100字范文 > 头面部烧伤 facial burns英语短句 例句大全

头面部烧伤 facial burns英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-16 21:52:33


头面部烧伤 facial burns英语短句 例句大全

头面部烧伤,facial burns

1)facial burns头面部烧伤

1.Nursing methods patients withfacial burns treated with exposure therapy;暴露疗法治疗头面部烧伤患者的护理


1.Psychological Nursing of Patients with Head and Face Burns头面部烧伤病人的心理护理(附108例报告)

2.Psychological responses and nursing strategy for patients with head and face chemical burn头面部化学烧伤患者的心理反应及护理对策

3.She was badly burned on the face and body.她面部和身上严重烧伤.

4.Adjacent Scalp Cutaneous Flap for Repairing Head Deep Electric Burns at the Early Stage邻位头皮瓣早期修复头部深度电烧伤

5.His face was badly burned and he had to have skin transplanted.他的面部严重烧伤,不得不请医生植皮。

6.Exposed burns of face are easily affected.面部烧伤的裸露易于感染。

7.The Effect of HSP70 to Prevent the Progressive Necrosis in Deep Partial Thickness Burn;HSP70防止局部深Ⅱ~°烧伤创面加深的作用

8.The efficacy of MEBO in treating facial abrasion湿润烧伤膏治疗颜面部挫擦伤的疗效观察

9.Clinical application of MEBO in treating cutaneous traumas of maxillofacial and neck region湿润烧伤膏在面颈部皮肤创伤中的临床应用

10.Back skin donor site:A good choice for repairing Ⅲ° burn wound in children背部供皮区修复儿童大面积Ⅲ度烧伤创面

11.Patients with neck, chest or head burns should be watched for delayed pulmonary edema.应该观察颈部、胸部或头部烧伤的病人是否有延迟的肺水肿。

12.Skull involvement has been reported in 30? of deep scalp burns.据报告约有百分之三十的头皮深部烧烫伤会伤及颅骨。

13.The Experience of Using Big and Middle Thickness Skin Graft to Treat Ⅲ°Burns of Face颜面部Ⅲ度烧伤大张中厚皮片移植的体会

14.The plastic repair of facial-cervical postburn scars with expanded random pattern skin flap扩张后随意型皮瓣修复面颈部烧伤后瘢痕

15.Epidemiological analysis of 175 facial injuries175例头面部损伤的流行病学分析

16.Clinical analysis of hearing loss caused by head- face injury头面部外伤导致听力损失的临床分析

17.The retrospective study of clinic cases of cephal-prosops injury emergency case in plastic surgery美容外科处理头面部外伤回顾性研究

18.Pathological changes in 23 cases died of brainstem injury caused by palm and fist attack on head;23例头面部拳掌伤致脑干损伤致死病理学分析


faciocervical 2nd degree burn头面颈部烧伤

3)facial burn面部烧伤

1.Clinical analysis of the efficacy of MEBT/MEBO in treatingfacial burn;湿润暴露疗法治疗面部烧伤的临床分析

4)Face burn面部烧伤

1.Clinical experience and analysis of 50 cases of face burn treated with MEBT;湿润暴露疗法治疗面部烧伤50例分析和体会

5)faciocervical burn面颈部烧伤

1.Clinical observation on skin regenerative repair offaciocervical burn wounds;面颈部烧伤皮肤再生修复的临床观察

6)Scalp and facial injury头面部损伤


会阴部烧伤会阴部烧伤burn of perineal region儿童较多见。成人大面积烧伤也常有会阴部烧伤。会阴部皮肤皱褶多,毛囊、皮脂腺、汗腺丰富,易被大小便污染,以致烧伤后容易引起感染。感染的细菌以肠道菌属和厌氧菌为多。阴囊烧伤因皱褶处常有残存上皮细胞,故多能自愈。会阴部烧伤多采用非手术疗法,但深度烧伤应切痂植皮。植皮以网状皮较好,术后暴露或半暴露,3d内给予鸦片酊,避免大便污染手术区。
