCED s classification of knowledge, and discuss its features.本文基于OCED对知识的分类 ,试图将know -what与know -why类知识归入基础研究领域 ,将know -how类知识主要归入科技应用领域 ,know -who类知识归入知识产权领域 ,从而对知识创新的概念与特征进行探讨 ,并进一步提出社会控制的概念。

5)knowledge creation知识创新

1.Model and the promoting factors of learning enterprise sknowledge creation;学习型企业知识创新的模式与推进因素

2.The Key Factors Analysis of the Cooperative R&D Based Knowledge Creation Management;合作研发知识创新管理关键因素分析

3.Aiming at the problems, according to the work process ofknowledge creation team, this paper put forward the demand of Team Creation Support System (TCSS).针对我国制造行业机械产品研究与开发团队的创新过程目前普遍缺乏有力的创新支持手段的现状,根据知识创新团队的工作过程,提出了团队创新支持系统的需求,设计了团队创新支持系统的体系结构,并分析了系统对机械产品研究与开发团队的支持过程。


1.The proposal of building a powerful country by science and education,and knowledgeinnovation creates an unprecedented trend of building "college town" among colleges and universities.在国家“科教兴国”战略、“知识创新”工程大背景之下,我国高校校园建设呈现出前所未有的热潮。

2.administrative departments in charge of scientific research in institutions of higher learning are an integral part of theinnovation system in the institutions.高校科研管理部门和图书馆是高校知识创新体系的重要组成部分,面向知识创新的高校科研信息服务系统的构建,旨在探索建立一个以科研管理为中心,以科研人员为主体的专业化、课题化信息服务平台,使科研人员在创新研究的各个阶段都能快捷、方便地获取科研信息。

3.Industrial clusters provide community enterprises with an important learning andinnovation environment, because the enterprise net formed by industrial clusters facilitates knowledge sharing among enterprises, and face-to-face communication is the best medium for tacit knowledge sharing and communication.产业集群为区内企业学习与创新提供了重要的环境条件,因为集群形成的企业网络,促进了企业之间的知识共享,面对面交流是模糊知识共享与交流的最好媒介,频繁的互动增强了相互信任,为知识创新提供了丰富的社会资源,基于市场的集群分工,为企业创新提供了激励。


