100字范文 > 淡水食物链 freshwater food web英语短句 例句大全

淡水食物链 freshwater food web英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-03 15:31:20


淡水食物链 freshwater food web英语短句 例句大全

淡水食物链,freshwater food web

1)freshwater food web淡水食物链

1.Except for BDE 66,BDE 99,BDE 153,BDE 183 and BDE 209,all congeners detected biomagnified in thefreshwater food web.为调查电子垃圾回收活动对当地水生生物造成的多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)污染,测定了广东某电子垃圾回收地附近水库中水生生物样品(水蛇、鱼类、草虾和田螺)和对照区样品(鲮鱼)中18种PBDEs含量,通过对样品氮同位素的测定,探讨了PBDEs在该地淡水食物链上的生物富集特征。

2)aquatic food chain水体食物链

3)aquatic food chain水生食物链


1.Aquatic food chains are different from terrestrial ones.水生食物链不同于陆地食物链。

2.Bioaccumulation of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in a Contaminated Freshwater Food Web from an E-Waste Recycling Site,South China多溴联苯醚在典型电子垃圾污染区域水生食物链上的生物富集特征

3.the lower reaches of the food chain.食物链的低等生物群

4.biological integrated food chain system生物连接的食物链系统

5.biologically cumulative effect in food chain食物链的生物累积效应

6.Analysis on the Material and Energy Flow in the Foodchain of Alligator Weed and Wheat Bran-Tenebrio molitor-rice field eel)“水花生和麦麸—黄粉虫—黄鳝”食物链物流与能流分析

7.Of or involving the feeding habits or food relationship of different organisms in a food chain.生物食物链食物链中不同生物的捕食习惯或食物关系的,或涉及于此的

8.Plankton is at the bottom of the marine food chain.浮游生物处于海洋食物链的最底层。

9.The predatory chain in which successively larger organisms feed on smaller ones.较大型生物捕食较小型生物从而在生物界形成持续不断的捕食链。

10.Producer The first TROPHIC LEVEL, in a food chain.生产者:食物链中第一个营养级。

11.That has implications all the way down the food chain for biological diversity," he said.这样就对生物多样性的食物链产生了影响。”

12.The extinction of key species could have cascading effects throughout the food web.关键物种的灭绝可能通过食物链产生级联效应。

13.The feeding level an organism occupies in a food chain.指处于食物链某一环节上的所有生物种之总和。

14.Problems & Solutions in Raw,Fresh Food Logistics:Cold Chain Logistics生鲜食品物流存在的问题及解决方案——冷链物流

15.Amino Acids Transmites in the Food Chain of Key Species within the Yellow Sea and East China Seaecosystems Food Net;黄东海生态系统食物网中氨基酸在关键种食物链上的传递

16.food chain : Sequence of transfer of matter and energy from organism to organism in the form of food.食物链: 生态学术语,指物质和能量以食物形式依次从一个生物体传递到另一个生物体的途径。

17.(ecology) a community of organisms where there are several interrelated food chains.(生态学)一个充满一些相关食物链的有机体群落。

18.Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions for a Four-Specie Food Chain Ecological Model with Time Delays;一类时滞四种群食物链生态模型的渐近性态


aquatic food chain水体食物链

3)aquatic food chain水生食物链

4)fresh water淡水;食水

5)aquatic food web水生食物链; 水生食物网

6)food chains in maunred water body施粪水体食物链


