100字范文 > 文学史写作 writing of literary history英语短句 例句大全

文学史写作 writing of literary history英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-10 10:13:41


文学史写作 writing of literary history英语短句 例句大全

文学史写作,writing of literary history

1)writing of literary history文学史写作

1.However,literary criticism is absent in thewriting of literary history.把文学作为文学活动来研究在今天已经形成共识,而文学批评也是文学活动之一种,但是在当今的文学史写作中,文学批评是缺席的。

2.,the approach to history,intelligenct,literariness and thewriting of literary history,teaching and reading of texts.在新的历史条件和新的学术背景下,无论是文学史的研究还是文学史研究与教学的关系,都还有不少问题值得人们认真思考与探索,比如文学史研究如何走近历史,灵性、悟性、文学性与文学史写作及教育的关系,文学史教学与文本阅读问题,文学作品的传播与文学史格局,等等,而所有的思考与探索,其最终目的只有一个,那就是让人们更接近文学的本质而不是相反。


1.Relation of Chinese Literature with World Literature: Principles in Compiling History of World Literature;中国的世界文学史写作与世界文学观

2.The Dynamic Mechanism in the Literary History s Writing--The Writing of Modern Chinese Literature History As An Example;文学史写作中的动态机制——以中国现代文学史的写作为例

3.Epistemological Evidence for Personalized Writing of Literary History;当代文学史写作个人化的知识学依据

4.The Critique of “On Writer” in the History of Chinese Literature--Notes on the Study of Modern and Contemporary Literature;作为文学史写作资源的“作家论”——“现当代文学学科史”研究随笔之一

5.Tolerance and Makeshift in the Writing of Contemporary History of Literature;当代文学史写作中的宽容和权宜之计

6.On the Significance of the Style of Shi Sou to the Writing of Literary History;试论《诗薮》体例对文学史写作的意义

7.Diagrams and Explanations--A New Writing Method in Literary History;“图解”:一种新的文学史写作方式

8.Soviet-Union Model and the Literary History Writing in 1950s of China;苏联模式"与1950年代的现代文学史写作

9.Lack of logic in Writing Revolutionary History and Modern Literary History;革命史体系与现代文学史写作的逻辑缺失

10.Talks on the Writing of Contemporary Literature History;“历史”的多样化叙述——关于当代文学史写作的对话

11.The May 4th Literary Revolution in the History of Chinese Modern Literary Writing;中国现代文学史写作中的“五四文学革命”

12.On the Possibility of Bringing Literary Criticism into the Writing of Literary History;浅析文学批评纳入文学史写作的可能性

13.Necessity and Possibility of Introducing Opera Literature into Modern Literary History;戏曲文学进入现代文学史写作的必要和可能

14.The Challange of the "Writing the History of Literature"--the culture meaning of Tang Bohu phenomenon;文学史写作的一个挑战——唐伯虎之文化意义论析

15.The Loss of Ethical dimensions in the Compilation and Teaching of Contemporary Chinese Literary History;中国当代文学史写作与教学中的伦理维度缺失

16.Literature in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao and Literary History Writing ──Another Discussion on theHolistic View of 2o~(th)-century Chinese Literature;台港澳文学与文学史写作──再谈20世纪中国文学的整体视野

17.The History of Literature: its definition and writing Also on A Survey of English Literature;文学史的定位与写作——兼评《英国文学简史》

18.Influence of New Text Studies in West Han Dynasty on Writing of Benji in Historical Records;西汉今文经学对《史记》本纪写作的影响


composing Chinese literature history中国文学史写作

3)writing of the history of contemporary literature当代文学史写作

4)writing of modern literary history现代文学史写作

5)Compilation of world literary"世界文学史"写作

6)The writing facing the literature history面向文学史的写作


