100字范文 > 4500t/d熟料新型干法水泥 4 500 t/d new dry cement clinker英语短句 例句大全

4500t/d熟料新型干法水泥 4 500 t/d new dry cement clinker英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-15 01:54:38


4500t/d熟料新型干法水泥 4 500 t/d new dry cement clinker英语短句 例句大全

4500t/d熟料新型干法水泥,4 500 t/d new dry cement clinker

1)4 500 t/d new dry cement clinker4500t/d熟料新型干法水泥

2)2 000 t/d clinker NSP production line2000t/d熟料新型干法生产线

3)new dry-process clinker新型干法窑熟料

4)2 500 t/d NSP production line2500t/d新型干法水泥生产线

1.There have been tens of2 500 t/d NSP production lines designed by SINOMA Nanjing Cement Design and Rearch Institute, and real outputs of all the production lines have exceeded the projected output capacity.中材国际南京水泥工业设计研究院承担设计的2500t/d新型干法水泥生产线已有数十条投产,并且所有的生产线实际产量都超过了设计能力产量。

5)cement dry kiln水泥新型干法窑

6)NSP cement新型干法水泥

1.ButNSP cement is just 11% and quality grade cement 15% of its total.中国水泥总产量约占世界总产量的1/3,但先进的新型干法水泥的比例仅为11%,优质高标号水泥产量只占总量的15%,全国水泥企业平均规模仅为15万t/a。

2.As a new generation DCS system,PCS7 is widely used in NSP Cement.PCS7近年来在新型干法水泥生产线DCS系统中得到了广泛应用。

3.By developingNSP cement,merging or eliminating the inefficient capacities,applying new technology in energy saving conversion and increasing spending on environmnet protection,in ,the Group realized saving 650,000 tons of coal equivalent and the emission of dust,noise,wastegas and wastewater is lower than that of the National standard,the social and economic benefit.通过大力发展新型干法水泥,兼并和淘汰落后产能,有效利用新术实施节能改造,加大环保投入等措施,该集团实现节能6。


1.On the features and requirements of cement production with PC kiln system (Part I)论新型干法水泥生产的特点与要求(一)

2.The new development of cement precalciningprocess and quicken to do well on the production and standard新型干法水泥生产新发展和加速达标达产工作

3.Approach to innovation in equipment management in NSP process cement plant浅谈新型干法水泥企业设备管理创新(一)

4.Technical Research on Incinerating Living Waste with NSP;新型干法水泥窑焚烧生活垃圾的技术研究

5.The Application of the Simulation Technology to NSP Kiln System;仿真技术在新型干法水泥窑系统中的应用

6.Design and Research of Hybrid Control System in New Drying Cement Production Line;新型干法水泥生产线混合控制系统设计与研究

7.The DCS Control of Bypass System in Cement Production of the New-drying Process;新型干法水泥生产中旁路放风系统的DCS控制

8.Discussion on productive management model of precalcining cement enterprises;新型干法水泥企业生产管理模式的探讨

9.Appraisal Research on the Burning Characteristics of the Composite Coal in the New Dry Cement Mill新型干法水泥厂复杂煤种燃烧特性的评价研究

10.Identification and Simulation of ANFIS Model for New Dry-process Cement Production Precalciner Temperature Control新型干法水泥分解炉温度控制的ANFIS辨识与仿真


12.The application of DCS system in the new dry cement production lineDCS系统在新型干法水泥生产线中的应用

13.Development and application of production technologies of dry-process acetylene matched with new dry-process cement干法乙炔及配套新型干法水泥技术的开发与应用

bustion Characteristics & Process of Lowgrade Fuels in Cement Rotary Kiln;新型干法水泥回转窑中低品位燃料燃烧特性和窑内燃烧过程研究

15.Technology and Economy Research on Kiln Inlet Electrostatic Precipitator and Bag Filter for New Dry Process Cement Clinker Production Line;新型干法水泥熟料生产线窑尾电、袋收尘器技术经济研究

16.Project Design and Research of Control Strategy Configuration in the DCS of New Type Dry-process Cement Production Line;新型干法水泥生产线DCS的方案设计与控制策略组态研究

17.Research of Intelligent Burning Expert System during New Style Dry-Process Production;新型干法水泥生产过程中智能燃烧专家系统的研究

18.Study and Application on the Castable for the Outlet of the New Style Dry Cement Klins;新型干法水泥窑窑口用耐火浇注料的研究与应用


2 000 t/d clinker NSP production line2000t/d熟料新型干法生产线

3)new dry-process clinker新型干法窑熟料

4)2 500 t/d NSP production line2500t/d新型干法水泥生产线

1.There have been tens of2 500 t/d NSP production lines designed by SINOMA Nanjing Cement Design and Rearch Institute, and real outputs of all the production lines have exceeded the projected output capacity.中材国际南京水泥工业设计研究院承担设计的2500t/d新型干法水泥生产线已有数十条投产,并且所有的生产线实际产量都超过了设计能力产量。

5)cement dry kiln水泥新型干法窑

6)NSP cement新型干法水泥

1.ButNSP cement is just 11% and quality grade cement 15% of its total.中国水泥总产量约占世界总产量的1/3,但先进的新型干法水泥的比例仅为11%,优质高标号水泥产量只占总量的15%,全国水泥企业平均规模仅为15万t/a。

2.As a new generation DCS system,PCS7 is widely used in NSP Cement.PCS7近年来在新型干法水泥生产线DCS系统中得到了广泛应用。

3.By developingNSP cement,merging or eliminating the inefficient capacities,applying new technology in energy saving conversion and increasing spending on environmnet protection,in ,the Group realized saving 650,000 tons of coal equivalent and the emission of dust,noise,wastegas and wastewater is lower than that of the National standard,the social and economic benefit.通过大力发展新型干法水泥,兼并和淘汰落后产能,有效利用新术实施节能改造,加大环保投入等措施,该集团实现节能6。


