100字范文 > 音乐意义 the meaning of music英语短句 例句大全

音乐意义 the meaning of music英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-04 23:23:09


音乐意义 the meaning of music英语短句 例句大全

音乐意义,the meaning of music

1)the meaning of music音乐意义


1.Intension Existence, Metaphysical Representation of Musical Meanings(Yixiang cunzai zuowei yinyue yiyi de xingershang xianxian);意向存在作为音乐意义的形而上显现

2.The Musical Meaning of the Music for Voice of Qu Pai in Tang Xianzu s "the Opera of Handan;汤显祖《邯郸记》曲牌唱腔音乐意义

3.Existence of Musical Meaning Explored-Review of Han Zhong-en s Musical Meanings:Its Metaphysical Appearance and the Possibilities of Intentional Being;追问音乐意义的存在——评韩锺恩《音乐意义的形而上显现并及意向存在的可能性研究》

4.The Music-interpreted Image and Depth of Meaning in the Course of Musical Aesthetics;音乐审美过程的音乐阐释形象及意义深度

5.Concept Establishment and Meaning of Globe Music and Sound Energy Music and the Like;地球音乐与声能音乐等概念的树立及其意义

6.Study on the Role of Music-archeology in the Research of Chinese Musical History音乐考古学在中国音乐史研究中的当下意义

7.Practical Significance of Music Aesthetics for the Practice of Music Performance论音乐美学对音乐表演实践的现实意义

8.An Exotic Flower of Western Music -The Polyphonic Music in Early Time in West and the Meaning to Music;西乐之奇葩——西方早期复调音乐及其对西方音乐的意义

9.Classical music has so much more depth and meaning .古典音乐深得多,有意义得多。

10.The Era Background and Significance of the Development of Community Music Education;社区音乐教育发展的时代背景和意义

11.The Music Describe in LaoCan Youji(Travel Notes) and Its Meaning;《老残游记》中的音乐描述及其意义

12.Aesthetic Characteristics and Aesthetic Significance of China s Pop Music;中国流行音乐的美学特质及审美意义

13.Understanding on the Significance of the Aesthetic Thought of "Poetics of Music" of Stravinsky;斯特拉文斯基《音乐诗学》的思想意义

14.The Significance and Strategy of Mongolian Music to Children s Development;蒙古族音乐对儿童发展的意义及策略

15.The Cultural and Academic Relevance of World Music Studies;世界音乐研究的学术价值和文化意义

16.On the Relationship between Music and Ethical Construction and its Significance;试论音乐与道德建设的关系及其意义

17.Exploration of Ji Kang s Music Ideology and Analysis of Its Aesthetic Meanings;嵇康音乐思想探源及其审美意义浅析

18.Briefly on Teaching Principle and Significance of MusicAppreciation in Primary Schools;浅谈小学音乐欣赏教学原则及其意义


the significance of music音乐的意义

3)music ideas音乐意念

1.The possibility of the application of hermeneutics in music psychology research is clarified through defining basic music context structure in terms of music psychology phenomenon,such as music emotion,music forms andmusic ideas,as well as the analysis is on interpretation restore(li.本文以“音乐作为人类一种有目的的活动”为基本前提,通过确立“音乐情感”、“音乐形态”以及“音乐意念”为音乐心理现象的基本语境结构,以对人类音乐活动中“解释学复原”(聆听、体验和感悟)和“解释学创意”(创意、表演、创作和反思)的剖析,来阐明解释学应用于音乐心理研究的可能性。

4)musical images音乐意境

1.It is argued that a poem contains two kinds of images: literary images,andmusical images.认为诗歌意境包含两个方面的内容:文学意境和音乐意境。

5)musical image音乐意象

1.The thesis expounds the concept and cause of inner musical audition, its relation withmusical image, as well as its function in musical activity.本文阐述了音乐内心听觉的概念和成因,及其与音乐意象的关系和在音乐活动中的作用。

6)music semantic音乐语义

1.The second chapter will introduce the semantic topic of music, from the content ofmusic semantic, and music expansion ofmusic semantic ,then to determine the form of the existence of semantic music and its characteristics gradually.本文将符号学中的语义概念引入到对音乐意义的阐释中,并试图构建了音乐语义的理论。


《论战斗唯物主义的意义》列宁向马克思主义哲学工作者提出战斗任务的文章。刊载于19 3月《在马克思主义旗帜下》杂志第 3期。中译文载人民出版社1957年出版的《列宁全集》第33卷。发表这篇文章时,正值苏维埃俄国实行新经济政策时期,国内外的资产阶级分子和反动势力企图复辟资本主义,思想领域斗争激烈,唯心主义猖獗,针对这种状况,文章为战斗唯物主义者规定了如下的任务:①共产党员哲学家必须和一切唯物主义者建立联明,共同斗争,反对唯心主义,发展唯物主义哲学;②必须进行彻底的无神论宣传,使广大劳动群众摆脱宗教迷信的束缚,为进行共产主义教育创造条件;③哲学家必须同自然科学家结成联盟,从哲学上总结自然科学的新成就,排除唯心主义的干扰;④在概括科学成就和社会实践经验的基础上探讨和发展唯物主义辩证法。文章还指出,要充分发扬18世纪唯物主义和无神论的优秀传统,特别要以马克思用唯物主义观点改造黑格尔辩证法为典范,用唯物辩证法来分析当代社会。这篇文章是无产阶级党性和科学性结合的典范,是发展马克思主义哲学的纲领性文献。
