100字范文 > 广告类别 classification of ads英语短句 例句大全

广告类别 classification of ads英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-06 20:07:59


广告类别 classification of ads英语短句 例句大全

广告类别,classification of ads

1)classification of ads广告类别


3)classified advertisement分类广告

1.Marketability operation strategy ofclassified advertisement of newspaper;报纸分类广告的市场化运作策略

2.In order to promote Chineseclassified advertisements of newspaper, we should cultivate advertisements idea of people, discover resource ofclassified advertisements fully, stick to the innovation of its layout and content, pursue the mechanism of advertisement agency actively, strengthen our service, fix our price flexibly, exercise varied management, and focus on developing the on- lin.报纸分类广告是我国报业经济的重要支撑点。


1.Classified Ads: Advertise a product, service or resume on this site. Advertise a banner or program.分类广告:为各类产品,服务,摘要登广告.登横幅广告或程序广告.

2.She glanced her eyes down the classified advertisements她浏览分类广告栏。

3.He glanced his eyes down the classified advertisements.他浏览分类广告栏。

4.If you read the classified ads more often,如果你常看分类广告,

5.A large number of people read Classified ads.有很多人阅读分类广告。

6.The advertising department operates much as does the editorial department. It gathers and assembles advertising copy. Advertising is divided into classified and display advertising.(5)广告部的运作很像编辑部,他们收集并编辑广告资料。广告也有分类广告与展示广告之分。

7.A Study of Guangzhou Daily s Variety Classified Advertisements Operation Strategy;《广州日报》大分类广告经营策略研究

8.I placed ads in the classified section in our local newspaper.(还在当地报纸的分类广告版面上登了广告。

9.a classified ad [advertisement]分类广告((分成求才、求职等项目))

10.I"m looking for the classified section. Have you seen it?我正在找分类广告栏,你见到了吗?

11.If you read them over a long period of time,如果你常看这些分类广告,

12.You can look over the classified ads in the newspaper.你可以查看报纸上的分类广告。

13.file storage, shops, auctions, classified ads and more.文件存储器,商店,拍卖,分类广告等。

14.Pored over the classified ads in search of a new job.仔细阅读分类广告栏以寻找新的工作

15.There are news, features,series, classified ads,有新闻,特写, 小说连载,分类广告,

16.the part of a phonebook that lists business products and services along with classified advertising.列出商品、服务和分类广告的电话簿。

17.Classified Ads are very convenient and informative.分类广告信息量大,而且非常方便。

ease And Shanhe Online Exploit The Classified Ad market Together网易携手山河在线 共拓分类广告市场



3)classified advertisement分类广告

1.Marketability operation strategy ofclassified advertisement of newspaper;报纸分类广告的市场化运作策略

2.In order to promote Chineseclassified advertisements of newspaper, we should cultivate advertisements idea of people, discover resource ofclassified advertisements fully, stick to the innovation of its layout and content, pursue the mechanism of advertisement agency actively, strengthen our service, fix our price flexibly, exercise varied management, and focus on developing the on- lin.报纸分类广告是我国报业经济的重要支撑点。

4)classified ads分类广告

1.Recently, Onlineclassified ads—kind of online ads attract more and more attention.如果说网络广告是近几年来广告传播业界中的“宠儿”,那么在线分类广告就是“宠儿中的新秀”,它被学术界和业界冠以“报纸媒体的灾难”、“web2。

5)advertising types广告类型

6)types of adverstising广告种类


