100字范文 > 农业供应链战略 Agricultural Supply Chain Strategy英语短句 例句大全

农业供应链战略 Agricultural Supply Chain Strategy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-31 20:02:32


农业供应链战略 Agricultural Supply Chain Strategy英语短句 例句大全

农业供应链战略,Agricultural Supply Chain Strategy

1)Agricultural Supply Chain Strategy农业供应链战略


1.Approach for Agricultural Supply Chain Strategies Based on Axiomatic Design基于公理化设计的农业供应链战略设计

2.Agricultural Hi-Tech and the Implementation of the Strategy of Agriculture Supply Chain;农业高新技术与涉农供应链基本战略的实现

3.Agriculture High and New Technology and Agricultural Supply Chain s Strategic Reengineering in the 21st Century;农业高新技术与21世纪涉农供应链的战略性再造

4.Virtual Organization: The Competition Strategy of Constructing Newspaper Supply Chain;虚拟组织:建构报业供应链竞争战略

5.Supplies on the Chain the Enterprise the Strategic Alliance Investigation into Stability;供应链上企业间战略联盟稳定性研究

6.To Study on the Logistics Strategy in the Fact of Supply Chain in Iron and Steel Enterprises;钢铁企业面向供应链的物流战略研究

7.Strategic-alliances:Before Starting Supply Chain Management;企业战略联盟:走在供应链管理之前

8.Development Strategies of Industrial Cluster Based on Global Supply Chain;基于全球供应链的产业集群发展战略

9.The Analysis of Industry Cluster Strategy Based on Supply Chain;基于供应链视角的产业集群战略分析

10.Strategic Thinking of the Application of Supply Chain Management in the China’s Construction Industry;建筑企业实施供应链管理的战略思考

11.Strategic Supply Chain--an Effective Competition Mode of Petrochemical Enterprises;石化企业的有效竞争模式——战略供应链

12.The Implementation of Supply Chain Management Strategy in Chinese Enterprises;中国企业实施供应链管理的战略研究

13.Strategic Thinking on the Implementation of Supply Chain Management in Chinese Enterprises;中国企业实施供应链管理的战略思考

14.Research on Coal-Electricity Enterprise Strategic Alliance and Supply Chain Management煤电企业战略联盟及供应链管理研究

15.Selecting of Tactic Cooperative Partner of Supply Chain for Construction Enterprise建筑企业供应链战略合作伙伴的选择

16.A Research on Strategic Supplier s Management of Manufacturing Enterprises Based on Supply Chain;基于供应链的制造型企业战略供应商管理研究

17.On Supplier-Retailer Strategic Partnerships in Industry Product Supply Chain;工业品供应链中的供应商—零售商战略伙伴关系

18.Research on Brand Strategy of agricultural supply chain management基于品牌战略的农产品供应链管理研究


SC strategy供应链战略

1.The paper discusses how to work out theSC strategy of garment enterprises and to implement the effective management, points out that the key of raising the SCM level is to deal with enterprise strategy,SC strategy, business mode and management mode of the enterprise and analyzes the successful road of ZARA.讨论了如何科学地制定服装企业的供应链战略和实施有效的管理,指出了正确处理好企业战略、供应链战略、企业业务模式和企业管理模式是提高供应链管理水平的核心。

3)strategic supply chain战略供应链

1.According to the representative shortages of China s construction market and the analysis of the market s characteristics,the conception of constructing thestrategic supply chain of the construction market based on customerization was proposed to accommodate its development.针对我国建筑市场现存的一些突出问题以及建筑市场自身特点,为适应建筑市场发展的要求,提出用定制营销理念构建建筑业战略供应链,从而将以企业为中心的市场营销转变为以客户为中心的定制营销。

2.Thestrategic supply chain, a quasi-market structure,places weight on "competition-based integration", distinguishing itself distinctly from the conventional supply chain of market transaction type and integrated supply chain of internal transaction type.战略供应链作为一种基于“竞合”理念、强调分工合作的准市场组织 ,有别于市场交易型的传统供应链及内部交易型的一体化供应链 ,追求企业间的战略协同 ,专注于核心竞争力的纵向整合 ,具有协同、快速、差异化的功能特征 ,已经成为企业竞争的新焦点。

4)supply chain strategy供应链战略

1.Considering the character of equipment supply chain, this paper designs the indicator of performance evaluation based on the key factors ofsupply chain strategy; According to the principle of neural network, this paper introduces a.从影响供应链战略目标的三个关键因素入手,结合装备供应链特点,建立了装备供应链绩效评估指标体系;依据神经网络原理,建立了用于装备供应链绩效评估的LMBP神经网络评估模型;并通过实例分析和仿真,结果表明,该评估模型合理、有效、可行。

2.In this paper, the focus will be mainly on the improvement that Company N made on Supply Chain Strategy and Supplier Manageme电信运营商的大规模集中采购,是通信设备行业供应链战略调整的直接推手,而笔者因为工作的关系,对业内多家公司的供应链改善工作有比较深刻的了解,在本文中,将以N公司为例,探讨通信设备行业供应链战略及供应商管理改善的实践方法及理论依据,希望能够对行业供应链管理水平提高有一点微薄的贡献。

3.The matching relation between competitive strategy andsupply chain strategy of the enterprises is discussed After analyzing the model of the high-level logistic supply chain partnership, this paper presents a supply chain partnership model of manufacturing enterprises based on competitive strategy and defines the relevant components.本文的研究从以下几个方面展开:本文首先对供应链伙伴关系的相关理论研究进行了回顾,探讨了企业竞争战略与供应链战略的匹配关系,并在高级后勤供应链伙伴关系模型的基础上提出了基于竞争战略的制造企业供应链伙伴关系模型,并对其相关要素进行界定。

5)agricultural supply chain农业供应链

1.Starting from the supply chain management, this paper analyzes on the accelerating function of theagricultural supply chain on the agricultur.从介绍供应链管理入手,分析了农业供应链对农业产业化的促进作用及应用措施。

2.To improve the forecasting ability ofagricultural supply chain,the method of support vector regression(SVR) can be applied to study the problem ofagricultural supply chain,based on the principle of structural risk minimization.为了提农业供应链预测的能力,应用基于结构风险最小化准则的标准支持向量回归机方法来研究供应链预测问题。

3.Firstly,the paper defines the concept ofagricultural supply chain and logistics outsourcing,and then on the basis of briefed theories about correlated logistics outsourcing,analyzes theagricultural supply chain and logistics outsourcing,expatiating the advantage and the risk of outsourcing and the cause about given ground by logistics outsourcing.本文首先界定农业供应链和物流外包的内在含义,然后在简述供应链物流外包相关基础理论的基础上,对农业供应链物流外包进行分析,具体阐述农业供应链物流外包的优势、外包的风险和物流外包失利的原因。

6)agriculture supply chain农业供应链

1.This paper analyses three dominant factors impacting the development of B2B E-commerce inagriculture supply chain,including industry structure,product complexity and high-touch nature of agriculture product transactions.本文分析了农业供应链中影响电子商务发展的三个决定性因素:产业结构、产品复杂性、农产品交易的高接触性,并在此基础上分别从产业结构、市场和产品专长、组织发展三个方面讨论了构建农业供应链电子商务解决方案的成功策略。


脂肪乳剂(中链及长链复合剂) (10%~20%中/长链脂肪乳剂)药物名称:脂肪乳剂(中链和长链复合物)英文名:Fat Emulsion for Injection(MCT/LCT)别名: 脂肪乳剂(中链及长链复合剂) (10%~20%中/长链脂肪乳剂) 外文名:FatEmulsion forInjection(MCT/LCT)药理作用及用途: 胃肠外给药,可补充人体热能,避免必需脂肪酸缺乏。具有易于氧化水解、氧化完全、生酮作用和对肝功能影响较少等特点。 适用于创伤以及肝功能不全病人。 用法及用量: 同长链脂肪乳剂。 不良反应: 基本同长链脂肪乳剂。 注意事项: 基本同长链脂肪乳剂。 规格: 注射乳剂 250ml, 500ml类别:肠内、肠外营养药
