100字范文 > 财务控制体系框架 Financial Control System Framework英语短句 例句大全

财务控制体系框架 Financial Control System Framework英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-27 10:58:09


财务控制体系框架 Financial Control System Framework英语短句 例句大全

财务控制体系框架,Financial Control System Framework

1)Financial Control System Framework财务控制体系框架

2)Financial control framework财务控制框架


1.Effective Ways to Establish Financial Control Framework of Enterprise Groups;建立企业集团财务控制框架的有效途径

2.Analysis on the Theoretical Framework of Universities Internal Financial Control System;高校内部财务控制系统理论框架分析

3.Financial Control of Enterprise Group:A Theoretical Analysis Framework;企业集团财务控制:一个理论分析框架

4.Core,Frame,Realizing Route of Company s Financial Affairs Control and;公司财务控制的核心、框架及实现路径

5.A Discussion on The Construction of The Modern Enterprise s Financial Control System--The Overall Design Pattern and System Frame;论现代企业财务控制系统的构建——总体设计思路与系统框架

6.Research on Evaluation of Enterprises" Financial Risk Control Based on the COSO Risk Management Framework基于COSO风险管理框架的企业财务风险控制评价研究

7.On the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Establishment of Financial and Accounting Concepts Framework in China;论我国制定财务会计概念框架的利弊

8.A Study on the Growth and Control of Fiscal Expenditure in Public Finance;公共财政框架下财政支出规模增长与控制研究

9.The Financial Monitor Rights:Allocation Model and Achieving Ways;公司治理框架下的财务监控权配置模式研究

10.The Framework Design of the Operational Mechanism of Financial Accounting Function Externalization;财务会计职能外化运行机制的框架设计

11.Study on Continuously Improving Criteria for Enterprises Internal Financial Control Effectiveness;持续改进的企业内部财务控制有效性标准的研究——基于组织循环理论的分析框架

12.Frame of manufacturing grid based on universal enterprise service control center基于通用企业服务控制中心的制造网格框架

13.Domain Oriented QoS Control Framework Research and Application;基于领域的服务质量控制框架的研究与应用

14.The Analyzing Framework and System Construction of the Stakeholders Supervising over Financial Disclosure;利益相关者财务披露监管的分析框架与体制构造

15.The Process of Establishing Chinese CF may be Devided into Two Steps;实质重于形式 欲速则不达——分两步走制定中国的财务会计概念框架

16.Framework study on the system of the rural financial criterion accommodated with new tax-fee system;与新的税费制度相适应的乡村财务管理规范体系框架研究

17.VSC-HVDC Control System FrameworkVSC-HVDC系统控制体系框架

18.International Convergence and Its Apocalypse of Conceptual Framework of Financial Accounting;财务会计概念框架的国际趋同及启示


Financial control framework财务控制框架

3)financial control system财务控制体系

1.The Design of Financial Control System Based on the Corporate Life Cycle;基于企业生命周期的财务控制体系设计

2.Financial control is the center of corporate financial management,center of control is the design offinancial control system.文中将企业生命周期纳入财务控制体系设计中,从企业生命周期的新视角构建企业的财务控制体系,以期为我国处于不同生命周期的企业在构造财务控制体系时提供借鉴。

3.According to the current status of china enterprise group,the financial control models is indicated,then,the key consideration facts are emphasised in constutrcting enterprise groupsfinancial control system.针对我国企业集团现状,文章提出了企业集团财务控制应采取的模式,并着重论述了我国构建企业集团财务控制体系过程中应注意的事项。

4)Finance Control System财务控制体系

1.A Study of Key Issues on StructuringFinance Control System for Business Group;构建企业集团财务控制体系的核心问题研究

5)Control index and framework system控制指标与框架体系

6)financial budget control system财务预算控制体系


