100字范文 > 加和性 additivity英语短句 例句大全

加和性 additivity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-06 19:24:04


加和性 additivity英语短句 例句大全



1.The further results showed that malt PYF factors have a goodadditivity and promoted yeast flocculation.麦芽PYF因子加和性及其与酵母絮凝性能关系的进一步分析结果表明:PYF因子具有很好的加和性,对酵母絮凝起促进作用。

2.The research results showed that due to the moisture of lignite could be easily influenced by the environment and not have theadditivity during the lignite blending with the steam coal, therefore lignite would have obvious influenced to the blending coal quality (such as the moisture, grindabitity and others), but the ash, volatile matter,.研究结果表明,在进行褐煤动力配煤时,由于水分因易受环境影响而不具有加和性,所以对预测配煤性质(水分、可磨性等)的影响尤其明显,但灰分、挥发分、全硫和高位发热量在干燥基基准下表现出了较好的线性加和性。


1.additive nature of laws of Lambert-Bouguer and Beer朗伯-波格和比尔定律的加和性

2.The Symmetry, Transitivity and Additivity of Conjunctive AND;合取And的对称性、传递性和添加性

3.The Studies on the Processing, Microstructures and Properties of Thermoplastic Starch;热塑性淀粉塑料加工、结构和性能研究

4.On Enhancing Pertinence and Efficiency of Vocational Education;切实加强职业教育的针对性和实效性

5.Improvements on processing properties and impact properties of CPVCCPVC加工性能和冲击性能的改进

6.Oils and waxes are also often used with sizing agents to increase the softness and pliability of the yarns.在浆料中经常加入油脂和蜡质,目的是增加纱柔软性和柔韧性。

7.3)PDP could be used to dissociate the CP and AP of advertising( 3)PDP可以分离广告的控制性加工和自动化加工

8.D Punching Oil BS also contains anti corrosion & lubricity additives.壳牌冲孔油bs含有防腐蚀添加剂和油性添加剂.

9.Punching Oil BS also contains anti corrosion & lubricity additives.壳牌冲孔油bs含有防腐蚀添加剂和油性添加剂

10.Research on Mechanical Properties of Box Gird with Longitudinal Clapboard and Stiffening Rib箱梁加纵隔板和加劲肋后的力学性能研究

11.detergents-determination of anionic-active matter hydrolyzable and non-hydrolyzable under acid conditions洗涤剂-酸性条件下可加水解的稳定阴离子活性物-加水解性和非加水解性阴离子活性物测定

12.detergents -anionic-active matter hydrolyzable under alkaline conditions-determination of hydrolyzable and non-hydrolyzable anionic-active matter洗涤剂-碱性条件下可加水解的稳定阴离子活性物-加水解性和非加水解性阴离子活性物测定

13.Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Simultaneous and Successive Cognitive Processing Tasks;同时性加工和继时性加工任务的验证性因素分析

14.The Aim, Scientific Method and Adaptability of Junior English Teaching;加强初中英语教学的目的性、科学性和适应性

15.The Monotonicity, Dulity and Feller Property of Weighted Markov Branching Processes加权分支过程的单调性,对偶性和Feller性质

16.Study on Mutagenicity and Sub-acute Toxicity of the Extract from Blackcurrant黑加仑提取物的致突变性和亚急性毒性研究

17.Drag onto the page to add cardinality and attributes.拖到绘图页后,可以添加基数和属性。

18.exercise designed to extend the limbs and muscles to their full extent.一种旨在增加四肢和肌肉韧性的练习。


additive property加和性

1.Theadditive property of two groups mixtures were carefully discussed: Densities of two kinds of mixtures hadadditive property by simple graphical procedures and calculating.详细讨论了这两组混合物(喹琳和十氢萘按体积比1∶1混合,四氢萘和正庚烷按体积比2∶1混合)的密度加和性问题,由作图和计算均可得知这两组混合物密度具有很好的加和性。

2.Other more, VB value hasadditive property.试验结果表明 ,VB值大于 1即为水包油型乳化剂 ,VB值小于 1则为油包水型乳化剂 ,VB值具有加和

3.The viewpoint of coke thermal property(CRI/CSR) which coked by single coal possessesadditive property was put forward.结合配西加煤实验,提出了配煤所涉煤种对应的焦炭热性质(反应性/反应后强度)具有加和性的观点,在对方案中所涉及的变化煤种对应的焦炭热性质数据进行假定与修正的基础上,结合各方案中煤种比例,对各方案进行比较及计算得出了计算值与实验值一致的结果,从而证实煤种对应的焦炭热性质在配煤中具有加和性。

3)additive property加和型性能

1.The relationship between theadditive property of aliphatic alcohol and its molecular structure is studied with the graph theory, and a quantitative relation is proposed.本文用图论方法探讨了脂肪酸的加和型性能与其分子结构之间的关系,提出一个结构基础明确的定量关系。

2.The relationship between theadditive property of alkynes and its molecular structure was studied systematically in this paper For the first time, based on the characteristics of molecular structure by using the graph theory.根据分子结构的特点,首次用图论方法探讨了炔烃的加和型性能与其分子结构之间的关系。

4)linear weighted plus线性加权和

1.An example solved bylinear weighted plus is given.提出了解决建设项目投资方案比选问题的新思路,将其归结为多目标规划问题,分析了目前解决该问题的不足之处,建立了建设项目投资方案比选的多目标规划模型,并通过一具体实例用线性加权和法求得了该问题的有效解。

5)Linear addidvity加和性规律



