100字范文 > 供需 Supply and demand英语短句 例句大全

供需 Supply and demand英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-24 06:04:02


供需 Supply and demand英语短句 例句大全

供需,Supply and demand

1)Supply and demand供需

1.An analysis and forecast on the supply and demand of newsprint, coated paper and coated white board;新闻纸、铜版纸及涂布白纸板的供需分析和预测

2.Current situation and forecast of supply and demand in the global polystyrene market;世界聚苯乙烯市场供需现状及预测

3.A study on risk analysis between supply and demandof regional water resources;区域水资源供需风险分析的应用研究


1.Restudy of "Supply/Demand Chain"in Terms of "Supply Chain" and "Demand Chain ;从“供应链”、“需求链”谈对“供需链”的再认识

2.Easy integration of resources of the supplier and consumer易整合供需双方的资源

3.Demand-supply of parking spaces停车空间的供需问题

4.Outgoing graduates meet recruiters face to face and choose as Both see fit供需见面,双向选择

5.Supply chain contract model with supplier and retailer effort effects带有供需双方促销努力的供需链合同问题研究

6.A Forecast and Analysis of China s Oil Demand & Supply Trend and Contradiction;中国石油供需趋势预测及供需矛盾分析

7.Game of Supply Chain Members under Two-period Correlated and Uncertain Demand两期不确定性需求下的供应链供需博弈

8.Enhancing power demand side management and relieving the contradiction of demand and supply for power;加强需求侧管理,缓解电力供需矛盾

9.Supply-demand and demand forecast of coal of Shanxi province山西省煤炭资源供需形势及需求预测

10.Supply and Demand Analysis on Performance Audit of Government--Based on Supply and Demand Equilibrium Vision of Public Goods;政府绩效审计供需均衡分析——基于公共产品供需均衡视角

11.Stackelberg Game in a Two-echelon Supply Chain under Buy-back Coordination Mechanism随机需求下两级供应链回购协调机制供需双方Stackelberg博弈分析

12.Analysis on Balance of Supplying and Requiring Water Resources in QingPu District Shanghai City Considering Zoology s Requirement of Water;考虑生态需水的青浦区水资源供需平衡分析

13.Game Analysis of Ordering Model for Batch Between Buyer and Supplier in Stochastic Demand随机需求下供需双方订货批量模型的博弈分析

14.The records furnished the information required.记录提供所需资料。

15.To lift the weight requires that energy be supplied to it.举起重物需要供给能量。

16.provided them with all things needful.向他们提供所有必需品。

17.Supply should rise to meet demand.增加供给以满足需求

18.Prices are governed by supply and demand.价格取决于供给兴需求。


supply & demand供需

1.On the Disclosure of the Supply & Demand of Accounting Information in China s Security Market;中国证券市场会计信息披露供需研究

2.The article introducessupply & demand status of domestic and foreign styrene, forecasts market development situation of domestic and foreign styrene and analyzes future price changes of domestic and foreign styrene.分析了国内外苯乙烯市场供需现状,预测了国内外苯乙烯的市场发展趋势及未来价格走势。

3.Main factors that will affectsupply & demand of China"s synthetic fiber materials are the development of macro-economy,international oil price an.今后影响我国合纤原料供需的因素主要是宏观经济发展、国际油价、出口环境等。


1.The overseassupply/demand status and developing trend of PET industrial yarn and PET tire cord fabric were analyzed.通过分析国外涤纶工业丝及其帘子布的供需现状和发展特点,探讨了我国涤纶工业丝及其帘子布市场供需趋势,并对我国涤纶工业丝及其帘子布的发展提出建议。

2.This paper analysis the status of benzenesupply/demand and consumption structure home and a broad.分析了世界市场纯苯的供需情况、市场消费情况,同时分析了中国纯苯价格及进出口情况。

3.Thesupply/demand and R&D of p-aramid fibers were briefly introduced.简介对位芳纶的供需和研发概况,着重叙述PPTA型芳纶、共聚型芳纶、俄罗斯芳纶等重要对位芳纶产品以及PBO纤维、M5纤维等相关高性能纤维的生产技术和主要性能,探讨了开发生产高性能纤维的通用技术;分析了对位芳纶应用的现状和技术;预测对位芳纶生产技术和应用技术的发展趋势。

4)Demand and supply供需

1.The Study on The Demand and Supply of The Port and Its Welfare;港口产业供需函数及福利效率分析

2.Based on analysis of development of home & abroad iron and steel industry and according to demand and supply of iron ore in the world,some suggestions are made for facing the new situation properly.介绍和分析了国内外钢铁生产的情况及世界各国 (地区 )铁矿石生产和供需的新态势 ,提出了应采取的措施。

3.Based on an investigation into the present status of demand and supply of special steels in the country and in the light of China"s development goal and the following needs in the 21st century, this paper has explored into the effects of China"s joining into WTO on the demand and supply of special steels in domestic market.在对国内特殊钢行业供需现状调查的基础上 ,根据我国进入 2 1世纪的发展目标及其客观要求 ,并结合国内外钢铁产业发展的趋势 ,探讨了中国加入 WTO后对国内特殊钢供需因素的影响及其预测问


1.Then by usingsupply-demand theory we analyse the cause of environmental problems from the view ofsupply-demand relations and social expenses.在简要论述了环境问题发展历程的基础上,阐述了环境的作用与环境问题的实质,并应用经济学的供需理论从供需关系和社会费用两方面对环境问题产生的原因进行了分析,最后提出了解决环境问题的经济措施,即对环境资源进行合理定价,实行有偿使用;明确环境的产权关系,建立健全的产权体系;进一步完善排污收费制度;健全国民经济核算体系。

2.Based on the complex relation of energy consumption in eastern China and energy output from western China,and the time delaying in energysupply-demand,a feedback regulation model with time delay in energy consumption system is established.根据东部能源消费和西部能源输出之间相互支持、相互制约的复杂关系以及能源供需的时滞性建立了东西联动能源消费系统的时滞反馈控制模型,利用动力学的稳定性理论对这个能源供需模型进行了分析,并给出了东西部能源供需稳定的条件。

3.This paper mostly contraposed the phenomena of software piracy in our country, utilizing the function ofsupply-demand, consumer utility,externality and some manage economics theory to analyse the cause of piracy and its inevitability,finally educed its influence for social welfare.本文主要针对目前我国软件盗版猖獗的现象,运用供需函数、消费者效用和外部性等管理经济学理论分析了盗版产生原因和存在的必然性,最后得出盗版现象对社会福利造成的影响。

6)supply and demand of lil gas油气供需


