100字范文 > 筛选系统 screening system英语短句 例句大全

筛选系统 screening system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-09 22:39:26


筛选系统 screening system英语短句 例句大全

筛选系统,screening system

1)screening system筛选系统

1.Research on Intellectualized Screening System of Network Information;智能化网络信息筛选系统研究

2.This paper expounds the technical transformation of the raw coalscreening system in Xiqu Coal Washery, compares the technical characteristics and operational results of the equipment before and after the technical transformation, and analyzes on the economical and social benefits of this technical transformation.阐述了西曲选煤厂原煤筛选系统的技术改造情况,比较了改造前后设备的技术特征及使用前后的效果,分析了该项技术改造的经济效益和社会效益。


1.Kirma (dispersion) systemKirma废纸纸浆筛选系统

2.Mannose Selection System in Tomato Transformation甘露糖筛选系统在番茄转化中的应用

3.Screening of Proteins Interacting with p38 MAPK & PRAK by T7select Phage Display System;T7噬菌体展示筛选系统筛选与p38MAPK及PRAK相结合蛋白

4.Screening of Interactor Protein with Soybean Transcription Factor, GmDREB5, Using Yeast Two-Hybrid System and Construction of a Nuclear Transcription Trap (NTT) System;利用酵母双杂交系统筛选GmDREB5的互作蛋白及核蛋白筛选系统(NTT)的建立

5.The Automatic Testing and Sorting System of Capacity of the Nimh Battery;镍氢电池在线自动检测与筛选系统的研究

6.Optimization of Regeneration Transformation of Brassica Oleracea in Tissue Culture and Screening System;甘蓝组织培养再生、转化及筛选系统的优化研究

7.C-Myc Promoter Based Anti-Tumor Drug Screening System基于c-myc启动子的抗肿瘤药物筛选系统

8.Project Profile Screening and Pre-Appraisal Information System项目概况筛选和初步评价信息系统

9.Screening for Proteins Interacting with FOXP3 Gene by Yeast Two Hybrid System;酵母双杂交系统筛选FOXP3相互作用蛋白

10.Screening for Proteins Interacting with DND1 by Yeast Two-Hybrid System;酵母双杂交系统筛选DND1相互作用蛋白

11.Screening Interaction Protein of CTCF by Yeast Two Hybrid System;酵母双杂交系统筛选CTCF相互作用蛋白

12.Screen Friendly Gene Locus by Cre/lox Recombination System;利用Cre/lox重组系统筛选友好基因座

13.Screening system for detection of common abused drugs in biological fluids;体液中常见滥用药物的系统筛选分析

14.The number of times a filter object was created. This corresponds to the total number of documents filtered in the system since startup.筛选对象创建的次数。它与启动后系统筛选的文档总数相关。

15.Screening of β-lactamase Inhibitors by Yeast Two-hybrid System;利用酵母双杂交系统筛选β-内酰胺酶抑制剂

16.Screening of the Interactive Molecules of HAb18G/CD147 by Using MAPPIT System;基于MAPPIT系统筛选HAb18G/CD147相互作用分子的研究

17.The Screening of New Function Genes in CNS Involved in the Obesity and Its Relative Disease;中枢神经系统中与肥胖相关的功能基因的筛选

18.Screening Proteins to Interact with M1 by Yeast Two-hybrid System;酵母双杂交系统筛选与M1相互作用的蛋白质


PCR screening systemPCR筛选系统

3)Yeast selective system酵母筛选系统

4)xylose screening system木糖筛选系统

5)positive selection system阳性筛选系统

6)nuclear transportation trap (NTT)蛋白筛选系统(NTT)


