100字范文 > 生长时间光谱法 Time of growth spectrometer method英语短句 例句大全

生长时间光谱法 Time of growth spectrometer method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-27 00:07:21


生长时间光谱法 Time of growth spectrometer method英语短句 例句大全

生长时间光谱法,Time of growth spectrometer method

1)Time of growth spectrometer method生长时间光谱法


1.Time of Growth Spectrophotometer Method for Quantification of Escherichia Coli in Water生长时间光谱法测定水中大肠杆菌数

2.Optimized Extraction of Ring-down Time in Cavity Ring-down Spectroscopy光腔衰荡光谱法中衰荡时间的优化提取

3.time-resolved interference spectroscopy时间分辨干涉光谱学

4.nanosecond time-resolved spectrosecopy毫微秒时间分辨光谱学

5.picosecond time resolved spectroscopy皮秒时间分辨光谱学

6.Effects of long-term spectral deprivation on ultrastructure of photoreceptors in guinea pig长时间光谱剥夺对豚鼠光感受器细胞超微结构的影响

7.Observation of relaxation time for polarization clusters in BaTiO_3 near TC by photon correlation spectroscopy光子相关谱法测量BaTiO_3中极化团簇的弛豫时间

8.Studies on the Oxidation of LDL Induced by Cu~(2+) at Different Time by Spectroscopic Method光谱法研究Cu~(2+)诱导的不同时间的LDL体外氧化

9.Spectral Methods Based on Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions for Time-Dependent Problem求解时间相关问题的基于长球波函数的谱方法

10.Growth of ZnO Whiskers and TiO_2 Single Crystal with Floating Zone Method and Their Optic Spectra;ZnO晶须和TiO_2单晶的浮区法生长及其光谱研究

11.New Synthesis of 3C-SiC Film and Optical Characteristics Study on Silicon Substrate一种新型硅基3C-SiC的生长方法及光谱学表征

12.Method of Taking a Clear Spectrum and Measuring the Wavelength of Light with Prism Spectrometer;用棱镜摄谱仪拍摄清晰光谱测光谱波长的方法

13.Low Temperature Time-resolved FTIR Spectroelectrochemistry Technique and the Studies on Electron Transfer Mechanisms of Ferrocenyl Derivatives;低温时间分辨红外光谱电化学方法及二茂铁衍生物电子转移机理研究

14.Design of Time-resolved Spectroscopy System of Organic Light-emitting Device;有机发光器件时间分辨光谱系统设计

15.Study on Laser Crystal Growth and Spectra Properties of Nd: GGG;Nd:GGG激光晶体生长与光谱性能研究

16.Spectral and spatial character-based hyperspectral unmixing基于光谱和空间特性的高光谱解混方法

17.Simultaneous Determination of Sb and Bi in Roasted Molybdenum Oxide by Hydride Generation-Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry氢化物发生-原子荧光光谱法同时测定焙烧氧化钼中铋和锑

18.Simultaneous Determination on As and Bi in Ganoderma lucidum by Sequential Injection HydrideGeneration-Atom Fluorescence Spectrometry顺序注射氢化物发生-原子荧光光谱法同时测定灵芝中As和Bi


Time-dependent spectroscopy时间相关光谱法

3)time-resolved spectroscopy时间分辨光谱法

4)time depend on spectra时间光谱

5)time resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy(TRLFS)荧光时间衰减光谱法

1.The chemical species of Eu(Ⅲ) at γ-Al_2O_3 surface was also studied by using time resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy(TRLFS).0)对Eu(Ⅲ)在氧化铝上吸附行为的影响,用荧光时间衰减光谱法研究了Eu(Ⅲ)在氧化铝表面上的化学形态。

6)time-resolved fluorescence spectrometry时间分辨荧光光谱法


