100字范文 > 五脏系统 five organs system英语短句 例句大全

五脏系统 five organs system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-19 16:40:25


五脏系统 five organs system英语短句 例句大全

五脏系统,five organs system

1)five organs system五脏系统

1.Analysis of traditional chinese medicinefive organs system by gray system theory基于灰色系统理论的中医五脏系统分析


1.Analysis of traditional chinese medicine five organs system by gray system theory基于灰色系统理论的中医五脏系统分析

2.Simulation based on Cybernetics for the System of Four Seasons and Five Organs in Traditional Chinese Medicine基于控制论的中医学四时五脏系统稳态性能仿真

3.Regulatory Five-Visceral System in TCM and Network of Neuroen-Docrine-Immuno-Modulation中医五脏调控系统与神经内分泌免疫调节网络的关系

4.Of or relating to the heart and the respiratory system.心脏和呼吸系统的心脏和呼吸系统的,与心脏和呼吸系统有关的

5.catheterization data analysis system心脏导管数据分析系统

6.Discussion on the Relationship between the Whole-hearted Failure and the Viscera from the Five Elements Theory从五行学说探讨全心衰竭与脏腑的关系

7.On Systematic Thoughts(5): Seeing a System by Jumping Outside of It;论系统思维(五):跳出系统看系统

8.Diversity of Relationship between Five Zang Organs and Five Elements and Course of Medical Development;从五脏五行配属关系的多样性看医学发展的轨迹

9.Studies of Digitized Hepatic Ducts System and Virtual Liver;肝脏管道系统数字化及虚拟肝脏的研究

10.The autonomic nervous system is also called the visceral, vegetative, or involuntary nervous system.自主神经系统又称内脏神经系统,营养神经系统或不随意神经系统。

11.Dysfunction of lung, heart, central nervous system, kidney and liver were main complications.在各器官功能障碍中,以肺脏、脏、枢神经系统、脏、脏功能障碍的发生率最高。

12.Cardiac Surgery Via Minimally Invasive Incision versus Median Sternotomy:A Systematic Review微创心脏外科手术与传统开胸心脏手术术后疗效的系统评价

13.two-dimensional real-time echocardiographic system双面实时超音波心脏动态检查系统

14.Change of Fibrinolytic System in Open Heart Surgery体外循环心脏手术中纤溶系统的改变

15.The clinical study of visceral organs involvement in systemic lupus erythematosus;系统性红斑狼疮内脏损害的临床研究

16.Effects of Losartan on Renin-angiotensin System in the Kidney of Rat with Renal Failure;氯沙坦对肾衰大鼠肾脏RAS系统的影响

17.Study on Control System of Maglev Axial Blood Pump轴流式磁悬浮心脏泵控制系统的研究

18.Medicinal Charcoal for Chronic Kidney Disease:A Systematic Review药用炭治疗慢性肾脏疾病的系统评价


Regulatory five-visceral system五脏调控系统

3)Five elements and five organs system五行五脏结构系统

4)relationship between the five internal organs五脏关系

5)liver system肝脏系统

6)splanchnic system内脏系统

1.Thesplanchnic system of Cervus nippon szchuanicus was observed and studied by naked eyes and dissecting microscope.对一只成年雌性四川梅花鹿内脏系统作了初步的观察和研究,其气管长440mm;食道呈漏斗状,具伸缩性,粗细不等;胃属于反刍胃,包括瘤胃、网胃、瓣胃、皱胃,容积分别占全部胃室的80%、6%、6。


