100字范文 > 政府信息资源公共获取 government information resources public access英语短句 例句大全

政府信息资源公共获取 government information resources public access英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-03 04:33:35


政府信息资源公共获取 government information resources public access英语短句 例句大全

政府信息资源公共获取,government information resources public access

1)government information resources public access政府信息资源公共获取


1.Situations and Strategies on the Public Access to Government Information Resources in China我国政府信息资源公共获取的现状分析与对策

2.The Experiences of Public Access to Government Information Resources in United States and Enlightenments for China美国政府信息资源公共获取的经验及其启示

3.The Public Access to Government Information Resources in China: Model,Evolvement and Tendency我国政府信息资源公共获取:模型及进展趋势

4.Public Access to Government Information Resources in China & Its Strategies我国政府信息资源公共获取的问题及策略建议

5.On Basic Concepts and Values Orientation of Public Access to Government Information Resources-Based on Two-Way Perspective Between the Government and Public政府信息资源公共获取的基本认知及价值取向——基于政府与公众的双向视角

6.Tool Value Orientation in Public Access to Government Information Resources政府信息资源公共获取的工具性价值取向——基于不同学科视角的分析

7.Orientation of Purpose Value in Public Access to Government Information Resources政府信息资源公共获取的目的性价值取向——基于不同学科视角的分析

8.A Study on Governmental Choices of Public Policy to Promote Information Public Access;推进信息资源公共获取的公共政策选择

parative Study of Policies of Public Access to Information Resources in European Countries and USA欧美信息资源公共获取政策的比较研究

10.Research on Barriers of Public Access to Information Resources in China;我国信息资源公共获取障碍问题研究

11.Socialized Pattern of Government Welfare Information Resources" Access and Utilization政府公益性信息资源获取与利用的社会化模式探讨

12.The establishment of governmental information resources and the law on publicizing governmental information;政府信息资源建设与政府信息公开法

13.On the Research of Governmental Information Resource Sharing Based on the Public Goods Theory;基于公共物品理论的政府信息资源共享研究

14.Public Library and the Exploitation of Government Information Resources公共图书馆与政府信息资源公益性开发

paring Government Information Resources Management with Public Information Resources Management;政府信息资源管理与公共信息资源管理比较分析

16.Sharing of Archival Information Resources in the Environment of Government Information Opening. --Thinking Based on the Conception of Open Access.政府信息公开环境下的档案信息资源共享——基于“开放存取”理念的思考

17.The Role Orientation of Government in Public Information Resources Management;政府在公共信息资源管理中的角色定位

18.Fee-based Service of Public Information Resource and Its Governmental Regulation公共信息资源的有偿服务及其政府规制


information resource open access信息资源公共获取

3)government information access政府信息获取

1.This study examines the relationship between the levels of e-government and the quality ofgovernment information access,pointing out that e-government principles are based on the assumption that government information should be accessed among all kinds of organizations.本文通过电子政务建设与政府信息获取关系的深入探讨,指出电子政务建设必须基于政府信息为所有个人或组织获取利用的前提。

4)government information resource sharing政府信息资源共享

5)government welfare information resources政府公益性信息资源

1.Based on this analyzing,it pointed out both the necessity and possibility of multiple entities participation on the developing course ofgovernment welfare information resources.通过对政府公益性信息资源概念属性的分析,比较政府公益性信息资源与政府行政性信息资源和政府商业性信息资源的差异主要体现在信息获取与利用的目的、性质、作用对象和功能上,即政府公益性信息资源具有公共福利性质,更加突出获取利用的服务性、社会福利性和普遍性,单纯的市场模式以及完全的行政手段不能有效满足社会信息需求。

6)Right of public access to information信息公共获取权


信息获取的收益模型信息的获取可以增加经济行为的收益.市场中的每个经济主体都希望其决策行为的效用最大化.为了使问题简化,设效用最大化的期望获利水平为,否则,期望获利水平将为零。假定没有获取信息之前,能够实现效用最大化的概率为 ,获取信息之后,能够实现效用最大化的概率是 ,显然>.又假设获取信息的成本为,那么,获取信息之前的期望收益为,获取信息之后的期望收益为,只要(5.3) 经济主体将愿意支付 来获取信息,这就是信息获取的收益模型。
