100字范文 > 云水资源 cloud water resources英语短句 例句大全

云水资源 cloud water resources英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-12 03:57:53


云水资源 cloud water resources英语短句 例句大全

云水资源,cloud water resources

1)cloud water resources云水资源

1.In order to meet with the demand ofcloud water resources unification management and optimal configuration,at first,the conception ofcloud water resources was put forward and the forming course and the forms of cloud water reached land was revealed by analyzing the invert relations of the air water,surface water,soil water,and groundwater on the base of dualistic water cycle law in the paper.为满足国家对云水资源统一管理和合理配置的需求,本文首先以二元水循环规律为理论基础,通过对空中水、地表水、土壤水和地下水四水转化关系的分析,提出了云水资源的内涵并揭示其组成过程及其3种存在形式;其次,依据着陆后云水资源3种存在形式,给出云水资源水量计算公式模型;最后,以研究区为例进行应用研究,在雨季末期人工降水20mm时,用此模型计算了研究区3个子区域云水资源水量。

2.The conception and the computing model of eco-environment work was developed to describe the efficiency ofcloud water resources by the eco-environment,then,the forms of cloud water reaching land were analyzed.为探讨云水资源优化配置的理论依据,文章以二元水循环规律为理论基础,通过对空中水、地表水、土壤水和地下水四水转化的关系和着陆后云水资源存在形式的分析,提出生态和环境功的概念并给出云水资源生态和环境功的计算模型,来描述云水资源的生态环境利用效率。

3.In order to meet with the demand ofcloud water resources unification management and optimal configuration,at first,the conception ofcloud water resources was put forward and the forming course and the forms of cloud water reached land was revealed by analyzing the invert relations of the air water, sudace water,soil water,and groundwater on the base of dualistic water cycle law in the paper.为满足国家对云水资源统一管理和合理配置的需求,本文首先以二元水循环规律为理论基础,通过对空中水、地表水、土壤水和地下水四水转化关系的分析,提出了云水资源的内涵并揭示其组成过程及其3种存在形式; 其次,依据着陆后云水资源3种存在形式,给出云水资源水量计算公式模型;最后,以研究区为例进行应用研究,在雨季末期人工降水20mm 时,用此模型计算了研究区3个子区域云水资源水量。


1.Collective Action and Rational Utilization of Water Resource in Atmosphere;集体行动与大气云水资源的合理利用

2.Develop water resources in clond,strengthen the regional capacity of defending and lightening disaster;开发云水资源,增强区域防灾减灾能力

3.Distribution Features of Cloud Water Resources Over Henan Province in June to August,6-8月河南空中云水资源分布特征

4.External conflict and management of development and utilization of nimbus resources云水资源开发利用的外部冲突与管理研究

5.Reviews on studies of exploitation and utilization of cloud-water resource in the Qilian Mountains region祁连山空中云水资源开发利用研究综述

6.The Study on Cloud-water Resource Distribution and Artificial Precipitation Potential Over Xiangfan City襄樊市空中云水资源分布及人工增雨潜力研究

parison of cloud water resources over Tianshan Mountains and Taklimakan Desert天山山区与塔克拉玛干沙漠云水资源的对比分析

8.Studies of Evaluation on Sustainable Exploitation of Water Resources in Middle Yunnan Province;云南滇中水资源可持续利用评价研究

9.The Water Resources Sustainable Development Use of Fuzzy Quality Synthetic Evaluation in Yunnan Province;云南省水资源可持续开发利用模糊综合评价

10.Legal Approaches to Perfect Protecting Yunnan Fuxian Lake Water Resource;完善云南抚仙湖水资源保护的法律思考

11.Research on Main Functional Areas Water Resources Development and Utilization of Yunnan Province;云南省主体功能区水资源开发利用初步研究

12.The Wild Flower Resources & the Utilization in Baiyun Mountain in Lishui,Zhejiang Province;浙江丽水白云山野生花卉资源及其利用

13.The Development and Utilization of Water Resources and Ecological Environment Protection in Yunnan Province;云南省水资源的开发利用与生态环境保护

14.The Present Situation of Ornamental Plant Resource and Protect Measure in Baiyun Mountain of Lishui;丽水白云山观赏植物资源现状与保护对策

15.Study on the Exploitation Model of Eco-Tourism Resources in Baishui Terrace of Yunnan;云南白水台生态旅游资源开发模式研究

16.Study Methods of Evaluation on the Groundwater Resources Which is the Type of Dolomite"s Mountain Basin白云岩山间盆地型水源地地下水资源评价方法研究

17.The Development of Hydro-power Stations and its Potential Influence on the Hydrologic Traits and Water Resources in Yunnan Province水电开发及其对水文水资源特性的潜在影响——以云南省为例

18.Beijing"s water supply is already under grave stress: the Miyun Reservoir, which previously supplied much of the city"s water, is critically low and the quality of its water is declining.北京的水资源已极为紧张,曾作为北京主要水源的密云水库水位已经低了不少,水质也有所下降,


cloud water resource云水资源

1.Artificial precipitation-enhancement is an efficient approach to develop and make use ofcloud water resource in the air and lighten water resource s shortage.人工增雨、开发空中云水资源是缓解水资源短缺的一个重要途径。

3)cloud water path中国云水资源

4)Water resource in atmosphere大气云水资源

5)cloud-water resource空中云水资源

1.Reviews on studies of exploitation and utilization ofcloud-water resource in the Qilian Mountains region祁连山空中云水资源开发利用研究综述

6)Rain Clouds Resources雨云资源


