100字范文 > 学生体育社团 sports societies英语短句 例句大全

学生体育社团 sports societies英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-07 23:56:46


学生体育社团 sports societies英语短句 例句大全

学生体育社团,sports societies

1)sports societies学生体育社团

1.On the function and interaction ofsports societies in colleges;高等院校学生体育社团的功能与互动

2.The organization and management ofsports societies in colleges is a piece of rigorous and painstaking work.高等院校学生体育社团的组织和管理是一项细致严谨的工作,对于学生体育社团自身的发展,对于高等院校整体的教育改革,组织管理的模式与方法有必要引起足够的重视和研究。


1.Study on Current Situation and the Development of University Sports Association of JiangSu Province;江苏高校学生体育社团发展现状研究

2.On the Features and Functions of the Student Sports Union in the Universities;高校学生体育社团的特征与功能探析

3.On the function and interaction of sports societies in colleges;高等院校学生体育社团的功能与互动

4.The Status Quo and Development of Student s Sports Corporation in Universities of Hunan;湖南高校学生体育社团的现状与发展

5.Exploration on the Interaction between the P.E. Curricular Courses and the Sports Community in College高校体育课程与学生体育社团互动方式的研究

6.On the Socialized Transition of College Students" Sports Associations and the Management高校学生体育社团社会化转型及管理研究

7.A Research into the Present Situation and Development of College Students Sporting Organization in Anhui Province;安徽省高等学校学生体育社团现状与发展研究

8.Status Quo and Countermeasure for the Development of Students Sports Associations in Songjiang University Town in Shanghai;上海松江大学城学生体育社团发展现状与对策

9.Study on the Present Situation and Development of Student Sport Communities in Anhui Normal University;安徽师范大学学生体育社团现状与发展研究

10.Reconstruction of University Sports Society on the Background of Network;互联网背景下高校学生体育社团模式的重构

11.Research on Current Situation and Development of Students Sports Associations of Normal Universities in North Henan;豫北高师学生体育社团现状与发展研究

12.The Nature,Structural Characteristics and Features of Students Sports Association in Regular Colleges and Universities;普通高校学生体育社团的性质、结构特征及特点

13.A Stduy on Development Status and Countermeasure of Student Sports Unites in the Universities of Fujian Province;福建省高校学生体育社团发展现状及对策研究

14.Research of Development Methods to Establish the Multiplicity of College Students P.E. Associations;构建高校学生体育社团多元化发展途径研究

15.A Study on the Present Conditions and Countermeasure of Sports Leagues for College Students;对大学生体育社团的发展现状及对策研究

16.College P.E. Societies and College Students Moral Awareness;学校体育社团与大学生道德意识培养

17.Present Condition of the Sports Community Organized by the Collage Students and Reform of Teaching Method of Physical Education;高校学生自发体育社团的现状与体育教学改革

18.Study on the Effect of Conception of P. E.-Learning of College Students in Sports Associations参与体育社团对大学生体育学习观的影响研究


college students P.E.associations高校学生体育社团

1.Using the methods of literature study,questionnaire,statistics,induction and deduction,the thesis probes from different perspectives into the multiple methods to establish college students P.在当今多元文化的教育活动中,高校学生体育社团以其特有的魅力,绽放多功能的教育理念,彰显体育社团的完美状态。

3)academic association of physical education体育学术性社团

4)Sports Academic Associations体育学术社团

1.On Development of ChineseSports Academic Associations;对我国体育学术社团发展的思考

5)sports associations体育社团

1.The Rising of Associations and Sports Associations;简论社团和体育社团的兴起

2.Effects and development of universitysports associations as cultural carriers;高校体育社团的文化载体效用及其发展

3.Operation system and development policies ofsports associations in high vocational colleges of modern times高职院校体育社团运行机制及发展对策研究

6)sports organization体育社团

1.Management and operation system ofsports organizations in cities in Henan province;河南省城市基层群众体育社团管理体制及运行机制的调查研究

2.The factors that affect the development of folksports organizations in China and countermeasures therein;影响中国民间体育社团发展的因素及对策

3.In order to investigate present studentsports organization of Huaihua University,some methods like literature data,questionnaire and interview are used.运用文献资料、问卷调查、访谈等方法,对怀化学院体育社团现状进行深入研究,结果显示:怀化学院学生体育社团5年来发展较快,在繁荣校园文化,丰富学生课余体育文化生活方面起到了积极的作用。


