100字范文 > 强度增长 strength increase英语短句 例句大全

强度增长 strength increase英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-31 20:12:59


强度增长 strength increase英语短句 例句大全

强度增长,strength increase

1)strength increase强度增长

1.Based on consolidation theory of one dimension and theory of effective consolidated stress solution aboutstrength increase of foundation, this paper gives a calculation way of consolidated degree which can reflect more loading realities and Calculation ways with effect of depth onstrength increase about strength and stability.根据一维固结理论和地基强度增长的有效固结应力法计算原理 ,给出了更能反映实际加载情况的固结度和考虑强度增长的深度效应的强度及稳定的计算方法 。

2.Thestrength increase due to ground consolidation by preloading is calculated mainly by two methods,i.排水固结法中固结引起的强度增长计算主要有有效固结压力法和曾国熙法。


1.The Research on the Growth of Entities Strength for Massive Concrete Structures大体积混凝土温升与强度增长的试验研究

2.Test Study on Concrete Strength Growing Rules in Winter at Cold Area寒冷地区冬季混凝土强度增长规律的试验研究

3.Strength increase law of pile around soil and calculation of single pile bearing capacity桩周土体强度增长规律及单桩承载力的计算

4.Meamwhile, the effect of reconsolidation index to the post cyclic shear strength increment is analyzed.同时,分析了循环荷载作用下再固结系数对粘土强度增长的影响。

5.A Study on Constitutive Model and Tests on Influence of Free Ferric Oxide on Increasing of Strengh of Granite Residual Red Soil;游离氧化铁对花岗岩残积红土强度增长的试验及本构模型研究

6.The investment growth slows down and the state owned growth is slower than the non-state owned investment and the investment growth reliance on state debt is obviously increased.投资增长缓慢,国有单位投资增长已慢于非国有单位投资,投资增长对国债的依赖程度明显增强。

7.Design should recognize that burner flame length shortens and intensity of radiation increases as pressure increases.设计时必须认识到当压力增加时火焰的长度缩短而辐射强度增加。

8.Continuous filament and ply yarns are inherently strong enough and usually do not require boosting of their strength.连续长丝纱和股线具有较高的强度,通常不必进一步增加强度。

9.Indicating an increase in the size, force, or intensity of the meaning of an adjacent word, as up does in eat up.强义的,增强词义的表明邻近词在长度、力量及意义强度上均有所增加的,如eatup中的up

10.Trade growth for the Mainland remains robust in the foreseeable quarters.内地的贸易增长在可预见的季度内仍然强劲。

11.Strengthening stadardized management of modern enterprise system to raise benefits;加强现代企业制度规范化管理推进效益增长

12.The Impact on Energy Intensity and Economic Growth Exerted by Energy Price: a CGE Approach;能源价格对能源强度和经济增长影响的CGE研究

13.Regional Economic Growth and Differences of Energy Intensity in China;中国地区经济增长与能源消费强度差异分析

14.The greater uniformity along the fiber length is largely responsible for the increase in strength.沿纤维长度方向较好的均匀度是强度增加的关键。

15.Growing Correlation Length Prior to Moderate Strong Earthquakes in the Boundaries along the Northeast Margin of Tibet Block青藏块体东北缘6次中强地震前地震相关长度增长现象

16.When 40% to 50% fly-ash used in it, the increasing strength of lean concrete by age is the largest.粉煤灰掺量为40%和50%时,贫混凝土的强度随龄期而增长的幅度最高;

17.increase in extent or intensity.在程度或强度上增加。

18.increase or decrease in intensity.增加或降低密度或强度。


shear strength increment强度增长

1.Study on theory ofshear strength increment of soil body by draining consolidation for improving soft clay;排水固结加固软基强度增长理论研究

3)intension rising rate强度增长率

1.Through representative lime-flysch gravel mechanics capability test and analysis,put forward 7days antipress intension and 7-180 daysintension rising rate and make them as lime-flysch gravel index.文章通过对具有代表性的二灰砂砾不同龄期的力学性能试验分析研究,提出了用7天强度和7-180天强度增长率作为二灰砂砾力学性能的评价指标。

4)Strong growth rate强增长速度

5)shear strength gain强度增长幅值

6)growing rule of strength强度增长规律


国税总局局长解读税收增长与GDP增长差距因素,中国税收收入达到30866亿元(不包括关税和农业税收),比上年增长20%,而GDP增长9.8%左右。国家税务总局局长谢旭人在1月17日举行的新闻发布会上分析指出,差距的原因有四个方面。 谢旭人指出,第一,两者的统计口径不同,税收是按照现价计算征收的,而现在公布的GDP增长率9.8%,是按照不变价或者叫可比价核算的。据有关部门预测,按照可比价统计的GDP增长是9.8%,如果考虑价格因素,GDP现价增幅预计在13%%26#8212;14%之间,与税收增幅的差距就大大缩小了。第二,GDP的结构与税收结构之间的差异。税收主要来源于第二产业和第三产业,如果GDP当中把第一产业的增加值去掉,二、三产业增加值要大大高于前面讲过的总的GDP现价的增长。特别是作为中国的最主要的税种%26#8212;%26#8212;增值税,大体要占全部税收收入的一半左右,增值税对应的税基就是工业商业的增加值。据有关统计资料的测算,去年前11个月,全国规模以上工业增加值按照可比价计算已经增了16.4%,如果考虑工业品出厂价格因素,折算为全国的工业现价增加值,应该是19%左右。相应的,去年国内增值税增长19.8%,基本同步。 谢旭人说,把前面三个数字连贯起来看就清楚了,总的GDP按照可比价计算增长9.8%,如果加上价格因素同口径比较就是增长13%%26#8212;14%,其中第二产业中的工业增加值现价增长约19%左右,而税收一半是来自于这块税基,工业增值税与工业增加值增长比较接近。营业税也是一个主体税种,各个品目的营业税增长对应与税源增长也是基本相协调的。还有去年企业所得税增长相对也比较快一点。第三,外贸进出口对经济增长的作用,与对税收增长的作用影响是不一样的。GDP核算是外贸进出口净值,也就是说进口是作减项的,出口是做增项的,所以进口数量越多,对于GDP减去的数字就越多。但是,进口在税收上,只要发生进口了,那就会有税收收入,而出口退税不从税收收入中扣除,是财政单独做退库处理。因此,对于总体的税收出口退税没有影响,这样一来,外贸进口增加了,进口环节的税收也增加了,这也是税收收入增长会快于GDP增长的一个因素。第四,征管因素的影响。去年进一步大力推进依法治税,加强税收征收管理,加大税务稽查的力度,进一步优化纳税服务,这也促进了税收收入的增长。
