100字范文 > 伤寒六经 Cold damage Six meridians英语短句 例句大全

伤寒六经 Cold damage Six meridians英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-25 09:47:56


伤寒六经 Cold damage Six meridians英语短句 例句大全

伤寒六经,Cold damage Six meridians

1)Cold damage Six meridians伤寒六经

2)six-channel disease of Shanghan伤寒六经病

3)Typhoid fever伤寒

1.Clinical diagnosis of typhoid fever in children and Widal s reaction;小儿伤寒临床诊断与肥达反应的探讨

2.Analysis of 1087 typhoid fever epidemic situation in Zhenhai District of Ningbo from 1985 to ;宁波市镇海区1087例伤寒流行病学分析

3.Investigation and analysis on the serological types of typhoid fever (paratyphoid fever) from 1995 to in Hunan Province;1995~湖南省伤寒(副伤寒)血清学型别调查分析


1.typhoid-paratyphoid A,B and C vaccine (TABC)伤寒副伤寒甲乙丙菌苗

2.typhoid-paratyphoid A and B vaccine伤寒副伤寒甲和乙菌苗

3.typhoid and paratyphoid vaccine伤寒副伤寒混合菌苗

4.Of, relating to, or resembling typhoid fever.伤寒的,和伤寒有关的,象伤寒的

5.d B vaccinetetanus toxoid伤寒副伤寒甲乙破伤风疫苗

6.A fast way of diagnosing typhoid, paratyphoid and typhus with serology agglutinating method快速诊断伤寒、副伤寒、斑疹伤寒的血清学凝集法

7.A culture of typhoid bacilli, used to test for the presence of typhoid fever.伤寒素伤寒病菌的培养,用来测试伤寒的存在

8.He was given a tab injection .他注射了伤寒一副伤寒甲一副伤寒乙三联疫苗。

9.typhus (endemic)斑疹伤寒(地方性)

10.salmonella typhi伤寒(沙门氏)杆菌

11.Investigation on An Outbreak of Typhoid/Paratyphoid Fever in Chongqing一起伤寒副伤寒爆发疫情的调查分析

12.have a Tab injection注射伤寒副伤寒甲、乙预防针.

13.Indications: It is indicated in the treatment of typhoid, paratyphoid, typhus and bacillary dysentery.适应症:主要用于治疗伤寒、副伤寒、斑疹伤寒及细菌性痢疾。

14.[ Objective ] To investigate a fast way of diagnosing typhoid, paratyphoid and typhus with serology agglutinating method.目的 探讨一种诊断伤寒、副伤寒、斑疹伤寒的快速血清学凝集法。

15.tick-borne typhus fever of Africa虱媒介的非洲斑疹伤寒

16.He is very low with typhoid.他因患伤寒身体很差。

17.An outbreak of typhoid followed.继而伤寒突然蔓延。

18.a carrier who communicated typhus.斑疹伤寒的带菌者.


six-channel disease of Shanghan伤寒六经病

3)Typhoid fever伤寒

1.Clinical diagnosis of typhoid fever in children and Widal s reaction;小儿伤寒临床诊断与肥达反应的探讨

2.Analysis of 1087 typhoid fever epidemic situation in Zhenhai District of Ningbo from 1985 to ;宁波市镇海区1087例伤寒流行病学分析

3.Investigation and analysis on the serological types of typhoid fever (paratyphoid fever) from 1995 to in Hunan Province;1995~湖南省伤寒(副伤寒)血清学型别调查分析


1.Analysis on Epidemiological Characteristics ofTyphoid and Paratyphoid Fever From 1997 to in Zhejiang Province;浙江省1997~伤寒副伤寒流行特征分析

2.Use of GIS in assessment of typhoid fever surveillance system;地理信息系统技术在伤寒发热监测中应用

3.Epidemic Features ofTyphoid Fever in Linyi City and Relevant Preventive Measures;临沂市伤寒副伤寒流行特征及防治对策

5)Typhoid and paratyphoid伤寒副伤寒

1.Study on Epidemic Characteristics and Risk Factors of Typhoid and Paratyphoid in Zhejiang Province;浙江省伤寒副伤寒流行特征与流行因素研究

6)Typhoid-paratyphoid vaccines伤寒副伤寒菌苗


