100字范文 > 成本前沿 cost frontier英语短句 例句大全

成本前沿 cost frontier英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-18 21:29:57


成本前沿 cost frontier英语短句 例句大全

成本前沿,cost frontier

1)cost frontier成本前沿

1.In this paper, we used DEA methods (non-parametriccost frontier model) to systematically analyze cost efficiency of the Shaoxing textile enterprises.为此,本文引入DEA模型(非参数成本前沿模型),从这一新的角度对规模不等的绍兴纺织企业的成本效率现状进行系统研究。


1.An Investigation Report on the Frontier Problem of Logistics Cost of China;中国物流成本前沿问题考察报告(上)

2.An Application of the Non-parametric Cost Frontier Model to Chinese Industrial Growth;非参数成本前沿模型与中国工业增长模式研究

3.Study of portfolio with transaction costs考虑有交易成本的证券组合的有效前沿研究

4.A Literature Review on the Frontier and Progress of Logistic Cost Researches;国外物流成本研究前沿及进展——一个文献综述

5.Simulation of a single container′s production cost集装箱码头前沿生产系统单箱成本仿真研究

6.Abstract: The miniaturization of switch power supply and reducing its production cost by using resonant converters are the research frontiers of power supply techniques.文摘:利用谐振式变换器使开关电源小型、低成本化是目前电源技术的研究前沿。

7.General Trend and Forward Thought about Chinese Contemporary Poetry;中国当代诗歌的基本走向和前沿思考

8.Thousands of invited guests gathered around to have a sight of this one and only plane on display.前沿飞行总会、前沿控股集团受到了如潮的围观,成为当天热门话题。

9.a squall advancing along a front that forms a definite line.沿锋面前进,形成了一条确定线的风暴。

10.Research on Issues of Modern Human Capital of Entrepreneur Theory;现代企业家人力资本理论几个前沿问题研究

11.Efficiency of a Multiple Criteria Evaluation Model Based on Some Sample Units基于样本前沿面的多准则评价模型的有效性

12.Integration of Frontiers into Teaching Probability and Statistics for Undergraduates前沿知识在概率统计本科教学中的渗透

13.Chelsea, a London district, was suddenly fashion"s hottest property,切尔西,一个伦敦街区,瞬间成为时尚前沿,

14.Research on the Front Edge of International Engineering Education Based on Knowledge Mapping: a Viewpoint of Author Co-citation;基于知识图谱的工程教育前沿成果研究

15.The Narration of The Chinese Rural Cooperatives and its Evolution;新中国成立前农村合作社的历史沿革及其评述

16.Integration and frontier of humanistic sociology of physical education;体育人文社会学的学科集成与研究前沿

17.Delaunay Triangulation for Internal Node Generation in Frontal Approach and Application结合前沿推进的Delaunay三角化网格生成及应用

18.Advances in the Mechanism of Secondary Fine Particulate Matters Formation大气二次细颗粒物形成机理的前沿研究


Random front cost function随机前沿成本函数

3)Stochastic frontier cost model随机前沿成本模型

4)non-parametric cost frontier model非参数成本前沿模型

5)sample frontier样本前沿面

6)advancing front generation method前沿生成法

1.A control rule for information of arbitrary boundaries in the goaf is made and regional mesh density function is based on the subdivision precision of known air leakage boundaries, then Delaunay triangular units are generated automatically by mesh subdivision technology ofadvancing front generation method.建立了任意形状采空区边界信息的管理规则,以已知漏风边界的剖分精度作为区域网格密度函数的依据,用前沿生成法的网格剖分技术自动生成Delaunay三角形单元。


