100字范文 > 城市公共建设 Construction of urban public英语短句 例句大全

城市公共建设 Construction of urban public英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-04 06:45:28


城市公共建设 Construction of urban public英语短句 例句大全

城市公共建设,Construction of urban public

1)Construction of urban public城市公共建设


1.The Characteristic of Dynasty Ceramics Smoke Incense Burner论环境陶艺与城市公共建设共融性体现

2.City Public Environmental Art and the Building of City Image;论城市公共环境艺术与城市形象建设

3.The Design of Compound Pubilc Space in Modern Urban Building;现代城市建筑中的复合公共空间设计

4.City Community Construction in the View of Public Choice Theory;公共选择理论视野中的城市社区建设

5.Present Problems and Countermeasures of Municipal Public Greenbelts Construction;城市公共绿地建设存在的问题及对策

6.An Analysis Of Financing Sources Of City Public Traffic Construction;我国城市公共交通建设融资途径研究

7.Innovation in Public Policy for the Construction of an Innovative City建设创新型城市要重视公共政策创新

8.Several suggestions to strengthen the construction of public security of urban;关于加强城市公共安全体系建设的若干建议

9.Effectiveness of Urban Design for Enhancing Public Value of Built Environment;增进建设环境公共价值的城市设计实效研究

10.Negative Externality of Public Facilities and Its Solution城市邻避性公共设施建设的困境与对策探讨

11."The City Furniture"-City Public Utility Design Research;“城市家具”—城市公共设施设计研究

12.Public facilities design conducted by city culture;城市文化导向下的城市公共设施设计

13.Research on the Entrance Space Design of Public Buildings in the Center of City;城市中心区公共建筑入口空间设计研究

14.The Entrance Space Design of Public Buildings and Its Environmental Quality;公共建筑入口空间设计及其城市环境品质

15.The Research on Innovation of Regional Public Administration in Chang-Zhu-Tan Urban Agglomeration;长株潭城市群建设的区域公共管理创新研究

16.A Research on the Application of Public Relations in Urban Brand Construction;公共关系在城市品牌建设中的应用研究

17.A Discussion about the Improvement of Urban Planning Institution Based on the Concept of Public Policy;基于公共政策理念的城市规划制度建设

18.A Preliminary Study on the Necessity of City Public Logistics Center s Planning and Construction;论城市公共物流中心规划建设的必要性


the construction of urban public green space城市公共绿地建设

1.Inthe construction of urban public green space, there are game among the central government, the local governments, the citizen, the real estate interests.公共绿地是城市生态系统的重要组成部分,但城市化水平的增长与公共绿地面积不足的矛盾日益扩大,城市公共绿地建设中存在包括中央政府、地方政府、市民及房地产利益集团的多方博弈。

3)urban public land for construction城市公共建设用地

1.After analyzing the background of air rights systems to come into being and research progress in western countries and China, the author points out we need to research four aspects to build up the layered utilization system ofurban public land for construction based on air rights.在分析国内外空间权制度产生的背景以及基于空间权的城市公共用地分层利用规划管制研究进展的基础上,指出构建适合我国国情的基于空间权的城市公共建设用地分层利用规划管制体系需解决的问题。

4)city public facility城市公共设施

1.This article elaborates thecity public facility concept,function,emphasized these facilities are playing the vital role to the people and the city,and points out they are not at the static condition in the city,but at the dynamic condition——oneself unceasingly develops,to the person and the city is relation of interacts.文章论述了城市公共设施的概念、功能,强调这些设施对于市民和城市所起的重要作用,并指出它们在城市中并不是处于静止状态,而是动态状态——自身不断发展,人与城市是互动关系,最后结合工业设计理论提出公共设施的设计方法,指出在"体验时代"到来的情况下,公共设施的互动特性将是未来发展趋势。

5)urban public pacilities城市公共设施

6)urban public facilities城市公共设施

1.On the financing innovation ofurban public facilities supplying:an asset securitization mode based on the government pay or subsidy;城市公共设施供给中的融资创新——一种基于政府付费或补贴的资产证券化方式

2.Analysis of the responsible entities forurban public facilities accidents城市公共设施安全事故责任主体的辨析

3.Urban public facilities are the fundamental for maintaining the normal function of a city.城市公共设施是城市运行的基础,也是城市职能正常运转的保障。


