100字范文 > 电网产业投资基金 Grid industry investment funds英语短句 例句大全

电网产业投资基金 Grid industry investment funds英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-07 08:27:40


电网产业投资基金 Grid industry investment funds英语短句 例句大全

电网产业投资基金,Grid industry investment funds

1)Grid industry investment funds电网产业投资基金

2)industry investment fund产业投资基金

1.Study onindustry investment fund of small & medium enterprises in Heilongjiang province;黑龙江省中小企业产业投资基金研究

2.Adverse selection analysis of small and medium enterprisesindustry investment fund;中小企业产业投资基金的逆向选择问题分析

3.Analysis on feasibility of China"s coalindustry investment fund中国发展煤炭产业投资基金的可行性分析


1.Industry Investment Fund - New Channel for investing and Financing;产业投资基金—投资与融资的新渠道

2.Research on Investment and Management of Sports Industrial Investment Fund;体育产业投资基金的投资与管理研究

3.The Analysis on the Harmonious Development Model between the Securities Investment Fund and the Industries Investment Fund;析证券投资基金和产业投资基金发展模式

4.A Study on Industrial Investment Fund Supporting Cultural Industry Development产业投资基金支持文化产业发展研究

5.Investment Funds Design of Real Estate in Low Developed Area;欠发达地区房地产产业投资基金设计

6.Study on Operation Model of Industrial Investment Fund in Binhai New Area--Case Study of Bohai Industrial Investment Fund;滨海新区产业投资基金运作模式研究——以渤海产业投资基金为例

7.Study on industry investment fund of small & medium enterprises in Heilongjiang province;黑龙江省中小企业产业投资基金研究

8.Studies on the Evaluation of the Tourism Industrial Investment Fund Porject我国旅游产业投资基金投资项目价值评估研究

9.The feasibility of establishing the Beijing Culture Industry Investment Fund shall be studied and debated.研究、论证、设立北京文化产业投资基金。

10.Research on the Development Mode of Sports Industry Investment Fund in China我国体育产业投资基金发展模式研究

11.Legal Issues on Private Equity Investment Funds in China我国产业投资基金相关法律问题研究

12.Study on Development of China"s Shipbuilding Industrial Investment Fund中国船舶产业投资基金运行机制研究

13.Research on Higher Education Financing Approach Based on Industry Investment Fund;基于产业投资基金的高等教育融资途径研究

14.Studies on Industrial Growth and Industrial Investment Fund in the Period of Economic Transition in China经济转型期产业成长与产业投资基金研究

15.The Analysis of Connection between Industry Fund and Industrial Structure;产业投资基金与优化产业结构关联性分析

16.Strategic Choice of Investment and Financial Support for Our Sports Industry;我国体育产业的投融资战略选择——建立我国体育产业投资基金

17.Industry Investment Fund:financial innovation of water conservancy development;产业投资基金:促进水利发展的金融创新

18.Bohai Industrial Investment Fund and Financial Innovation in China s Transitional Period;渤海产业投资基金与中国转型期金融创新


industry investment fund产业投资基金

1.Study onindustry investment fund of small & medium enterprises in Heilongjiang province;黑龙江省中小企业产业投资基金研究

2.Adverse selection analysis of small and medium enterprisesindustry investment fund;中小企业产业投资基金的逆向选择问题分析

3.Analysis on feasibility of China"s coalindustry investment fund中国发展煤炭产业投资基金的可行性分析

3)industrial investment fund产业投资基金

1.Research of Feasibility on Establishing University s Hi-Tech Industrial Investment Fund in Liaoning Province;辽宁省成立高校高新技术产业投资基金可行性研究

2.Research on Government s Role in the Development of China s Industrial Investment Fund;政府在我国产业投资基金发展中的作用研究

3.Study of Synthetical Performance and Development Strategy about Industrial Investment Fund in China;中国产业投资基金综合绩效及发展战略研究

4)Industry Investment Funds产业投资基金

1.Expolre and Analyze the Legal Issues of Establishiment and Development ofIndustry Investment Funds;我国设立和发展产业投资基金的法律完善问题探析

2.This paper will look into the source, development update at home and abroad and historic development ofIndustry Investment Funds.本文首先对产业投资基金的起源、国内外发展现状及历史沿革进行论述,分析产业投资基金运作模式、退出机制等,深入论证产业基金与产业发展、产业资本与金融资本的内因互动关系。

3.With the tremendous development of Venture Capital in China,Industry Investment Funds has already become the focus of various circles of the society and the concerned field of participation as the great breakthrough of financ.随着我国风险资本市场的长足发展,产业投资基金作为我国继证券投资基金后在资本市场上金融创新的重大突破,已成为社会各界关注的焦点和参与的热点。

5)industrial investment funds产业投资基金

1.It is firmly believed that the development ofindustrial investment funds will benefit this readjustment a great deal.产业投资基金是投资基金的一个重要品种,它对于一国的产业结构调整和某一产业的发展具有重要的作用。

2.The so-called "industrial investment funds" in China actually refer to the private equity investment funds,which itself is not a form of business organization.我国的产业投资基金其实就是国外的股权投资基金,其本身并不是一种商业组织形式,事实上,它最终采取哪种组织形式,就具有该种组织形式所可能产生的风险,从而受规范该种组织形式的法律的约束。

6)industrial investment fund (IIF)产业投资基金

1.In the course of building industrial investment fund (IIF), it is important to design a mechanism of fee drawing and profit reward distribution.在产业投资基金的建立过程中,基金费用提取与业绩报酬分配机制的设计非常重要。

2.Industrial Investment Fund (IIF) is an innovation financial instrument in China’s capital market.中国产业投资基金是一种借鉴西方发达市场经济国家规范的创业投资基金运作形式,通过发行基金券,将不确定多数投资者的不等额出资汇集成一定规模的信托资产,交由专门投资管理机构按照资产组合原理直接投资于特定产业的未上市企业,并通过资本经营和提供增值服务对受资企业加以培育和辅导使之相对成熟和强壮,以实现资产保值增值与回收,投资收益按出资比例分成的金融制度。


