100字范文 > 静脉药瘾者 Intravenous Drug Users英语短句 例句大全

静脉药瘾者 Intravenous Drug Users英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-04 15:53:40


静脉药瘾者 Intravenous Drug Users英语短句 例句大全

静脉药瘾者,Intravenous Drug Users

1)Intravenous Drug Users静脉药瘾者

1.Study on co-infection of HIV and HBV/HCV in intravenous drug users;静脉药瘾者HIV重叠HBV/HCV感染研究

2.Study on the T Lymphocyte Subpopulation and Viral Co-infection amongIntravenous Drug Users;静脉药瘾者T细胞亚群变化与多重病毒感染关系的研究

3.Study on blood-borne virus co-infection and T lymphocyte subset in intravenous drug users静脉药瘾者多病毒感染与T细胞亚群关系


1.Analysis on the Infection Rates of Blood Transmission Virus in Intravenous Drug Users;静脉药瘾者血源传播病毒感染情况的调查分析

2.Study on blood-borne virus co-infection and T lymphocyte subset in intravenous drug users静脉药瘾者多病毒感染与T细胞亚群关系

3.Study on the T Lymphocyte Subpopulation and Viral Co-infection among Intravenous Drug Users;静脉药瘾者T细胞亚群变化与多重病毒感染关系的研究

4.Clinical analysis of right-side infective endocarditis in intravenous drug users with HIV-positiveHIV抗体阳性静脉药瘾者右心感染性心内膜炎临床分析

5.(informal) an intravenous injection of a narcotic drug.向静脉里注射麻醉药或者毒品。

6.Conclusion Patients with female reproductive system tumor receiving venous chemotherapy can be prevented from phlebitis and drug exosmosis through venous nursing care.结论对妇科静脉化疗患者进行系统的静脉护理可以预防静脉炎和药物渗漏。

7.Analysis of the spermatic vein blood gas in patients with varicocele精索静脉曲张不育患者静脉血气分析

8.Pharmacokinetics of cefoselis injection after a single dose in Chinese healthy volunteers单剂量静脉滴注硫酸头孢噻利在中国健康志愿者的药代动力学

9.Study on the clinical effect of different intravenous administration in the treatment of tetanus不同静脉给药方法治疗破伤风患者的临床效果研究

10.Intraocular ciprofloxacin levels after intravenous injection in patients with endophthalmitis and perforating injury of eyeball静脉注射后环丙沙星在眼内炎及眼球穿通伤患者眼内的药物水平

11.Pharmacokinetics of single dose intravenous infusion of magnesium isoglycyrrhizinate in patients with chronic hepatic impairment慢性肝病患者单剂量静脉滴注异甘草酸镁药代动力学研究

12.Curative effect observation of magnesium sulfate with TDP treatment in elderly patients suffering medicinal phlebitis硫酸镁配合TDP治疗老年患者药物性静脉炎疗效观察

13.Diversity of Brain Function in Addicts with Depressive Disorders:Resting-state fMRI Study患抑郁症成瘾者静息态脑功能变化的初步探讨

14.Vertigo can be treated with medicine you take by mouth, through medicine placed on the skin( as a patch), or drugs given through an IV.一般的眩晕可以用口服药物、皮肤上贴膏药、者以静脉注射药物等方式来治疗。

15.Vertigo can be treated with medicine you take by mouth, through medicine placed on the skin (as a patch), or drugs given through an IV.一般的眩晕可以用口服药物、在皮肤上贴膏药、或者以静脉注射药物等方式来治疗。

16.A potentially habit - forming drug, C16H14N2O, used as a sedative and hypnotic.安眠酮有潜在的使人上瘾的功能的药,C16H14N2O,用作镇静和安眠药

17.dehydrate If the patient is dehydrated, intravenous fluids are given.脱水者应给静脉输液。

18.Puncture of a vein, as for drawing blood, intravenous feeding, or administration of medicine.静脉穿刺对静脉的穿刺,如为抽血、静脉给食或施用药物



1.Objective: In order to assess the infection condition of HBV?HCV?HGV?HSV and CMV in Intravenous Drug Users(IVDUs).目的:调查静脉药瘾者主要血源传播病毒HBV、HCV、HGV、CMV和HSV的感染率。

2.ObjectiveIn order to assess the infection condition of H BV,HCV,HGV,HSV and CMY in Intravenous Drug Users (IVDUs).目的调查静脉药瘾者主要血源传播病毒HBV、HCV、HGV、巨细胞病毒 (CMV)和单纯疱疹病毒 (HSV)的感染率。

3)intravenous drug user静脉毒瘾


5)intravenous drug abuser(IVDA)静脉注射药物滥用者

6)intravenous medication静脉用药

1.Particulates pollution ofintravenous medication and its protective countermeasures;静脉用药的微粒污染及防护措施

2.Research progress on reducing irresoluble particulate inintravenous medication;减少静脉用药中不溶性微粒的研究进展


