100字范文 > 动态运动响应 the dynamic movement response英语短句 例句大全

动态运动响应 the dynamic movement response英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-14 07:55:50


动态运动响应 the dynamic movement response英语短句 例句大全

动态运动响应,the dynamic movement response

1)the dynamic movement response动态运动响应

2)motion response运动响应

1.Prediction ofmotion response on a multi-point poored FPSO;多点系泊型式浮式生产储油船(FPSO)的运动响应预报

2.Prediction and analysis ofmotion response for a deep sea semi-submersible drilling platform;深海半潜式钻井平台运动响应预报与分析

3.Themotion responses of the Spar platform induced by internal waves in a two-layer fluid;两层流体中内波作用下Spar平台运动响应


1.Experimental Study for Motion Response of Liquid Loads on Ship Models;液体载货船运动响应的模型试验研究

2.Numerical Simulation on Hydrodynamic Response of Berthing Ships;码头前系泊船舶运动响应的数值模拟

3.The Response of Longitudial Motions and Loads of Ship in Wave;船舶在波浪中的纵向运动响应及载荷

4.Study on Wave-induced Motion of the Large Derrick Barge Ships;大型起重船在海浪中的运动响应研究

5.Analysis of Spar Platform Response Due to Waves and Current;波流共同作用下Spar平台运动响应分析

6.Analysis of Cable Tension and Heave Motion for Spar Platforms;Spar平台系缆张力及垂荡运动响应分析

7.Wave exciting force and motion response analysis of FPSO type platformFPSO型采油平台波浪力与运动响应分析

8.How significant is aerodynamic damping of wave-induced motion?浪载运动响应引起的气动阻尼是否重要?

9.The Dynamic Response of Cam Follower System to the Input Motion凸轮从动件系统对输入运动的动态响应

10.The Research about the Influence of "Liuxiang Effect" to Track and Field Sport in China;“刘翔效应”对我国田径运动影响的研究

11.The Effect of LiuXiang on Chinese Track and Field Sports;刘翔效应对我国竞技田径运动的影响

12.Effect of Exercise on Psychoneuroimmunity of Stress;体育运动对应激心理神经免疫的影响

13.Low frequency heave and pitch motions of FPSO in shallow water浅水FPSO垂荡和纵摇运动的低频响应

14.Influnce on physiologlcal response passiye warming-up of body before it exericise at low lemperalure for xigh strenglh exercise;低温下被动的运动前身体加温对高强度运动中生理反应的影响

15.Study of the Influence of Double Vehicles" Running on Bridge Dynamic Coupling Response双线车辆运行对桥梁动态耦合响应影响的研究

16.Dynamic response of conical column excited by ground motion in water地面运动激励下水中圆锥形柱腿的动力响应

17.The Effects of Exercise Stress on Hypothalamic-Pulsatile System of HPG Axis and its Adaptation;运动应激对HPG轴下丘脑-垂体系统的影响和适应

18.Effect of Time Difference on Sports Ability and Its Adaptation and Countermeasure;时差反应对运动能力的影响及适应对策


motion response运动响应

1.Prediction ofmotion response on a multi-point poored FPSO;多点系泊型式浮式生产储油船(FPSO)的运动响应预报

2.Prediction and analysis ofmotion response for a deep sea semi-submersible drilling platform;深海半潜式钻井平台运动响应预报与分析

3.Themotion responses of the Spar platform induced by internal waves in a two-layer fluid;两层流体中内波作用下Spar平台运动响应

3)movement response运动响应

4)motion responses运动响应

1.The traditional three dimensional potential theory was used to analyze the hydrodynamic forces andmotion responses of two hinged bodies in waves.用三维势流理论分析了两个铰接的单体在波浪的作用下所受的水动力和各自的运动响应 。

2.Based on the model of RMFC(rigid module flexible connector),combining with the multi rigid body theory and 3-dimensional boundary element method,themotion responses of a MOB(mobile offshore base) has been programmed and calculated.应用三维边界元方法与多刚体隔离算法,在不考虑模块间相互作用的情况下,给出单模块和以柔性连接器(RMFC)连接的五模块离岸式移动基地(MOB)在规则波作用下运动响应的简化算法。

5)dynamic response动态响应

1.Research ondynamic response of high-distance extractor for reheating furnace for medium plate;中厚板加热炉高位板坯托出机动态响应研究

2.Inherent characteristics anddynamic response analysisof high-speed cutting-tool system;高速切削刀具系统固有特性和动态响应分析

3.Mathematical model of zinc vapourdynamic response in lead column based on fluctuant charge of condenser;冷凝器负荷波动下铅塔内锌蒸气动态响应数学模型

6)dynamical response动态响应

1.Thedynamical response of a ship structure subjected tounderwater explosion shock waves;水中爆炸冲击波载荷作用下舰船结构动态响应的数值模拟

2.The simulation shows that thedynamical response of the thermocouple has been improved effectively.为满足快速测温的要求,采用极点配置法设计了一种动态补偿数字滤波器,仿真结果表明,有效地提高了热电偶的动态响应过程。

3.For precisly obtaining the above mentioned relationship and considering its accuracy anddynamical response,two typical signal processing methods are discussed.基于低频矩形波励磁方式下电磁流量计的运行原理,探讨了在励磁周期下获得准确流量值信号的基本关系,并就实现此信号基本关系的方法和对应的信号精度与动态响应问题,对现行方法进行了讨论。


