100字范文 > 叶面积指数(LAI) leaf area index(LAI)英语短句 例句大全

叶面积指数(LAI) leaf area index(LAI)英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-14 16:54:28


叶面积指数(LAI) leaf area index(LAI)英语短句 例句大全

叶面积指数(LAI),leaf area index(LAI)

1)leaf area index(LAI)叶面积指数(LAI)

1.In practices,measuring leaf area index(LAI)in large area scale is very difficult.实践中,大尺度上测量叶面积指数(LAI)很难实现,利用遥感技术进行LAI的定量反演成为当前研究的重点。

2)Leaf Area Index (LAI)叶面积指数(LAI)

3)leaf-area index叶面积指数 LAI


1.Study on estimation of urban forestLAI models based on SPOT5;基于SPOT5遥感影像的城市森林叶面积指数反演

2.Analysis of Topographical Effect on Retrieval ofLAI from Remotely Sensed Data;遥感提取叶面积指数的地形影响分析

3.The Study on Multi-spectral Remote Sensing Estimation Models aboutLAI of Rice;水稻叶面积指数的多光谱遥感估算模型研究


1.Advance in Ground-based LAI Measurement Methods叶面积指数地面测量方法的研究进展

2.Estimating Leaf Area Index by Fusing MODIS and MISR Data联合MODIS与MISR遥感数据估算叶面积指数

3.A Dynamic Knowledge Model for Optimal LAI in Cotton棉花适宜叶面积指数的动态知识模型

4.A Study on the Inversion and Validation of Crop Leaf Area Index Based on Remotely-sensed Data;作物叶面积指数遥感反演与验证研究

5.Quantitative relationships between hyper-spectral vegetation indices and leaf area index of rice高光谱植被指数与水稻叶面积指数的定量关系

6.A Study on the Inversion and Validation of Larix Gmelinii Leaf Area Index Based on Remotely-sensed Data;兴安落叶松叶面积指数反演与验证研究

7.Studies on the Relationship Between Yield and Leaf Area Index and Their Dry Matter Accumulation in Black Soybean黑豆叶面积指数及干物质积累与产量的关系

8.Leaf Area Index and Specific Leaf Area of Natural Poplars in Ergis Basin额尔齐斯河天然杨树林叶面积指数及比叶面积的研究

9.Estimating Forest Leaf Area Index Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data of Hypeion;利用Hypeion高光谱遥感数据估测森林叶面积指数

10.Estimation of cotton canopy chlorophyll density and leaf area index based on red-edge parameters基于棉花红边参数的叶绿素密度及叶面积指数的估算

11.Researches on the Model of Leaf Area Index of Common Landscape Plants in Beijing;北京常见园林植物叶面积指数模型研究

12.Estimating Forest Leaf Area Index Based on BP-Nueral Networks基于BP神经网络森林叶面积指数估算研究

13.Research on LAI of Several Main Garden Trees in Shanghai上海市几种主要园林树木叶面积指数相关研究

14.The Relationship between Climate and Leaf Area Index Composed by MODIS Remote Sensing Data in Mountainous Area of Guizhou Province西南山地MODIS遥感叶面积指数与气候的关系

15.Estimation of Regional Leaf Area Index by Remote Sensing Inversion of PROSAIL Canopy Spectral ModelPROSAIL冠层光谱模型遥感反演区域叶面积指数

16.Leaf Area Index Estimation for Qinghai Spruce Forest Using Digital Hemispherical Photography青海云杉林叶面积指数半球摄影测量方法研究

17.Effect of Sowing Date on Yield and LAI of Supper Japonica Rice播种期对粳型超级稻产量及叶面积指数的影响

18.Estimating Method of Forest Leaf Area Index on Different Space Scales不同空间尺度森林叶面积指数的估算方法


Leaf Area Index (LAI)叶面积指数(LAI)

3)leaf-area index叶面积指数 LAI


1.Study on estimation of urban forestLAI models based on SPOT5;基于SPOT5遥感影像的城市森林叶面积指数反演

2.Analysis of Topographical Effect on Retrieval ofLAI from Remotely Sensed Data;遥感提取叶面积指数的地形影响分析

3.The Study on Multi-spectral Remote Sensing Estimation Models aboutLAI of Rice;水稻叶面积指数的多光谱遥感估算模型研究

5)leaf area index叶面积指数

1.Red edge characteristics andleaf area index estimation model using hyperspectral data for rape;油菜红边特征及其叶面积指数的高光谱估算模型

2.Temporal variation of plant height,plant cover andleaf area index in intercropped area of Sichuan,China;四川间作地区作物高度、覆盖度和叶面积指数的动态变化(英文)

3.Theleaf area index measurement of Drepanostachyum ludianense;小蓬竹的叶面积指数测定

6)Leaf Area Index(LAI)叶面积指数

1.Our study was undertaken to develop a process-based simulation model for predicting dynamic green area index,including leaf area index(LAI) and pod area index(PAI),in winter rapeseed(Brassica napus).该研究的目的是以生理生态过程为基础,构建油菜(Brassica napus)叶面积指数和角果面积指数变化动态的模拟模型。

2.This paper reviews current knowledge concerning the use of direct and indirect ground-based measurement methods and problems for leaf area index(LAI) determination.介绍了目前使用的直接和间接地面测量叶面积指数(leaf area index,LAI)的方法,指出了其存在的问题,同时对间接方法的仪器进行了比较,并对地面测量LAI的方法、检验LAI测量仪器的测试平台和基于光学模型方法的LAI测量仪器进行了展望。

3.,leaf area index(LAI) and canopy openness,of an urban forest stand in Maofengshan,Guangzhou,were estimated using hemispherical photography in parallel with quadrat plant census.以样方法为基础,用半球面影像技术估测了广州市帽峰山常绿阔叶林的2种冠层结构参数,即叶面积指数(LAI)和林冠孔隙度。


受光叶面积指数测定受光叶面积指数测定determination of lighted leaf area indexshouguang yem一anji zhishu eeding受光叶面积指数测定(determination oflighted leaf area index)生长状况观测项目之一,是对受到太阳直接辐射照射的叶面积(用叶面积指数来表示)的侧定(见叶面积测定)。测定目的在于鉴定光能在作物群体中分布的合理性和有效性;预测其对产量的影响。测定时首先分层测定受光面积率。一般采用棒测法,即用一根110厘米长的木尺,其上每隔1厘米点一红油漆点(共100个点),将它水平放置在欲测的层次高度上,与作物行间垂直,并固定在支架上,随后数它被阳光直接照射的亮点(红漆点)数。在同一高度上,用同样的方法,每间隔10厘米左右移动测尺一次,共测十次,算出总亮点数,然后除以1000,便求得该层受光面积率(百分率)。中国已研制出直射透光率测定仪,其棒状感应器为1米长,由100个感应器件组成,用它在作物群体内进行快速扫描,直射光透光率由数码直接显示。作物冠层的垂直分层,对于矮秆密植作物(如稻、麦),一般从地面向上每10厘米为一层,而稀植高秆作物(如玉米),一般每20一30厘米为一层。测定时,按照划分好的垂直层次标志,由上向下逐层分别测得各层的受光面积率。其次,分别测出各垂直层次间的叶面积密度(见叶面积密度测定)。最后,求算群体受光叶面积指数。某层叶面积密度乘以该层的受光面积率就是该层的受光叶面积指数。(林家栋)
