100字范文 > 堆积速率 accumulation rate英语短句 例句大全

堆积速率 accumulation rate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-07 02:49:40


堆积速率 accumulation rate英语短句 例句大全

堆积速率,accumulation rate

1)accumulation rate堆积速率

1.Theaccumulation rate has been evaluated based on the dating data of 136 sediment cores taken from areas deeper than 100 m in the South China Sea since the last glaciation.通过统计南海100 m以下深水区的136个沉积柱状样的分析数据,对南海末次冰期以来的堆积速率进行了统计。

2.The verticalaccumulation rate can be calculated from the diff.潮流携带细颗粒泥沙塑造潮滩 ,通过上、下滩水体含沙量之差可计算潮滩的堆积速率 ,从滩坡平衡原理可计算潮滩水平扩展趋势。

3.Theaccumulation rates of the past 30 ka were calculated for core 17962(112°5′E,7°11′N,core length 8 m,water depth 1968 m).南海南部 1796 2柱状样 (7°11′N、112°5′E,柱长 8m,水深 196 8m)中近 30 ka来的沉积物堆积速率计算结果显示 ,该孔冰期平均堆积速率为全新世的 3倍多。


1.Accumulation Rates of Sediment and Sedimentary Environment in the South Bohai Sea渤海南部现代沉积物堆积速率和沉积环境

2.Study on Sediment Accumulation Rate in Karst Peak-Cluster Forest Depression Catchment Using ~(137)Cs Method in the Maolan Area of Guizhou Province贵州茂兰峰丛森林洼地泥沙堆积速率的~(137)Cs示踪研究

3.increase or accumulate at a rapidly accelerating rate.以加速度的方式快速地增长或堆积。

4.Effects of natural inhabitation of Miscanthus floridulus on soil microbial biomass,respiration rate and enzyme activity in a mine tailing dump尾矿砂堆积地五节芒自然定居对土壤微生物生物量、呼吸速率及酶活性的影响

5.Study on the Deposit Velocity of Settling Slurry in Horizontal Pipeline;沉降性浆体水平管道堆积速度的研究

6.Study on Fast Accumulation of Ruyang Sigou Tailings Dam汝阳寺沟尾矿坝快速堆积可行性研究

7.Tectonic Control on the Formation of High-deposition-rate Sediment Drift in the Northern Slope of the South China Sea南海北部陆坡高速堆积体的构造成因

8.inertial rate integrating gyroscope惯性速率积分陀螺仪

9.A pile, mound, or heap.一堆,一垛,堆积物

10.Fat deposits were laid down.脂肪堆积物堆积起来。

11.The Design of Fused Deposition Modeling Rapid Prototyping Machine and the Study on It"s Theory;熔融挤压堆积快速原型机的设计及理论研究

12.Effect of Isothermal Annealing Process on Pile-up Carbides of High Speed Steel W6Mo5Cr4V2等温退火对W6Mo5Cr4V2高速钢碳化物堆积的影响

13.We get a buildup of electronic probability density between the nuclei.我们得到在两个核间的电子几率密度的堆积。

14.Maturity assessment by oxygen consumption rate in aerobic composting利用耗氧速率判断好氧堆肥腐熟度的探讨

15.A study on the wave accumulation and velocity vibration of floating bridges subjected to fast and heavy moving loads快速移动重载作用下浮桥的波动堆积和移动速度振荡研究

16.Deposition rate is increase quickly with sputtering power.结果表明溅射功率对沉积速率的影响最大,随溅射功率的增大沉积速率快速增大。

17.The snow drifts in heaps.雪一堆一堆吹积起来。

18.Sedimentation rate is an important parameter in sedimentation environment.沉积速率是河口海岸沉积环境的重要参数。


mass accumulation rate堆积速率

1.The carbonate content (weight percentage), carbonatemass accumulation rate (MAR), non carbonate MAR, planktonic foraminiferal relative abundance, coarse fraction (>63 μm), planktonic foraminiferal fragmentation and benthic foraminiferal relative abundance have been determined from 1 702 samples in the upper 465 m Neogene sediments at ODP Site 1148 in the northern South China Sea.对南海北部 ODP 114 8站采自孔深 4 6 5 m以上的 170 0个沉积物样品 ,测定了 Ca CO3含量、Ca CO3堆积速率、非钙质堆积速率、浮游有孔虫丰度、粗组分百分含量 (>6 3μm)、浮游有孔虫破壳率和底栖有孔虫在有孔虫全群中的百分含量。

2.Themass accumulation rate of 4 cores during Late Quaternary are calculated, showing highest value in LGM.分析结果发现冰期、间冰期,尤其是本次冰期有机碳含量变化明显,4个柱样晚第四纪的质量堆积速率在末次冰期时最大。

3)Sediment accumulation rate沉积物堆积速率

4)sediment accumulation rate rate泥沙堆积速率

5)critical pileup velocity堆积速度

1.Meanwhile,based on the condition of solid particle action and the concept ofcritical pileup velocity,the measurement ofcritical pileup velocity in a horizontal pipeline is studied.根据非均质浆体流态随着浆体平均流速增加的变化规律,从清水与固体颗粒之间的动量传递分析入手,分析水平管道内沉降性浆体流动时清水与固体颗粒之间的相互作用机制,分别得到搬运流体、固体颗粒和浆体的速度分布模型,同时根据固体颗粒的起动条件和堆积速度的概念研究水平管道堆积速度的确定方法。

6)Deposit Velocity堆积速

1.Study on theDeposit Velocity of Settling Slurry in Horizontal Pipeline;沉降性浆体水平管道堆积速度的研究


冰水堆积地貌冰水堆积地貌 是冰融水将原来冰川搬运堆积的物质经过再搬运堆积而成,冰水堆积地貌因分布位置,物质结构和形态特征不同,可以分为冰水扇和冰水河谷、外冲平原、季候泥、冰砾阜和冰砾阜阶地、锅穴、蛇形丘等几类。冰川融水(又称冰水),可形成冰面河、冰下河、冰侧溪流及冰下湖,具有侵蚀和搬运力。大部分冰水最后都要经冰川前缘的冰下河流出去,形成冰前河流及冰前湖泊。在冰川的边沿特别是冰川的前缘,形成独特的冰川堆积地貌。冰川融水具有强烈的季节变化和昼夜变化特征,其堆积物有层次,有分选。
