100字范文 > 马克思主义史学理论 Marxist historical theory英语短句 例句大全

马克思主义史学理论 Marxist historical theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-22 16:01:25


马克思主义史学理论 Marxist historical theory英语短句 例句大全

马克思主义史学理论,Marxist historical theory

1)Marxist historical theory马克思主义史学理论

1.The paper tries to explore the significance of applyingMarxist historical theory to modern Chinese educational history study from the perspective of presumption and hypothesis of educational history study.本文试图从教育史研究前提假设的视角,探讨马克思主义史学理论对于当代中国教育史研究的重要意义。


1.On Deng Xiaoping s Development of the Marxist Theory of Historical Science;试论邓小平对马克思主义史学理论的发展

2.On the New Development of Marxist Theory of Historical Science Made by Deng Xiaoping;论邓小平对马克思主义史学理论的新发展

3.Research on Academic and Axiomatic Trend of Marxism Historic Theory Since Reform & Opening Policy and Comment on Materialistic Conception of History and Science of History马克思主义史学理论的学术化与宏观化——兼评《唯物史观与历史科学》

4.Research on Li Dazhao s Construction of Theoretical System of Marxism Historiography;李大钊对马克思主义史学理论体系的构建研究

5.The Application of Marxist Theory and Method in the Works of Qi Xia;漆侠先生对马克思主义史学理论与方法的运用

6.The Research Track of Modern Marxist Historical Theory of China;当代中国马克思主义史学理论研究轨迹浅析

7.On Marxist Study of History in China since 1979;改革开放以来马克思主义史学理论的发展趋势

8.A Review of Recent Studies abroad on History of Thoughts in Marxist Theories of History;近年来国外学者对马克思主义史学理论的思想史梳理

9.Deng Xiao-ping"s Contributions to Marxist Historiography and National History Research邓小平对马克思主义史学理论及国史研究的贡献

10.Theoretical “Anti-historicism” --Interpretation of Marxism from the Perspective of Science-oriented Western Marixism;理论“反历史主义”——唯科学的西方马克思主义对马克思的解读

11.On the Historic Destiny of Marxism Historiography in China;中国马克思主义史学的历史命运简论

12.Stick to Combining Theory with History in Teaching Principle of Marxist Philosophy;《马克思主义哲学原理》教学应坚持史论结合原则

13.History and Chance of Theoretical Studies on Marxist Sociology;马克思主义社会学理论研究的历史与机遇

14.The Historical and Philosophical State of Marxism s Theory on Modernization Development;马克思主义现代化发展理论的历史哲学境界

15.On the Theoretical Contribution of Marxist Historical Materialism;试论马克思主义唯物史观的理论贡献

16.Analysis of the Present-day New Western Marxist Historic Theory;当代西方新马克思主义历史理论评析

17.Globalization and Marx s theory of "Global History;全球化与马克思主义“世界历史”理论

18.Historical Development of Marxist Political Civilized Theory;马克思主义政治文明理论的历史发展


The new Marxist historic theory新马克思主义历史理论

1.The new Marxist historic theory is the understanding, analysis and evaluation of some specific history questions by some Western new Marxist historians with Marxist theory, view-points and ways.新马克思主义历史理论是西方一些新马克思主义史学家 ,运用马克思主义的理论、观点和方法 ,对某些具体历史问题的认识、理解及其做出的分析和评价。

3)chinesization of historical theory of Marxism马克思主义史学理论中国化

4)Marxist historiography马克思主义史学

1.Chen Yuan s Transformation of the Marxist Historiography from the Traditional Textual Criticism;陈垣由传统考据学到马克思主义史学的转变

2.YetMarxist historiography remained marginized then.二战后联邦德国的马克思主义史学家对工人运动史、法西斯主义和反法西斯抵抗运动、德国历史连续性等展开了广泛的研究,但马克思主义史学一直处于被边缘化的状态;同时马克思主义对联邦德国的批判社会史和新马克思主义史学对日常生活史研究都产生了很大的影响,但不属于新马克思主义史学流派。

3.Starting from the ancient Western historical theory, this article specifically explores its link with the later western historical theory, its distinction with the ancient Chinese historical theory, and its connection withMarxist historiography, showing multi-aspects of western & Chinese historiography.为寻求黑格尔所说的"异中之同"和"同中之异"的哲学意蕴,应从古代西方历史理论出发,在历时性与共时性的比较考察中,具体探讨古代西方历史理论与后世西方历史理论之联结、与古代中国历史理论之区分、与马克思主义史学之关联,进而显示中外史学这多彩多姿的一角。

5)Marxist historical science马克思主义史学

1.There are two trends of evolution in historical science in China in 1940s: one is the integration of different schools of history;the other is thatMarxist historical science has developed into the mainstream of historical science in China.20世纪40年代的中国史学呈现出两大演变趋势:一是各派史学的融合互流;二是马克思主义史学成为中国史学发展的主流。

6)Marxism historiography马克思主义史学

1.The historic destiny of China sMarxism historiography has gradually become the focus of the academia.20世纪80年代中期以来,马克思主义在全球范围内遇到了严峻的挑战,中国马克思主义史学的历史命运,已逐渐成为学术界关注的焦点。

2.However,due to the spatial separation,theMarxism historiography in these two regions have their own regional features: the history works in these two areas have different degrees in caring the reality;they had different research focuses;c.抗战时期,在毛泽东、周恩来等中共领导人的大力推动下,延安与重庆成为马克思主义史学研究中心。

3.This article tries to discuss the succession of the legacy ofMarxism historiography on three problems.本文探讨马克思主义史学遗产的传承问题。


