100字范文 > 同志电影 the film of homosexuality英语短句 例句大全

同志电影 the film of homosexuality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-07 06:38:59


同志电影 the film of homosexuality英语短句 例句大全

同志电影,the film of homosexuality

1)the film of homosexuality同志电影

1.In the 1990 s,the film of homosexuality had been in fashion in the main land,HongKong and Taiwan.上个世纪90年代,“同志电影”曾在两岸三地风行。


1.Chinese Gay Movies:Difficult Search of Recognition华语同志电影:寻求认同的艰难探索

2.This Scenery is Good Alone--Random Thoughts about the Film of Homosexuality;风景这边独好——有关“同志电影”的断想

3.The development of radio, television, cinema, magazine and newspapers has gone hand in hand with the development of advertising.无线电、视、影、志和报纸的发展同广告业的发展是齐头并进的。

4.The film A Middle-Aged Doctor is worth seeing. We old comrades can learn a lot from it.《人到中年》这部电影值得一看,主要是教育我们这些老同志的。

5.pornographic films and magazines.色情电影和色情杂志。

6.Contemporary Film and Chinese Film Development;《当代电影》杂志与当代中国电影的发展

7.To Inspire by Means of Movies:A New Perspective of Research on Children s Films;电影励志:切入儿童电影的一个角度

8.Will you please give me Comrade Yu"s telephone number.劳驾把余同志的电话号码告诉我。

9.These are qualities which mark the film as quite exceptional.这些特点标志着那部影片与众不同.

10.my ambition is to work in the movies,我的志向是在电影公司工作,

11.Film directors are sometimes frustrated actors.电影导演有时是不得志的演员.

12.A Discussion with Mr. Chen Runlan on Photographic Literature and Literary Photography;摄影文学不是文学摄影——与陈润兰同志商榷

13.a kindred spirit志同道合 [志趣相同] 的人

rade Li isn"t in at the moment; would you like to ring back later?李同志现在不在,请您过一会再打来电话好吗?

15.On the Issue of "Coded Telegram" During the Period of Long March of the Red Army;也谈红军长征中的“密电”问题——请教范硕同志

16.Discrimination Among "Electronic Evidence", "Electronic Physical Evidence " and "Inspection of Electronic Physical Evidence"--A Discussion with Mr. Wang Gui qiang;“电子证据”、“电子物证”、“电子物证检验”辨析——兼与王桂强同志商榷

17.Some comrades are worried that this practice may have an adverse effect on the collective economy.有的同志担心,这样搞会不会影响集体经济。

18.A Second Talk on the Name of Photographic Literature--Answers to YANG Jian s Questions;再论“摄影文学”的命名问题——兼答杨健同志


youth film about encouragement青春励志电影

1.Theyouth film about encouragement is a new type of film.青春励志电影是一个新兴的电影类型,特别是在日本,这种类型受到了关注和好评。

3)synchronous camera同步电影摄影机

4)Homosexual Film同性恋电影

1.The Evol ution of in Narration in ChineseHomosexual Film;华语同性恋电影叙事方式之演变


1.Chen Heqin and Tao Xingzhi,the co-founders of Nanjing Xiaozhuang Normal School,were lifetimecomrades and close friends.教育家陈鹤琴先生与陶行知是一生的同志与挚友。

2.The appellation “comrade”,arisingen in the 20s of the 19~(th) century within a limited communication and widely used by the whole society in the 50s in the last century, is now back to its formal situation.“同志”称谓由19世纪代在一定范围内兴起,到50年代全社会普遍使用,现今又回到了局限于一定范围内的使用状况,这一嬗变过程体现着语言在使用过程中发展演变的基本规律。

3.These characteristics are given the titles "Miss" and "Comrade".本文参照现有研究成果,借鉴话语分析理论,尝试从语言学和修辞学的交叉点出发,聚集于林道静最具特征的两个称谓“小姐”和“同志”,剖析林道静不同阶段操持的爱情话语和政治话语。


1.He makes friends with those feelingcommon interest in concern,being honest and credible,ready to go through thick and thin together.李觏交谊面广 ,交往极严 ,他交友的准则为 :志同道合、守信相知、贵诤规共患

2.He makes friends with those feelingcommon interest in concern, being honest and credible, ready to go through thick and thin together.李觏交谊面广,交往极严,他交友的准则为:志同道合、守信相知、贵诤规共患难。


