100字范文 > 复配型 mixed英语短句 例句大全

复配型 mixed英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-03 16:10:30


复配型 mixed英语短句 例句大全



1.Design and election of themixed preservative foumulas in the meatmash product;肉糜制品中复配型防腐剂配方的设计及筛选


1.The Study on the Antifogging Performances of Compound Antifogging Agents;复配型防雾滴剂的防雾滴性能的研究

2.Study of Composition and Performance of Complex Inhibitors of Styrene;苯乙烯复配型阻聚剂的组成与性能研究

3.Preparation and Application of the Compound Powder Whipping Emulsifier;复配型粉末搅打起泡乳化剂的制备与应用研究

4.The synthesis of ethyl acetate with compound tungstophosphoric acid as catalysts;复配型钨磷酸催化合成乙酸乙酯的研究

5.Application of the compounded Aminoalkyl HF-1 in the post finishing复配型氨基硅油HF-1在后整理中的应用

6.Study on Stability of Formulated Sour Milk Drink with Mixed Stabilizers调配型酸性乳饮料稳定剂的复配研究

7.Select a configuration type based on the complexity of your network基于网络的复杂性选择一个配置类型

8.The Distribution Law of the Materials in the Compound Extruding of Cupplng-Cupping Bar(Ⅱ)杯—杆型复合挤压的材料分配规律(Ⅱ)

9.The Study of the Mutation of Mismatch Repair Gene hMSH2 and hMLH1 in Hepatitis B Patients;乙型肝炎中错配修复基因突变的研究

plexity Analysis and Mathematical Model of DNA-Based Self-Assembly;DNA自装配的复杂度分析及形式化模型

11.Products from the" enrichment-type" Biological original enzymes to" the use of" distribution of enzymes.产品从“浓缩型”生物原酶到“即用型”复配酶。

12.Studies on the Supramolecular Rare Earth Complexes with Novel Multipodal Ligands and Their Composite Luminescent Materials;新型多足配体稀土超分子配合物及其复合发光材料的研究

13.Study on New Efficient Compound De-Magnesium Collector of Difficult Separated Collophanite Ore;难选胶磷矿新型高效复配脱镁捕收剂的研究

14.Study on Order-oriented Complex Product Configuration Management Based on Case;基于实例的订单型复杂产品配置管理研究

15.Reinsurance for the Proportional Contract in Two-Dimentional Compound Poisson Model;二维复合Poisson风险模型的再保险分配比例问题

16.Research on Flow Feature Extraction and Complicated Contour Matching of Ect System;ECT流型特征提取及复杂轮廓匹配方法研究

17.Research on Exact Model and Complexity for Task Assignment Problem in Multi-core Environment多核环境任务分配问题复杂性及求解模型研究

18.Application of stabilizer blends in stirred yoghurt production复配稳定剂在搅拌型酸奶加工中的应用研究


composite viscosity reducers复配型降

3)New type of chemical mixture新型复配剂

4)compound tungstophosphoric acid复配型钨磷酸

1.The synthesis of ethyl acetate withcompound tungstophosphoric acid as catalysts;复配型钨磷酸催化合成乙酸乙酯的研究

5)new compound inhibitor新型复配缓蚀剂

6)composite emulsion breaker复配型破乳剂


