100字范文 > 蔡守 Cai Shou英语短句 例句大全

蔡守 Cai Shou英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-30 06:01:43


蔡守 Cai Shou英语短句 例句大全

蔡守,Cai Shou

1)Cai Shou蔡守


1.Debate on Animal Rights--Comments on statements by Professor CAI Shouqiu;再论动物权利之争——兼议蔡守秋教授之评述

2.Professor CAI Shou-qiu:A Legal Scholar Pursuing the Harmony between Man and Nature;蔡守秋教授:追求人与自然和谐的法学家

3.A Theory of Environmental Rights to Pursue Harmonious Coexistence for Man and Nature-- Comment on Cai Shouqiu s Theoretical Studies on Environmental Rights;追求人与自然和谐共处的环境权学说——蔡守秋环境权理论研究述评

4.From Hesitant Devotion to DetachmentOn the transformation of Cai Songnian s cultural personality;从守节彷徨走向消释超脱——论蔡松年文化人格的转变

5."Hang on a minute, Tsai Chen!"“慢点儿走,蔡真!

6.Oh, I like Cai Yilin.噢,我喜欢蔡依林。

7.On the Origin of Cai Shi Jun Chuan of Dong Po Wai Ji;《东坡外集·蔡使君传》即《南史·蔡道恭传》辨

8.Childs-Collis-George model蔡尔兹-科利斯-乔治模型

9.Zeiss-Endter particle-size analyser蔡斯-恩特粒度分析仪

10.In the Han Dynasty, the famous calligrapher Cai Yong wrote about Jiuyi with deep feelings like this:汉朝蔡邕也感慨万千:

11.You too, Tsai Chen, you"d better not hang about any longer!蔡真,你也不能再延挨了!

12.Chai Zhengren &nbap [State First-Class Artist]蔡正仁[国家一级演员]

13.ACHITSAIKHAN, Tsagandorjiin查干道金·阿其蔡罕

14.Cai yan, alias: Weji, was the only child of cai young.蔡琰,字文姬,是汉朝著名学者蔡邕的独生女儿。

15.Cai and her brother decided it was an good opportunity.刘表的夫人蔡氏和其兄蔡瑁早有杀害刘备之心。

16.The Characteristics of Cai Yuanpei"s Educational Thoughts时代呼唤蔡元培——蔡元培教育思想的鲜明特色

17.In the play Cai Wenji, newly written by venerable Guo Moruo, reference is made to jiao wei qin, a zithern partly made of scorched wood by Cai Yong, father of Cai Wenji.在郭老新编的话剧“蔡文姬”里,提到了蔡文姬的父亲蔡邕(yong)所造的那张焦尾琴。

18.Between love rival Patty Hou and Jolin, internet fans still prefer to be like Jolin!至于情敌蔡依林、佩岑相比之下,网友还是比较想变成蔡依林!


Cai Shouqiu蔡守秋

1.A Theory of Environmental Rights to Pursue Harmonious Coexistence for Man and Nature—— Comment onCai Shouqiu s Theoretical Studies on Environmental Rights;追求人与自然和谐共处的环境权学说——蔡守秋环境权理论研究述评

2.ProfessorCai Shouqiu is the earliest researcher on environmental rights in Chinese legal field.蔡守秋教授是中国法学界最早开展环境权理论研究的环境法学者。

3)Investigation of the Sheriffs of Oaizhou Prefecture in the North Song Dynsty北宋蔡州郡守考



1.On theShou, Cheng andShoucheng of the County Level in Liye Qinjian Having the Same Referent;里耶秦简县“守”、“丞”、“守丞”同义说

2.The third name wasShou(守), which was explained as an agent before, meant defender.有关秦代的传世和出土资料显示,秦代县行政主官称谓有三种:令、啬夫和守。

6)Cai Lun蔡伦

1.On Paper-making Technique Invented byCai Lun;论蔡伦及其造纸术的发明

2.An Investigation of the Origin of Paper makingTechnology in Ancient China andCai Lun’s Positionin Paper making History;中国古代造纸法的渊源及蔡伦在造纸史上的地位

3.Floc paper andCai Lun;絮纸和蔡伦——答青年学者段纪纲、雷玉德


