100字范文 > 广西大众传媒 Guangxi mass media industry英语短句 例句大全

广西大众传媒 Guangxi mass media industry英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-06 14:49:34


广西大众传媒 Guangxi mass media industry英语短句 例句大全

广西大众传媒,Guangxi mass media industry

1)Guangxi mass media industry广西大众传媒


1.The Current Development Situation of Guangxi Industry of Mass Communication and Its Basic Measures广西大众传媒业发展现状及基本对策

2.A means of mass communication, such as newpapers, magazines, radio, or television.大众传媒大众传播手段,如报纸、杂志、广播或电视

3.The Changes of the Aim Groups of Advertising and the Media;从大众到小众:论广告传播受众与媒介变化

4.I write rock songs in Chinese and English, and trying to break into acting.目前在马来西亚林国荣学院念大众媒体,传系呢就是采访与广告。

5.Radio, television, newspapers and magazines are known as the mass media.广播、电视、报纸和杂志被称为大众传媒。

6.The wedding got massive media coverage.婚礼得到大众传播媒介的广泛报道。

7.A Case Study of the Mass Media Audience of Ningbo;塑造传媒形象 服务广大受众——由宁波市传媒受众之抽样调查想到的

8.Countermeasures for Efficient Utilization of Media in Advertising;有效利用大众媒体进行广告宣传的对策研究

9.A study on the media that influence the popularization of mass volleyball sport in China;大众传媒对我国群众性排球运动普及推广的影响

10.On Several Basic Problems of Tibetan Language Mass-Media in the 20th Century;关于20世纪西藏藏语大众传媒的若干基本问题

11.A comparative Study of the Origins of the Mass Media in China and the West;中西方大众传媒的源起与分野比较研究

12.Mass Media and Marriage - seeking Advertisement --The Analysis of Domestic Marriage - seeking Ads. Since 1980s;大众传媒与征婚广告——以80年代以来国内征婚广告为例

13.The other of course is to advertise; to take advantage of mass dissemination and let it spread the word for you.另一种当然就是做广告﹐利用大众传播媒介﹐让它替你做宣传。

14.Not only this, development of advertisement has profound influence on the mass media and entertainment.此外﹐广告业的发展对大众传播媒介﹐娱乐业有着举足经重的影响。

15.It was written in a succinct and impressive style which is easily promoted on mass media and tourist products.作品非常简洁,但寓意深刻,可以方便在大众传媒和旅游产品中推广。

16.The mass medium and reproduction of sex consciousness;大众传媒与性别意识的再生产——以央视某睡眠仪广告为例

17.Research on Interaction Relation between Townsman Participation in Sports and Mass Media;广州市市民参与体育和大众传媒互动关系的研究

18.On Status Quo of Social Responsibilities and Economic Benefits of Mass Media--Taking Radios and TVs of Xinjiang as an Example大众传媒社会责任与经济效益现状研究——以新疆地区广播电视为例


Mass media大众传媒

1.Media literacy education for university students under the background of mass media entertainment;大众传媒娱乐化背景下的大学生媒介素养教育

2.On the Relations between the Social Development of Southeastern Guangxi and Mass Media;桂东南农村发展与大众传媒的关系研究

3.How does the Mass Media become "the Fourth Power" of America?;大众传媒成为美国“第四权力”的原因

3)mass communication大众传媒

1.Study on Functions of Mass Communication in Sport Information Transmition;论大众传媒在体育信息传播活动中的作用

2.A Research on Women Images in Mass Communication;大众传媒中的女性形象问题研究

3.The reports on snow storms in Southern China early this year are taken as a case study to clarify the social responsibilities thatmass communication should assume and the social part that it should play.以南方雨雪灾害报道为例,对大众传媒在社会发展中应承担的社会责任和应扮演的社会角色进行探讨。

4)public media大众传媒

1.In modern context,public media brings great influences on contemporary literary writing,spreading and reading.现代语境下大众传媒极大地影响着当代文学的生产、传播和消费;文学出现传媒化、商业化、大众化的趋势,通过分析纸质媒介、电子媒介和当代文学的互动关系,阐明大众传媒对当代文学发展的影响。

2.School education andpublic media, by which the public acquire information of science and technology, play an important role in communicating the uncertainty of science and technology.学校教育和大众传媒作为公众获取科学知识和科技信息的两大重要渠道,在传播科学技术的不确定性上发挥着举足轻重的作用。

5)The mass media大众传媒

1.On the predicament and countermeasures to the college Chinese education in the mass media era;大众传媒时代大学语文教学的困境与对策

2.A good circular model of the mass media and rural development in Hubei province论大众传媒与湖北农村发展的良性循环模式

3.The mass media plays an important role in promoting rural social developing.大众传媒在当前农村发展中具有重要的促进作用,同时农村的发展变革成为大众传媒潜在的发展空间,政府作为社会层级的上层,对大众传媒及农村发展都具有重要影响,其作用也是不可忽视的,大众传媒、农村、政府三者之间的良性循环构成了一幅理想的农村传播模式图。


1.The popularmedia are not only means of propagation, but also a carrier of particular ideology and cultural values.大众传媒不仅仅是传播的工具、手段,它还是特定意识形态和文化价值观的载体。

2.This article explores and analyzes the character of consuming culture,the relationship between the culture and themedia and the marketing strategies.文章就后现代主义影响下的消费文化的特征、与大众传媒的关系及市场营销策略进行了分析探讨。


