100字范文 > 社会服务体系 social service system英语短句 例句大全

社会服务体系 social service system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-22 17:15:48


社会服务体系 social service system英语短句 例句大全

社会服务体系,social service system

1)social service system社会服务体系

1.At the same time,the government must have to strengthen and to consummate thesocial service system construction,to provide the powerful safeguard for the rural enterprise colony to participate in the n.同时,政府必须要加强和完善社会服务体系建设,为乡镇企业集群参与新农村建设提供有力保障。

2.The key issue for the development in the industrialization of agriculture is the establishment and continuous improvement of a soundsocial service system which can effectively integrate various social resources, and thus promote the specialization, socialization and modernization o.而社会服务体系的建立与完善又是决定农业产业化发展的关键因素。


1.A Survey on the Establishment of Social Service System in the Industrialization of Agriculture;论农业产业化中社会服务体系的建立

2.Research of constructing social service system under new situation新形势下构建创业社会服务体系研究

3.rural socialized service system农业社会化服务体系

4.Professional Service of Social Work in the Social Welfare System;社会福利体系中的专业社会工作服务

5.Strengthening the Distance Educational Public Services System to Serve the Society服务社会,加强远程教育公共服务体系建设

6.We should establish and improve a commercialized rural service system.建立健全农业社会化服务体系。

7.The Research for the Socialized Service System of Meat Sheep Production of Hebei Province;河北省肉羊生产社会化服务体系研究

8.Innovation Research on the Farm Machinery Socialization Service System in Jiangsu;江苏省农机社会化服务体系创新研究

9.The Thinking about How to Develop the Socialized Agriculture Service;加快农业社会化服务体系建设的思考

10.Discussion on the Establishment and Development of the Agricultural Machinery Socialization Service System;农机社会化服务体系建设发展的探讨


12.Studies on Present Situation and Model of Agricultural Socialization Service System;农业社会化服务体系现状及模式研究

13.Reflections on the Establishment of a Perfect AgriculturalSocial Service System;建立健全农业社会化服务体系的思考

14.Construction of specialty groups of logistics物流连锁专业群服务社会体系的构建

15.Construction of socialist new village bodybuilding service system社会主义新农村健身服务体系的构建

16.Diversified Community Athletic Service System in the Well-off Society;小康社会中的多元化社区体育服务体系

17.On Medical Social Work in the Patterns of the Humanistic Service System in Hospitals论医院人文服务体系格局中的医务社会工作

18.Research on Managements and Social Service System of Physical Education Facility in University;高校体育设施社会化服务体系与管理研究


socialized service system社会化服务体系

1.The proposition to establishsocialized service system for medical instrument maintenance;建立医疗设备维修社会化服务体系的构想

2.Study on Agricultural Socialized Service System in the Process of Building New Socialist Countrysides;面向新农村建设的农业社会化服务体系

3.The construction of Agricultural machinerysocialized service system is the outcome of economic and social development, the demand of realizing the agriculture with high- quality, high- yield and high- profit, the requirement of building an all- round well- off society, and the important measure for promoting rural urbanization and increasing peasants income.农机社会化服务体系建设是经济社会发展的产物,是实现优质、高产、高效农业的需求,是全面实现小康社会的需要,是推动农村城镇化建设、增加农民收入的重要措施。

3)social service system社会化服务体系

1.The organization construction and technology structure of thesocial service system of traffic information;道路交通信息发布及社会化服务体系的探讨

2.The construction ofsocial service system is a fundamental guarantee for developing non-public forestry.社会化服务体系建设是发展非公有制林业的基本保障。

3.Inquire into 5 ways increasing farmers′ income: to raise scientific and technology content of agriculture products, to speed up shift of agriculture labor force in rural areas, to establish perfectsocial service system, to promote income increase by setting model household for many households, to adjust and perfect agriculture production structure so as to promote the increase of farmers′ income.探讨了农民增收的 5种途径 :提高农产品科技含量、加速农业劳动力转移、建立完善社会化服务体系、典型引路带动多户促增收 ,调整优化农业生产结构促农民增

4)socialization service system of forestry林业社会化服务体系

1.Thesocialization service system of forestry is not only the necessity to establish and complete service system of forestry in China but also the breach to innovate forest property system.建立和完善我国林业社会化服务体系是非公有制林业发展的必然要求,也是深化林权制度改革的突破口。

5)solialized service system of agriculture农业社会化服务体系

1.Study on the reform of share cooperative aboutsolialized service system of agriculture;农业社会化服务体系股份合作制改造研究

6)social service system for the old社会化养老服务体系


国外的农业社会化服务体系国外的农业社会化服务体系国外的农业社会化服务体系各国在商品化生产和专业分工日趋发展的情况下通过社会力量,对农业生产过程中的产前、产中和产后活动进行专业服务的体系。随着农业现代化和商品化的发展,农业的专业化逐步形成,农业生产资料的供应、农产品的加工和运销、饲料的生产、种子的繁殖等行业,逐步从农业经营中分离出来,形成专门的服务行业。农业的生产和经营越来越依赖于种子、化肥、农药、农业机械、燃料和农业贷款等商品性投入.越来越依赖于商品市场的需求、流通服务和信息,也越来越依赖于原料加工的增效和增值作用。在这种形势下,农业的社会化服务逐渐由少到多、由点到面地在一些农坐发达地区形成.并发展起来其主要形式有四种:①在农民基层组织和专业服务组织日益发展的基础上,经过自愿联合和专业调整,形成全国性农民联盟(或农协)式的社会经济实体.逐步开展生产、供销、加工、运输、贮存、金融以至生活等全方位服务如日本、瑞典。②农民自愿联合起来组织各种形式的专业合作社(如供销社、加工社、信用社等),主要从事产前、产后的社会化服务。如法国、德国③在社会分工日益细致的情况下.许多原来由农民匀己从事的农活.从备耕、田间管理、收获、贮运、销售和加工.大都由私人企业承担起来。如美国。忿农工商一体化的大型农业公河同附近的家庭农场签订合同,以供应生产生活资料、提供信贷、夕、事田间管理服务、粗加工和收购等方式,进行社会化服务。农业吐会化服务组织的出现.以其能促进产销、优质服务、费用合理、于续简便等特点.吸引附近农民参加.逐步形成一个专业化地区范围内优化组合的综合服务体系。这种过程,在欧、美、日本大体上经过了一个多世纪的时间。例如美国农业服务体系就业人员已达2 010万人,为农业劳力的5.2倍,也就是说每一个农业经营者就有5.2个专业人员为他服务。农业社会化服务体系的发展,使传统的全把式农民逐渐转变为经营农场主;促使千家万户农民联合起来,并把他们和社会上的工商界关系打通,逐步形成一定规模的商品生产基地;也有利于把小生产和大市场联系起来,推动农村社会经济的全面发展。
