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篮子 basket英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-17 08:03:59


篮子 basket英语短句 例句大全



1.Through the initial conception of function,room and place,the image ofbasket and the constructing way of rattan appear.从形式语汇的渊源与建构语义两个层面解读分析了世界博览会西班牙馆的设计过程和思想,通过对功能、空间、场所的最初设想,产生了"篮子"这一建筑意象与"藤条"的建构方式,从而完成了世博西班牙馆的建造目标。


1.plait a basket, cord, rope编篮子、 绳、 索.

2.At that time, the baskets had bottoms.那时,篮子都有篮底。

3.a sewing table, basket, etc裁缝案子、篮子等.

4.a noon basket[美](=lunch-basket)饭篮子

5.Mother put the peaches in her basket.母亲把桃(子)放在篮子里。

6.The craft or process of making baskets.编篮工艺编篮子的手工艺或方法

7.The old fisherman drew in an old basket full of sand.老渔夫拖上来一只旧篮子,篮子里面全是沙子。

8.A basket carried on a person"s back.背篓背在背上的篮子

9.There is two pear in my basket.有两个梨在我的篮子里。

10.Are there two pears inside my basket?我的篮子里有两只梨吗?

11.The basket was full of tasty dishes.这篮子装满了美食,

12.How much fruit is there in the basket?篮子里有多少水果?

13.a basket in which sewing materials can be stored.存放缝纫材料的篮子。

14.How many bananas are in the basket?这个篮子里有多少香蕉?

15.She fills her basket with eggs.她将篮子装满了彩蛋。

16.They carried baskets full of meat.他们拿来装满肉的篮子。

17.meat cooking tray肉类制品蒸煮用篮子

18.They cut the bottoms out of the baskets.他们割去了篮子的底端。


molecular basket提篮分子

3)women basketball女子篮球

1.Through comparative analysis on the quick attack between Chinese and world top teams of Women Basketball Matches in the 28th Olympic Games,the paper summarizes the new characteristic of quick attack development ofwomen basketball in the world and finds out the problems existing in Chinesewomen basketball team s quick attack.通过对第28届奥运会女子篮球比赛世界强队和中国队的快攻情况进行对比研究,试图从中归纳出世界女篮快攻发展的新特点,并找出中国女篮快攻中存在的问题,为中国女篮备战奥运会提供一些有益的理论参考。

2.The subjects of this study were 12women basketball teams participating in the 27th Olympic Games.以参加第27届奥运会的12支女子篮球队为研究对象,对当前世界各国女子篮球实力、技术风格及打法特点等进行分析,旨在为提高我国女子篮球技战术水平,为中国女子篮球队备战28届奥运会提供理论参考。

3.By methods of literature consultation, questionnaire investigation and technical statistics on the spot, the technical and tactical style and characteristics of the first 6women basketball teams in the 9th National Games of China were studied in order to find ways to develop thewomen basketball of China in future.采用文献资料法、问卷调查法和临场技术统计法,对参加第九届全运会女子篮球决赛前六名队伍各队的技战术风格特征进行了研究,以探讨中国女子篮球的未来发展之路。

4)men"s basketball男子篮球

5)purchasing basket回购篮子

6)currency basket货币篮子

1.A simple game-theoretic model is used to develop a view-point that the lack of cooperation among Asian countries leads them to broadly peg their currencies to the USD, while cooperation could improve the welfare of Asian monetary authorities by raising the weight of the yen and other currencies in theircurrency basket anchors.通过建立博奕模型,证明亚洲各国对美元的事实单一钉住反映了协同的失败,而强有力的区域性货币合作和制度安排通过改变政府支付函数,促使各国实行钉住较大货币篮子的汇率制度,将有利于亚洲整体福利水平提高。

2.This paper briefly looks at history of the European monetary cooperation firstly,then answers three questions on on Monetary Cooperation in East Asia:(1)how to choice the system of exchange rate cooperation in East Asia;(2)thecurrency basket in East Asia;(3)the economic integration in East Asia.本文在简要回顾欧洲货币合作的基础上,回答了有关东亚货币合作的如下三个方面的问题:(1)东亚汇率合作机制的选择;(2)东亚的货币篮子;(3)东亚的经济一体化。

3.The first chapter is a literature survey of studies ofcurrency basket in China, and the weakness of co.因此,货币篮子的构建是一件重要的工作。


