100字范文 > 摇床培养 submerged cultivation英语短句 例句大全

摇床培养 submerged cultivation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-02 11:23:43


摇床培养 submerged cultivation英语短句 例句大全

摇床培养,submerged cultivation

1)submerged cultivation摇床培养

1.Results showed that,undersubmerged cultivation,AMP(polysaccharides from mycelium of Armillaria mellea) and biomass achieves the maximum production rate in 8th days,were 124.结果显示,蜜环菌在摇床培养条件下形成菌丝球,菌丝多糖(AMP)和生物量在第8d达到最高产量,分别为124。

2)shaking-bottle incubating test method摇床培养试验法

3)50mL-tube shaking culture50mL-管摇床培养

4)shaking culture摇瓶培养


1.Key Technical Points of Shaking Culture in Edible Fungi食用菌液体菌种摇瓶培养操作技术要点

2.Studies on the Culture Condition and Fermentation Crafts of A Strain of Bacillus subtilis生防菌菌株A的摇瓶培养条件及发酵工艺

3.MethodsThe study was in flask and fermentation tank culture by batch and fed batch method.方法通过摇瓶培养和分批及补料分批发酵培养进行研究。

4.Effect of culture conditions on the anstaxanthin production of the mutantstrain UV-801e-S015 of Phaffia Rhodozyma in shake flask cultures摇瓶培养条件对红法夫酵母突变菌株UV-801e-S015产虾青素的影响

5.Cloning, Expression, Fermentation with Shaking-flask and Purification of Recombinant Human GM-CSF;人粒细胞—巨噬细胞集落刺激因子基因克隆、表达、摇瓶培养及分离纯化的研究

6.Study on submerged culture conditions of Lentinula edodes香菇摇瓶发酵产鲜味物质培养条件的研究

7.culture flask (Kolle Roux), of glass长颈玻璃培养瓶(科勒瓶、鲁氏瓶)

8.flask of glass for laboratory use (e.g., distilling, culture, volumetric)实验室用玻璃长颈瓶(例如蒸馏瓶、培养瓶、商量容量瓶)

9.Shake the bottle before taking the medicine.服药前先将药瓶摇一摇.

10.Incubation bottles with ground-glass stoppers are utilized.使用带毛玻璃塞子的培养瓶。

11.Effect of Nutriment from Different Sources on the Growth of Armillariella mellea in Bottle Stick Cultivation不同营养源对培养蜜环菌瓶装菌枝的影响

12.for the latter, it is a cradle for nurturing-as long as the person takes care not to rock himself to sleep.对于第二类,它是个培养的摇篮——只要他小心别摇摆得睡熟了。

13.A Cradle for Innovative Talents Cultivation--On the Function of University Lab in Personnel Cultivation;创新人才培养的摇篮——浅谈高校实验室在人才培养中的作用

14.On the whole, during the first7 weeks of culture, the suspended cells in every culture flask were increasing in number.在培养7周内,每个培养瓶中平均悬液细胞数是增加的。

15.After repeated adherence and enzyme digestion, the cells attained the requirement of morphological purification with a purity of more than 95%.经台盼蓝拒染计数,将细胞按1×10^6接种于培养瓶,传代培养。

16.Analysis of bacteria growth ability and sensitivity against Be-tai blood culture bottle伯泰血培养瓶对细菌培养生长能力和敏感性分析

17.The key of innovation is the talents.创新的关键是人才,高校是培养创新人才的摇篮。

18.Higher Professional Colleges Should Become the Cradles to Cultivate the Senior Blue-collar Workers;高职学院应成为培养高级蓝领人才的摇篮


shaking-bottle incubating test method摇床培养试验法

3)50mL-tube shaking culture50mL-管摇床培养

4)shaking culture摇瓶培养

5)shake flask culture摇瓶培养

1.8 mg·L -1 of Gibberellins was obtained aftershake flask culture at 25℃ for 10 days, and the Gibberellins included GA 3 and GA 4, GA 7 by TLC analyses.摇瓶培养研究表明: 以木薯粉、硝酸铵为碳氮源的适宜培养基等条件下发酵,总赤霉素产率达678。

6)shake-flask culture摇瓶培养

1.B 101under the conditions ofshake-flask culture of 175rpm and 30℃ were studied.在175rpm,30℃条件下摇瓶培养C、U、B 101 GSH积累菌种,研究了pH、接种量、菌龄及混合氨基酸、ATP对生产GSH的影响。


