100字范文 > 累积频率 cumulative frequency英语短句 例句大全

累积频率 cumulative frequency英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-10 20:15:45


累积频率 cumulative frequency英语短句 例句大全

累积频率,cumulative frequency

1)cumulative frequency累积频率

1.By use of the 1961- daily mean temperature station data over China and thecumulative frequency distribution(CFD),the extremely high(low) temperature thresholds on four different time scales,day,pentad,month and season,are defined by the 90th(10th) percentiles of the CFD.利用1961-45 a中国日平均温度的站点资料和累积频率的统计方法,确定了以90%(10%)累积频率为标准的日、旬、月和季四种不同时间尺度的极端高(低)温事件的阈值。

2.By use of the threshold value of thecumulative frequency and 10 years daily precipitation results simulated by Community Climate Model 3(CCM3),the spatial distribution characteristics of the summer extreme precipitation events are analyzed.采用累积频率的统计方法和Community Climate Model 3(CCM3)模拟的逐日降水结果,分析了模拟的夏季极端降水事件的时空分布特征。


1.lognormal cumulative frequency对数正态累积频率图

2.A distribution curve in which the frequencies are cumulative.累积曲线用以累计频率的分布曲线

3.A New DFT Domain Cumulants-Based Algorithm for the Joint-Estimation of Frequency and DOA of Spatial Signal一种小运算量累积量域频率和到达角估计算法

4.Such classes are separated by "natural breaks"in the frequency distribution or the analogous cumulative curve.这样的级可由频率分布或类似的累积曲线中的自然断点划分开来。

5.A New Method for Joint Estimation of Frequency and 2-D Arrival Angles of Coherent Signals Based on Fourth-Order Cnmulant基于四阶累积量的相干信号频率和二维到达角联合估计的新算法

6.accumulative binomial probability distribution累积二项式概率分布

7.cumulative continuation rate累积续用率(宫内节育器)

8.observed cumulative failure probability累积失效概率的观测值

9.Of or relating to the sum of the frequencies of experimentally determined values of a random variable that are less than or equal to a specified value.累积的在一个随机变量小于或等于某个固定值的试验中求出频率总数的

10.linearized sample cumulative distribution frequency线性化样本累积分布频数

11.Research on Spectrum Sensing Technique Based on the third Order Cumulants基于三阶累积量的频谱感知技术研究

12.sediment-size frequency distribution沉积物粒度频率分布

13.The Accession of Chinese Monosyllabic Words: The Influences of Word Frequency and Accumulative Frequency;汉语单字词的通达:词频和累计频率的作用

14.cumulative average gross fertility ratios by age groups按年龄组统计的累积平均总生育率

15.The Mathematical Model and Computation for Accumulation Rate Optimization积累率最优化问题的数学模型与计算

16.The Dynamic Efficiency of China s Capital Accumulation:1978-;中国资本积累的动态效率:1978—

17.Research on Cumulative Detection Probability in Passive Buoy Arrays被动浮标阵搜潜中积累搜索概率研究

18.Results: Eleven caes resulted in pregnancy making a cumulative pregnancy rate of 1.8%, The total failure rate with the addition of patent trbes was 13.3%, i, e, the successful sterilization rate was 86.7 % , No side reactionsissued.总成功率为86.7%,累积妊娠率为1.8%,无术中术后反应。


accumulative frequency累积频率

3)cumulative frequenc积累频率

4)Cumulative frequency method累积频率法


6)cumulative frequency table累积频率表


