100字范文 > 城镇溪流 urban stream英语短句 例句大全

城镇溪流 urban stream英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-13 04:37:05


城镇溪流 urban stream英语短句 例句大全

城镇溪流,urban stream

1)urban stream城镇溪流

2)town river城镇河流

1.With the development of society and economy, the mankind carried on the multiple target, omnibearing, large scale and high frequency intervention to thetown river, which destruct the health oftown river ecosystem.城镇河流是城镇生存和发展必不可少的要素,在城镇及周边地区的经济发展和生态保护中,都有十分重要的地位。


1.The River Eutrophication of Yangtza Delta"s Small Towns and Bioremediation;长三角小城镇河流富营养化及其生物修复

2.Research on Establishment and Evaluation of Ecological Slope Protection System of Town River;城镇河流生态护坡系统的建立及评价研究

3.Pollution of the Nutrients and the Heavy Metals in River Sediments from Small Towns, Shanghai;上海市郊小城镇河流沉积物营养盐与重金属污染研究

4.Potential Biological Toxicity Assessment on the Pollution of Heavy Metals in Fluvial Sediment in Chongqing重庆市城镇河流沉积物重金属污染的潜在生物毒性评价

5.These rivers join at that town.这些河流在那城镇汇流。

6.A town at the convergence of two rivers.位于两条河流交点处的城镇

7.The History Process and Developing Mechanisms of the Cities in The Inland River Basin--Taking the Heihe River Basin as a Case内陆河流域城镇发展的历史过程与机制——以黑河流域为例

8.Construction Planning for the Town-level Sewerage Treatment Projects in Xiaoqing River Basin;小清河流域城镇污水处理工程建设规划

9.The Primary Study on the Oasis Urban Scale Around Hexi Corridor in Qing Dynasty;清代内陆河流域绿洲城镇规模初步研究——以河西走廊为中心

10.Urban dvelopment based on soil and water resource constraint in kaidu-Kongque Basin of Xinjiang基于水土资源约束的新疆开都河—孔雀河流域城镇发展研究

11.The Belt Town Cluster Urbanization Development Level Of The Upper Reaches Of Yellow River Is Studied;黄河上游带状城镇群城镇化发展研究

12.The two towns are linked by a canal.两个城镇有运河相连。

13.Research on the Ecological Construction of Towns Based on the Relations between Towns and River System--Case Study on Lantian County in Bahe River Basin基于城—河关系的城镇生态化建设研究——以关中地区灞河流域蓝田县为例

14.Nowadays we try to keep our rivers free of town and factory waste.现在我们努力使河流不受城镇和工厂废物的污染。

15.Later Babylonian maps show streams, valleys, and the layout of towns.晚期的巴比伦地图标示了河流、山谷以及城镇的分布。

16.Relationship between the Urbanization Process and the Regional Ecological Responses in the Arid Inland Basins of the Northwest China;西北干旱区内陆河流域城镇化过程与区域生态环境响应关系研究

17.Evaluation on Ecological Security of Land Resources in Towns--A Case Study of Maotiao River,Guizhou Province;小城镇土地生态安全评价研究——以贵州省猫跳河流域为例

18.Study on Enhancing Bio-remediation of Slightly-polluted River in Small Upland City and Town of the West of China西部山区小城镇微污染河流生物强化修复试验研究


town river城镇河流

1.With the development of society and economy, the mankind carried on the multiple target, omnibearing, large scale and high frequency intervention to thetown river, which destruct the health oftown river ecosystem.城镇河流是城镇生存和发展必不可少的要素,在城镇及周边地区的经济发展和生态保护中,都有十分重要的地位。

3)Small stream town溪镇

4)debris flow in mountain urban area城镇泥石流

1.Many peoples have been killed and a great number of properties have been heavily losed bydebris flow in mountain urban area in China.我国城镇泥石流灾害造成的人员伤亡和财产损失极为严重。

5)Shaxi historical village沙溪古镇

6)Shazhenxi Formation沙镇溪组

1.Discovery of stonewort fossils from the bottom ofShazhenxi Formation in Xietan,Zigui,Hubei Province;湖北秭归泄滩沙镇溪组底部轮藻化石的发现


