100字范文 > 工程水力学 engineering hydraulics英语短句 例句大全

工程水力学 engineering hydraulics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-26 10:14:53


工程水力学 engineering hydraulics英语短句 例句大全

工程水力学,engineering hydraulics

1)engineering hydraulics工程水力学

1.Putting together the present related research results of hydraulics, analyzing the present research condition and development trend ofengineering hydraulics, waving hydraulics and open channel hydraulics, the research hot spots of current hydraulics science are as follows: erosion protection, dissolving the energy ,the form and stability of breakwater, etc.在总结 2 0 0 2年国家自然科学基金申请项目水力学分支申请材料的基础上 ,结合本分支相关研究成果 ,分析了工程水力学、水波水力学和明渠水力学三方面的研究现状及发展趋势 ,指出了防冲消能、防波堤形式及稳定性等研究是目前水力学科学的研究热

2.Trends in development ofengineering hydraulics in the 21th century are discussed in aspects of new theory, new technology and mathematical model.从新理论、新技术和数学模型三方面论述了 2 1世纪工程水力学的发展趋势。


1.The Hydraulics Computer Simulation of Shanxi Wanjiazhai Yellow River Diversion project;山西省万家寨引黄工程水力学仿真计算研究

2.The Visualization of Hydraulics Computer Simulation for Yellow River Diversion Project;引黄工程水力学仿真计算可视化系统研究

3.Chinese Society of Hydroelectric Engineering中国水力发电工程学会

4.On High Standard Construction of Engineering Mechanics Course for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Professions论化学化工类专业工程力学课程的高水平建设

5.Studifs on Main Engineering Mechanical Properties of the Stone Soil Cement埋石水泥土的主要工程力学特性研究

6.Ice Force Model Test of Water Diversion Projects and Numerical Simulation输水工程冰力学模型试验及数值模拟

7.Model study and prototype application of diversion outlet design for Three Gorges project三峡工程导流底孔水力学研究与运用

8.Study on Promotion of the Employment Ability of College Students Majored in Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Engineering;水利水电工程专业学生就业能力提升研究

9.Navigable hydraulics,hydraulic engineering techniques in engineering designs,engineering project evaluation and evaluation of key courses (engineering subjects).通航水力学、工程项目评估、工程设计中的水利工程技术,重点学科(工科类)评估。

10.Study on Technological Process and Kinetics in the Biological Nitrogen Removal of Slaughter-Process Wastewater;屠宰加工废水生物脱氮工艺过程及动力学研究

11.Study on Pressure Hydraulic Tunnel Seepage Field"s Mechanical Effect and Its Application水工有压引水隧洞渗流场的力学效应研究及工程应用

parison of Rock Static and Dynamic Characteristics in Xiaowan Hydropower Project工程岩体力学试验中的动静对比在小湾水电工程中的应用

13.Hydrological and Hydraulic Responses to Large-scale Water Projects in the Yangtze River Ecosystem;长江生态系统对大型水利工程的水文水力学响应研究

14.Hydrodynamic Numerical Model on Navigation Regulation Works in the Lower Reach of Dongjiang River;东江下游航道整治工程水动力数学模型

15.Classification and Mechanical Properties of Surrounding Rocks at Expansion Project of Yantan Hydropower Station岩滩水电站扩建工程围岩分级及其力学特性

16.Study on Hydraulic Transients of Long Distance Water Transfer Project;长距离输水工程水力过渡过程的研究

17.Construction Technique for RC Buffering Pond Cast in Water in Rainwater Drainage Project雨水排海工程水下混凝土消力池施工

18.Research on Cultivate Students Abilities to Employment and Starting Business of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Engineering Major;水利水电工程专业学生就业与创业能力培养的研究


hydropower engineering水力工程学

3)civil engineering hydraulics土木工程水力学

4)hydraulic engineering水力工程

5)engineering mechanics工程力学

1.The practice of exploratory course instruction mode inengineering mechanics;探究型课程教学模式在工程力学教学中的实践

2.Exploration into the PBL teaching system ofengineering mechanics;工程力学PBL教学体系初探

3.The study and practice of aengineering mechanics textbook;工程力学教材设计研讨与实践

6)projects for the people with same ability学力工程


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