100字范文 > 中等职教 secondary vocational education英语短句 例句大全

中等职教 secondary vocational education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-05 06:07:27


中等职教 secondary vocational education英语短句 例句大全

中等职教,secondary vocational education

1)secondary vocational education中等职教

2)middle and higher vocational and technical education中高等职教

3)intermediate vocational education中等职业教学

4)Secondary health and vocational education中等卫职教育

5)Secondary vocational education中等职业教育

1.A study on the countermeasure of the developmet of the secondary vocational education;发展江西中等职业教育的对策研究

2.An analysis of the difficulties of the secondary vocational education;对中等职业教育面临困境的原因分析

3.An Analysis on Cost and Profit of Human Capital Investment of Secondary Vocational Education in Families;中等职业教育家庭人力资本投资的成本收益分析


1.Form the Pattern of Linking up the Secondary Vocational education and Vocational education;中等职业教育与高等职业教育衔接模式的构建

2.Exploration of the Difference Between High and Intermediate Vocational Education;高等职业教育与中等职业教育的区别初探

3.Applied Research of Educational Technology in the Secondary Vocational Education;中等职业教育中教育技术的应用研究

4.Thought about Quality Education on the Secondary Professional Education;对中等职业教育实施素质教育的思考

5.Basic Vocational Education:New Orientation of Shanghai Secondary Vocational Education基础职业教育:上海中等职业教育的新定位

6.On the Selection of the Contents of Specialty Teaching Materials for the Secondary Vocational Schools谈中等职业教育专业教材内容的筛选

7.An Analysis on Employment for Secondary Vocational Education Graduates in Urban China;中国城镇中等职业教育就业状况分析

8.Deepening the Medium-sized Job Educational Reformation Promoting the Development of Medium-sized Vocational Education;深化中等职业教育改革 促进中等职业教育健康发展

9.Division for the Renovation of Secondary and Vocational Education中等和职业教育改革司

10.The Students Professional Ethics Education Researching of Secondary Technical School;中等职业学校学生职业道德教育研究

11.On Problem of Education Equity of Higher Vocational Education;试论高等职业教育中的教育公平问题

12.On Moral Education in Higher Occupational Colleges;试论高等职业教育中的伦理道德教育

13.Industry-College Cooperation in Higher Vocational Education试论高等职业教育中的“企校合作”教育

14.We will make great efforts to develop secondary and higher vocational education.大力发展中等和高等职业教育。

15.Article 13 Vocational school education is divided into three levels, namely, elementary, secondary and tertiary.第十三条职业学校教育分为初等、中等、高等职业学校教育。

16.Innovative Education in Secondary Professional English Classes;中等职业英语课堂教学中的创新教育

17.Quality Education and Creation of Advanced Vocational Education健康教育与高等职业教育中的体育教学创新

18.Scientific and humanities education in higher vocational and technical education;高等职业技术教育中的科学教育与人文教育


middle and higher vocational and technical education中高等职教

3)intermediate vocational education中等职业教学

4)Secondary health and vocational education中等卫职教育

5)Secondary vocational education中等职业教育

1.A study on the countermeasure of the developmet of the secondary vocational education;发展江西中等职业教育的对策研究

2.An analysis of the difficulties of the secondary vocational education;对中等职业教育面临困境的原因分析

3.An Analysis on Cost and Profit of Human Capital Investment of Secondary Vocational Education in Families;中等职业教育家庭人力资本投资的成本收益分析

6)middle vocational education中等职业教育

1.On the function and effective of government behavior in the process of development ofmiddle vocational education;论中等职业教育发展中政府行为的适度

2.On the Problems and Countermeasures in the Development of Middle Vocational Education in Inner Mongolian Agricultural and Pastoral Areas.;内蒙古自治区农村牧区中等职业教育发展的问题与对策研究

3.The research on curriculum model of "broad base, flexible module" for crop cultivation speciality ofmiddle vocational education was reported in this paper.在对中等职业教育种植类专业“宽基础、活模块”课程模式的研究探索过程中,经过对国内外现行的课程模式,如德国的双元制、加拿大的CBE、国际劳工组织的MES教育思想、课程模式等进行分析比较,认为在中等职业学校种植专业施行“宽基础、活模块”这一课程模式既有一定的必要性,又具有切实的可行性。


