100字范文 > 学校疏离感 alienation from school英语短句 例句大全

学校疏离感 alienation from school英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-02 01:55:00


学校疏离感 alienation from school英语短句 例句大全

学校疏离感,alienation from school

1)alienation from school学校疏离感

1.Though much productive and fruitful study onalienation from school has been made in the west countries,few scholars in China have been engaged in this respect.学校疏离感在西方已经研究得比较深入,而国内对之探讨得还较少。

2.Alienation from school signifies the negative feelings such as powerlessness, isolation, meaninglessness, and normlessness because of alienated students\" relation to their teachers, classmates, learning, norms, and themselves.学校疏离感是指学生身处学校生活各种关系网络中,由于与老师、同学、学习活动、学校规范等的正常关系发生疏远,甚至被支配、控制,从而产生的无力感、孤立感、无意义感、无规范感等消极情感。


1.A Study on Middle-school Students Alienation from School and Its Correlation with Coping Styles;中学生学校疏离感及其与应对方式的相关研究

2.Research on the Relationship among Middle School Students" Alienation from School, Social Support and Self Consistency and Congruence中学生学校疏离感与社会支持、自我和谐的关系研究

3.A Study on Intervention of Music Therapy on Alienation of Middle School Students音乐疗法对中学生疏离感的干预研究

parison of Alienation Sense between Mainland and Hongkong College Students香港和内地大学生疏离感状况的比较

5.A Comparative Study on Alienation between Deaf College Students and Normal Students聋人大学生与健听大学生疏离感的对比研究

6.A Study of Minority Adolescent Students Alienation Sense from Southeast of Chong Qing;渝东南少数民族青少年学生疏离感的调查研究

7.The Internet Addiction of College Students and Its Relationship to Their Alienation;大学生网络成瘾及其与疏离感关系的研究

8.A Study of Development Features and Influencing Factors on Alienation of College Students;大学生疏离感发展特点及其影响因素的研究

9.Tibetan Undergraduates Ethnic Identity, Acculturation and Mental Alienation;藏族大学生的民族认同、文化适应与心理疏离感

10.Investigation of Alienation of College Students Living in Han Nationality District;西部汉区少数民族大学生疏离感状况研究

11.Construction of alienation scale in adolescent students and assessment of its theory;构建青少年学生疏离感量表及其理论验证(英文)

12.Impact of the Family Factors on College Students Depression and Alienation;家庭环境与大学生抑郁和疏离感的关系


14.From Alienation to Collaboration: The Transition of the Relationship between Student Affairs and Academic Affairs in American Colleges and Univerisities;从疏离到协作:美国高校学生事务与学术事务关系的转变

15.Sense of Cultural Alienation on Minority Students Living in Han Nationality District--The Theoretical Hypothesis and Questionnaire Designing;汉区少数民族学生文化疏离感的理论建构及量表编制

16.Dispersion and Regression--A Life Visual Angle on Modern School Education and Life-Long Education疏离与回归——从生活视角看现代学校教育和终身教育

17.making one feel out of place or alienated.使人感到不自在或被疏离的。

18.Researches on Culture Alienation of Ethnic Minorities in Han Nationality Communities汉族社区少数民族的文化疏离感研究



1.Investigation ofAlienation of College Students Living in Han Nationality District;西部汉区少数民族大学生疏离感状况研究

2.Relationship among the Family Functioning and Personality andAlienation of Adolescents;青少年疏离感与家庭功能、人格的关系研究

3.The study on relationship among alienation, subjective well-being and self-efficacy in “Three kinds of poor undergraduates”;“三困生”疏离感与主观幸福感、自我效能感的相关研究

3)sense of alienation疏离感

1.By analysing the functions of the symbolic writing technique used in Long Day s Journey into Night, this paper intends to explore the effect of skills employed by O Neill to expose the inner conflicts andsense of alienation of modem man, and analyse the play in terms of layers of information and expres-sion, thus showing it is a play of Three Unities.评述《漫漫长夜》一剧的写作特色,探讨作者用以揭示现代人的疏离感的写作手法,并从该剧的信息层和表达层两个层面入手,分析了该剧的人物刻画和主题思想,旨在说明《漫漫长夜》是一部感人至深的“三一剧”。

4)Poetics of Alienation疏离诗学

5)social alienation社会疏离感

6)inter-personal alienation人际疏离感


