100字范文 > 海运 shipping英语短句 例句大全

海运 shipping英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-02 13:32:19


海运 shipping英语短句 例句大全



1.Studies on International Shipping Green Barrier;国际海运绿色壁垒问题研究

2.The safety of oil transportation plays an important role in the oil safety system,and the safety of import oilshipping is the most risky linkage in China s oil transportation chain.中国能源安全已提高到国家战略的高度,石油运输安全在石油安全体系中占重要地位,中国进口石油海运安全是中国的石油运输链条中风险最大的一个环节。

3.This article analyzes the trade and fleet aspects of the international LNGshipping market, then gives an outlook on the future market.分析了世界LNG海运市场运量和运力的情况,并对未来市场的发展进行了展望。


1.maritime administration海事管理局海运管理海运管理

2.International Marine and Shipping Conference国际海事与海运会议

3.Marine Insurance Act 19061906年海运保险法

4.Will the goods be sent by air or sea freight?货物是空运还是海运?

5.We can send it by air/sea freight.我们可以空运[海运].

6.river and marine transportation of China中国内河航运和海运

7.Usually, it is cheaper to have the goods sent by sea than by railway.通常,海运较陆运便宜。

8.International transportation service: sea, air, inland transportation, air & sea multi transportation, and transshipment at the 3rd country.国际运输服务:海运、空运、陆运、海空联运,以及第三国中转运输服务。

9.African Maritime Transport Association非洲海上运输协会(海运协会)

10.Latin American Commission for Maritime Transport拉丁美洲海洋运输委员会(拉美海运委)

11.You can freight your belongings by air or sea.你可把东西经空运或海运运去.

12.Global air, sea &land freight forwarding &NVOCC service.全球空运,海运,陆地运输以及无船承运服务。

13.Iranian Marine International Oil Company伊朗海运国际石油公司

14.Packing should Be suitaBle for sea voyage.包装要适合于海运。

15.Airmail or sea mail?用航空寄还是海运寄呢?

16.Transportation by sea, land, air, and mail海、陆、空、邮运输

17.Movement for the Liberation of Haiti海地解放运动(解运)

18.Mouvement pour la Liberation d"Haiti/Parti Revolutionnaire d"Haiti海地解放运动/海地革命党(解运/革命党)


Ocean shipping海运

1.Design of flexible tying up large quayside container crane for ocean shipping;大型岸边集装箱起重机海运柔性绑扎设计

2.Based on revenue management, the container slot allocation problem of ocean shipping industry is studied quantitatively under uncertain circumstances.基于收益管理的思想对不确定环境下海运集装箱的舱位分配问题进行了定量研究。

3.Since the open door policy,China s ocean shipping has made great advances,but the transport capability is relatively vulnerable in some vital economic areas.改革开放以来我国的海运取得了很大成就,但发展速度和结构仍落后于国家经济社会的快速发展,部分重点经济领域的运输保障能力比较脆弱,不利于国家经济社会安全,需要高度重视。

3)sea transportation海运

1.From economic point of view, facing up to the "surpassing pattern" of Chinesesea transportation, surpassing the advancedsea transportation is realized in surpassing human capital.文中以经济学为视角,正视我国"赶超型"海运发展特征,以人力资本的追赶为光导实现海运经济的追赶;根据海运经济发展的方向,使得海运经济发展与人才供求协调并进,人才需求与供给发展平衡。

2.After the World War Two , Japan took different tax measures such as special depreciation, tax reduction and special reserve in the need of the development of economy andsea transportation, which played an important role in Economizing the energy, lowering the shipping cost, rationalizing thesea transportation and promoting the whole competitions of the sea Transportation.战后,日本根据经济及海运业发展阶段性需求,采取了特别折旧、减税、所得特别扣除、缩短船舶耐用年限及特别准备金等多样化的税收措施,对增加企业的资金积累、节约能源、降低航运成本、促进海运业的合理化、提升海运业整体竞争都发挥了重要作用。

3.The Boxer Rebellion has an important influence on thesea transportation of tribute grain in the Late Qing Dynasty.首先,义和团运动爆发后,八国联军侵华,占领津京等地区,慈禧太后挟光绪帝出逃,导致漕粮海运中断,并转而将部分漕粮向山西、陕西运送。

4)sea transport海运

1.Capital supply deal andsea transport during the reign of Wuzong of Yuan Dynasty;“至大新政”与元武宗时期的海运


1.To reduce the risks brought about by the variation of exchange rate, this paper puts forward some countermeasures formaritime enterprises.本文就涉外海运企业经常面临的汇率变动带来的汇兑风险,提出了对策和措施;为提高汇兑效益,应增强汇兑风险意识,并防范汇兑风险损失。

6)marine transportation海运

1.Decision Model and Economic Analysis on the Oil Marine Transportation System Based on the Knowledge;我国原油进口是一项长期的国家战略,原油进口量逐年增长,原油进口的的海运需求相当大,所以需要科学合理的原油运输系统的论证、设计和建设。


