100字范文 > 交集意义假说 Intersection Set Hypothesis of Meaning英语短句 例句大全

交集意义假说 Intersection Set Hypothesis of Meaning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-18 00:55:47


交集意义假说 Intersection Set Hypothesis of Meaning英语短句 例句大全

交集意义假说,Intersection Set Hypothesis of Meaning

1)Intersection Set Hypothesis of Meaning交集意义假说

2)Inexpressibility Hypothesis意义不可说假设

1.Stressing the existence of out-of-mind meaning and out-of-language meaning,the author proposed four hypotheses on meaning:An Architecture Hypothesis of Meaning,Inexpressibility Hypothesis,Innatism Hypothesis and Intersection Hypothesis.在第二章中论文紧紧围绕“意义建构假设”展开,第三章和第四章分别谈了“意义不可说假设”和“意义天生假说”。

3)Inanition Hypothesis意义天生假说

4)meaning in fictional communication小说交际的意义

5)the Graded Salience Hypothesis分级显性意义假说

1.The Interpretation ofthe Graded Salience Hypothesis to Cognitive Reference Point in Irony;谈分级显性意义假说对反语中的认知参照点的解释力


1.Graded Salience Hypothesis: A New Theory of Figurative Language Comprehension;分级显性意义假说——语义处理新理论

2.An Empirical Study about the Chinese Irony Comprehension from the Perspective of the Graded Salience Hypothesis;基于分级显性意义假说角度的汉语反语理解实证研究

3.The Interpretation of the Graded Salience Hypothesis to Cognitive Reference Point in Irony;谈分级显性意义假说对反语中的认知参照点的解释力

4.On the Significance of Authenticity in Language Testing:From the Perspective of the Compensation Hypothesis;从补缺假说看语言测试真实性的意义

5.On Einstein Light Quantum Hypothesis and its Revolutionary Significance;论爱因斯坦光量子假说及其革命性意义

6.Segregation Hypothesis of Finance and Entity Economy and its Policy Meaning;金融与实体经济“分离假说”及其政策意义

7.There are some ‘false positive’and MRI evidence for MTS is only meani ngful in the proper clinical context.MRI显示MTS存在‘假阳性’ ,只有与临床其他检查相结合才有意义。

8.The breathing out of true words gives knowledge of righteousness; but a false witness gives out deceit.说出真话的,显明公义。作假见证的,显出诡诈。

9.The Evolution of "Homo of Economicus" Hypothesis and Its Realistic Meaning;“经济人”假说的演变及其现实意义

10.Krashen s Acquisition∕Learning Hypothesis and Its Significance;Krashen的习得/学得假说及其意义

11.Grading the Conversational Implicatures--A Pragmatic Analysis of Listening Comprehension of CET- 4;会话含义显隐性分级——大学英语听力测试的语用分析

12.As pointed out by Deputy Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, the Speakers" Corner will be mainly symbolic.李显龙副总理曾指出,演说角落的意义主要是象征性的。

13.On the Semantics of the English Modals and Its Return to Monosemy;论英语情态助动词意义假说及其单义回归

14.He who speaks truth tells what is right, But a false witness, deceit.箴12:17说出真话的、显明公义.作假见证的、显出诡诈。

15.goal gradient hypothesis目标等级假说 目标等级假说

16.Differences of age and sex have no longer any distinctive social validity for the working class.对工人阶级来说,性别和年龄的差别再没有什么社会意义了。

17.Significance of Different Humanity Hypotheses on Management不同人性假设对提高管理绩效的意义

18.Language Markedness and the Unmarked Expressions of Implied Condition;语言标记性与假设意义的无标记表达


Inexpressibility Hypothesis意义不可说假设

1.Stressing the existence of out-of-mind meaning and out-of-language meaning,the author proposed four hypotheses on meaning:An Architecture Hypothesis of Meaning,Inexpressibility Hypothesis,Innatism Hypothesis and Intersection Hypothesis.在第二章中论文紧紧围绕“意义建构假设”展开,第三章和第四章分别谈了“意义不可说假设”和“意义天生假说”。

3)Inanition Hypothesis意义天生假说

4)meaning in fictional communication小说交际的意义

5)the Graded Salience Hypothesis分级显性意义假说

1.The Interpretation ofthe Graded Salience Hypothesis to Cognitive Reference Point in Irony;谈分级显性意义假说对反语中的认知参照点的解释力

6)Noticing Hypothesis注意假说

1.A Study of Understanding English Middle Construction in Light ofNoticing Hypothesis;注意假说理论框架下英语中动结构理解的研究

2.Hulstijn and Laufer\"s Involvement Load Hypothesis and Schmidt\"sNoticing Hypothesis are used to explain the reasons.用Laufer和Hu lstijn的"投入量假说"理论和Schm idt的注意假说作了解释说明。


