100字范文 > 制度德性 the institution morality英语短句 例句大全

制度德性 the institution morality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-10 11:01:41


制度德性 the institution morality英语短句 例句大全

制度德性,the institution morality

1)the institution morality制度德性

1.Social customs:the change withthe institution morality reform社会风气:在制度德性的变革中转变


1.Social customs:the change with the institution morality reform社会风气:在制度德性的变革中转变

2.On morality of the governmentsystems and their ethical functions in economic operation;论经济运行中政府制度德性及其伦理功能

3.System Morality: The Starting Point for Constructing Administrative Office Work Style in Universities制度德性:行政权力与学术权力的平衡之道

4.System and Morality Moral Character Fusion:Surmounts the Counter-Corruption System;制度与德性的融合:超越反腐败制度主义路径

5.The Combination of Virtue Ethics and Institution Ethics in University Moral Education;制度伦理与德性伦理在大学德育中的契合

6.On the Moral Integrity and the Effectiveness of System of Government in the Economy Functioning;论经济运行中政府制度的德性及效用

7.Systemic risk \ Moral risk and Deposit Insurance System;系统性风险、道德风险与存款保险制度

8.emphasizing non-obligatory system arrangement for decease of moral risk;重视非强制性的制度安排 ,降低道德风险 ;

9.A Discussion of the Systematicness and Openness of the Moral Socialization of Students;试论大学生道德社会化的制度性与开放性

10.Human Nature and Institutional Devices;中西方人性预设与制度安排——兼论德治与法治的制度中介

11.Moral Quality and System Justice:The Basis and Insurance of Moral Responsibility of Administrators;实现行政道德责任的道德人格性依据及制度正义原则的建构

12.Govern Corruption--The Non-equilibrium of Institution Restraint and Ethics Self-discipline;治理腐败——制度他律与道德自律的非均衡性

13.Morality Education as a Path to Go beyond Political Ethical Construction System;德性培育:超越行政伦理建设制度主义路径

14.Rational Consideration on Independent Director System--Based on Visual Angle of Morality;独立董事制度的理性思考——基于道德的视角

15.A Way of Administrative Ethic Construction: Lying Between Systems and Morals;行政伦理建设:在制度安排与德性培育之间

16.Reiterate The Morals of Government s System Behavior in Economical Operation;再论经济运行中政府制度行为的道德性

17.The Mixture of System and Virtue:the model of anti-corruption construction in contemporary China;制度与德性的融合:当代中国的廉政建设模式

18.Economic System and Moral Standard:Origin,Utility Difference and Their Mutual Supplement;经济制度与道德规范:起源、效用差异及其互补性


On Morality of Institution论制度德性

3)institutional morality制度性伦理道德

4)morality of government system政府制度德性

5)teacher"s moral standards师德制度

6)system morality制度道德

1.In the author s point of view,system morality is more emportant than that of individual s during the transfortant of economic system.作者认为 ,在我国经济体制转轨过程中 ,制度道德远比个人道德重要 ,并在疏解体制伦理概念的基础上 ,提出市场经济体制必然存在着相应的道德设定 ,同时初步地讨论了确立社会主义市场经济体制道德原则的基本条件 ,从而为新时期的道德建设探寻基本的路


连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-
