100字范文 > 组织工作 organization work英语短句 例句大全

组织工作 organization work英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-28 13:33:16


组织工作 organization work英语短句 例句大全

组织工作,organization work

1)organization work组织工作

1.Facing the open era,the open society,the open situation,how to enhance and improve theorganization work of the party is an important subject of the job construction.面对开放的时代、开放的社会和开放的形势 ,如何加强和改善党的组织工作 ,是新时期党的建设工作的一个重大课题。

2.The paper make it that the universitiesorganization work should advance with the times in high education.文章论述了高校组织工作应该与时俱进的必然性和具体的工作措施。

3.As an important part of party construction in college,how to implement the scientific outlook on development inorganization work to guide the specific work has become a consensus of present collegeorganization work to implement the scientific outlook on development.作为高校党建工作的重要组成部分,组织工作如何贯彻落实科学发展观,并以此指导具体工作实践,成为当前高校组工干部学习实践科学发展观的一个思想共识。


anization of the conference was rather slack.会议的组织工作很松散.

2.Joint UNIDO/FAO Working Group on Forest Industries工发组织/粮农组织林业联合工作组

3.Interdepartmental Working Group on Organizational Nomenclature部门间组织名称工作组

anizing and coordinating fund - raising efforts;组织和协调募款工作;

mission for Organization and Liaison Work组织和联络工作委员会

6.International Confederation of Temporary Work Organizations国际临时工作组织联盟

7.an organized group of workmen.有组织的一群工作人员。

8.NGO Population Task Force非政府组织人口工作队

anization for Cooperation in the Roller Bearings Industry滚珠轴承工业合作组织

10.the organized work of a religious missionary.传教士的有组织的工作。

11.Working Group on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization加强联合国组织的作用工作组

12.Working Group on Transportation [Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation]运输工作小组〔亚太区经济合作组织〕

13.Working Group on Fisheries [Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation]渔业工作小组〔亚太区经济合作组织〕

14.Working Group on Telecommunications [Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation]电讯工作小组〔亚太区经济合作组织〕

15.Transportation Working Group [Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation]运输业工作小组〔亚太区经济合作组织〕

16.Working Group on Tourism [Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation]旅游工作小组〔亚太区经济合作组织〕

17.Tourism Working Group [Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation]旅游业工作小组〔亚太区经济合作组织〕

18.Work tips: Libra is the cheerleader we need to work together and build a team.工作:天秤座是我们共同工作的组织者。



1.Collegeorganizations have come to many new situations and problems in the new century.高校组织工作在新世纪、新阶段出现了许多新情况和新问题,要发挥组织工作在高校发展中的组织保证作用,必须对这些新情况新问题予以分析。

3)organization development组织建设工作

1.Strengtheningorganization development from the weak link and point problem;从薄弱环节和重点问题入手抓好学会组织建设工作

4)cross-organizational workflow跨组织工作流

1.However, how to protect enterprises private business processes without affecting their ability to interact with other partners is an important issue incross-organizational workflow.跨组织工作流可以有效的利用不同企业的资源,提高企业的生产率,因而得到了越来越广泛的应用。

2.This paper analyzes the need ofcross-organizational workflow,especially aims at autonomy and heterogeneity of workflow applications,brings forward and implements a cross -organizational workflow management system.传统的工作流应用在一个单独的组织域内部取得了巨大的成功,但是跨组织工作流的成功应用却相对较少。

3.To which extent the internal business processes in each organization is critical to the management ofcross-organizational workflow.在此基础上,结合虚拟企业的组织形式及特点,构建了跨组织工作流的交互框架,详细分析了工作流交互集成的步骤及其顺序。

5)Interorganizational workflow组织间工作流

6)competency-based organization基于工作的组织


